properties Element for authoring for WebDAV [IIS Settings Schema]
For more information about the properties element, see the following topic on the Microsoft Web site: WebDAV Properties <properties>.
Configures locking behavior properties for the WebDAV module.
Attributes and Elements
The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
Attribute |
Description |
allowAnonymousPropfind |
Optional Boolean attribute. true if anonymous WebDAV property requests are allowed; otherwise, false. Caution Most WebDAV verbs require authentication; however, anonymous WebDAV property requests may be allowed for backwards-compatibility for some WebDAV clients. Unless there is a specific requirement for your environment, anonymous WebDAV property requests should always be disabled because they introduce the chance of information disclosure for a Web site. For example, an anonymous WebDAV client can retrieve a list of files in your application. The default value is false. |
allowInfinitePropfindDepth |
Optional Boolean attribute. true if infinite-depth WebDAV property requests are allowed; otherwise, false. Note Allowing infinite-depth WebDAV property requests is strongly discouraged due to the amount of CPU time that may be required to fullfill an infinite-depth WebDAV property request. This could even lead to a denial of service for your application. Unless there is a specific requirement for your environment, infinite-depth WebDAV property requests should always be disabled. The default value is false. |
allowCustomProperties |
Optional Boolean attribute. true if custom WebDAV properties are allowed; otherwise, false. Note Custom WebDAV properties are also known as "dead" properties. Note If allowCustomProperties is set to true but no property stores are defined or there are no XML namespace to property store mappings, no custom properties can be stored. The default value is true. |
Child Elements
Element |
Description |
add |
Optional element. Adds a mapping for an XML namespace to a property provider. |
clear |
Optional element. Clears all the existing namespace mappings. |
remove |
Optional element. Removes a mapping from the list of XML namespaces to property providers. |
Parent Elements
Element |
Description |
configuration |
Specifies the root element in every configuration file that is used by IIS 7. |
system.webServer |
Specifies the top-level section group (in ApplicationHost.config) in which this element is defined. |
webdav |
Configures Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) for Internet Information Services (IIS) 7. |
For more information about the properties element, see the following topic on the Microsoft Web site: WebDAV Properties <properties>.
Element Information
Configuration locations |
ApplicationHost.config |
Requirements |
IIS 7 |
See Also
add Element for properties for authoring [IIS Settings Schema]