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DN with Binary Property Type

Properties such as the Active Directory Schema wellKnownObjects attribute use the Object(DN-Binary) syntax type. For more information about the wellKnownObjects attribute or the Object(DN-Binary) syntax type, see the topic "Well-Known-Objects attribute" or "Object(DN-Binary)" in the MSDN Library at

If a property of this using the Object(DN-Binary) type is obtained with the Properties property, this data type is represented as a COM object that can be accessed with the IADsDNWithBinary interface. For more information about this interface, see the topic IADsDNWithBinary in the MSDN Library at If a property using the Object(DN-Binary) type is obtained from a ResultPropertyValueCollection, this data type is represented as a String object that contains the distinguished name and binary data in the format that is specified by the Object(DN-Binary) syntax.

The following examples show how to read a property that has a value that uses the DN with binary syntax.

Imports ActiveDs

Dim wkObjects As [Object] = usr.Properties("wellKnownObjects").Value
Dim wkObject As DNWithBinary
For Each wkObject In  CType(wkObjects, IEnumerable)
    Dim bytes As Byte() = CType(wkObject.BinaryValue, Byte())
    Dim b As Byte
    For Each b In  bytes
        Console.Write("{0:x2}", b)
    Next b
 Next wkObject
using ActiveDs;

Object wkObjects = ent.Properties["wellKnownObjects"].Value;
foreach(DNWithBinary wkObject in (IEnumerable) wkObjects)
    byte[] bytes= (byte[]) wkObject.BinaryValue;
    foreach(byte b in bytes)

The following examples show how to write a property value that uses the DN with binary syntax.

Imports ActiveDs

Dim dnBin As New ActiveDs.DNWithBinaryClass()
dnBin.DNString = usr.Properties("distinguishedName").Value.ToString()
dnBin.BinaryValue = usr.Guid.ToByteArray()
usr.Properties("singleDNWithBinary").Value = dnBin
using ActiveDs;

ActiveDs.DNWithBinary dnBin = new ActiveDs.DNWithBinaryClass();
dnBin.DNString = usr.Properties["distinguishedName"].Value.ToString();
dnBin.BinaryValue = usr.Guid.ToByteArray();
usr.Properties["singleDNWithBinary"].Value = dnBin;

See Also




Property Types

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