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Defines the enumeration values for cache operations.


typedef enum CACHE_OPERATION {  


Member name Description
CACHE_OPERATION_RETRIEVE Indicates that data is being retrieved from the cache.
CACHE_OPERATION_ADD Indicates that data is being added to the cache.
CACHE_OPERATION_DELETE Indicates that data is being deleted from the cache.
CACHE_OPERATION_FLUSH_PREFIX Indicates that all data entries whose keys have a given prefix are being removed from the cache.
CACHE_OPERATION_ENUM Indicates that the cache is being enumerated.


CGlobalModule derived classes registering for GL_CACHE_OPERATION events receive an ICacheProvider pointer as a parameter on the CGlobalModule::OnGlobalCacheOperationvirtual method. You can then retrieve a CACHE_OPERATION enumeration value by calling the ICacheProvider::GetCacheOperation method on the ICacheProvider pointer.

To determine which cache was affected by the cache operation, see the IHttpCacheKey::GetCacheName method.


The following code example demonstrates how to create a global module that listens for GL_CACHE_OPERATION and GL_CACHE_CLEANUP events and then writes the CACHE_OPERATION information to the Event Viewer.


IIS 7 generates a large number of events in the Event Viewer. To avoid a log overflow error in a production environment, you should generally avoid writing cache information to the event log. For demonstration purposes, this code example writes an entry to the Event Viewer in debug mode only.

#pragma warning( disable : 4290 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4530 )

#define _WINSOCKAPI_
#include <windows.h>
#include <sal.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <httptrace.h>
#include <httpserv.h>
#include <httpcach.h>

#include <string>
using namespace std;

// The CConvert class mirrors the Convert class that is 
// defined in the .NET Framework. It converts primitives 
// and other data types to wstring types.
class CConvert
    // The ToByteString converts a double-byte 
    // character string to a single-byte string.
    // str: the double-byte string to convert.
    // return: a single-byte string copied from str.
    static string ToByteString(const wstring& str)
        // Get the length of the 
        // double-byte string.
        size_t length = str.length();

        // Create a temporary char pointer.
        char* byteChar = new char[length+1];
        byteChar[0] = '\0';
        // Copy the double-byte character string
        // into the single-byte string.        
        size_t charsReturned = 0;
        wcstombs_s(&charsReturned, byteChar, 
                   length+1, str.c_str(), length+1);
        // Create a string to return.
        string retString = byteChar;
        // Delete the temporary string and
        // set that string to NULL.
        delete[] byteChar;
        byteChar = NULL;

        // Return the single-byte string.
        return retString;

// The CEventException class is 
// an exception that can be thrown 
// when writing an event fails.
class CEventException
    // Creates the CEventException class.
    // str: the wstring that could 
    // not be written to a log.
    CEventException(const wstring& str)
        : m_string(str)

    // Creates the destructor for 
    // the CEventException class.
    virtual ~CEventException()


    // Specify the wstring that could
    // not be written to an event viewer.
    wstring m_string;

// The CEventWriter class writes XML 
// documents and strings to the event log.
class CEventWriter
    // Creates the CEventWriter class.
    // name: the name of the 
    // event log to open.
    CEventWriter(const wstring& name)
        #ifdef UNICODE
        m_eventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, name.c_str());
        string multiName = CConvert::ToByteString(name);
        m_eventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, multiName.c_str());

    // Creates the destructor for the 
    // CEventWriter class. This destructor
    // closes the HANDLE to the event 
    // log if that HANDLE is open.
    virtual ~CEventWriter()
        // If the HANDLE to the event 
        // log is open, close it.
        if (NULL != m_eventLog)
            // Deregister the event log HANDLE.
            // Set the HANDLE to NULL.
            m_eventLog = NULL;

    // The ReportInfo method writes 
    // a wstring to the event log.
    // info: the wstring to write.
    // return: true if the event log is written.
    BOOL ReportInfo(const wstring& info)
        return ReportEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, info);
    // The ReportEvent method accepts an event type
    // and a wstring, and attempts to write that 
    // event to the event log.
    // type: the type of the event.
    // data: the wstring to write to the event log.
    // return: true if the event log is written;
    // otherwise, false.
    BOOL ReportEvent(WORD type, const wstring& data)
        // If the m_eventLog HANDLE 
        // is NULL, return false.
        if (NULL == m_eventLog)
            return FALSE;

        #ifndef _DEBUG
        // If the current build is not debug,
        // return so the event log is not written.
        return TRUE;

        #ifdef UNICODE
        // The unicode version of the ReportEvent
        // method requires double-byte strings.
        PCWSTR arr[1];
        arr[0] = data.c_str();
        return ::ReportEvent(m_eventLog,
                             0, 0, NULL, 1, 
                             0, arr, (void*)arr);
        // The non-unicode version of the ReportEvent
        // method requires single-byte strings.
        string multiByte = 
        LPCSTR arr[1];
        arr[0] = multiByte.c_str();
        return ::ReportEvent(m_eventLog,
                             0, 0, NULL, 1,
                             0, arr, (void*)arr);
    // Specify the HANDLE to the 
    // event log for writing.
    HANDLE m_eventLog;

// The CGlobalCacheModule class creates the CGlobalModule 
// class and registers for GL_CACHE_OPERATION and 
class CGlobalCacheModule : public CGlobalModule
    // Creates the destructor for the 
    // CGlobalCacheModule class.
    virtual ~CGlobalCacheModule()


    // The RegisterGlobalModule method creates and registers 
    // a new CGlobalCacheModule for GL_CACHE_OPERATION and 
    // GL_CACHE_CLEANUP events.
    // dwServerVersion: the current server version.
    // pModuleInfo: the current IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo pointer.
    // pGlobalInfo: the current IHttpServer pointer.
    // return: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if the heap is out of 
    // memory; otherwise, the value from the call to the 
    // SetGlobalNotifications method on the pModuleInfo pointer.
    static HRESULT RegisterGlobalModule
        DWORD dwServerVersion,
        IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo* pModuleInfo,
        IHttpServer* pGlobalInfo
        // The pGlobalInfo parmeter must be non-NULL because
        // the constructor for the CGlobalCacheModule class
        // requires a non-NULL pointer to a valid IHttpServer 
        // pointer.
        if (NULL == pGlobalInfo)
            return E_INVALIDARG;

        // Create a new CGlobalCacheModule pointer.
        CGlobalCacheModule* traceModule = 
            new CGlobalCacheModule();

        // Return an out-of-memory error if the traceModule 
        // is NULL after the call to the new operator.
        if (NULL == traceModule)

        // Attempt to set global notification for both 
        // by using the traceModule as a listener.
        HRESULT hr = pModuleInfo->SetGlobalNotifications
            (traceModule, GL_CACHE_OPERATION | GL_CACHE_CLEANUP);

        // If the SetGlobalNotifications method 
        // fails, return the HRESULT.
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return hr;

        // Set the priority to PRIORITY_ALIAS_FIRST, 
        // which will populate the data as much as possible.
        hr = pModuleInfo->SetPriorityForGlobalNotification(

        // Return the HRESULT from the call to 
        // the SetGlobalNotifications method.
        return hr;

    // The OnGlobalCacheOperation method is called 
    // when GL_CACHE_OPERATION operations occur.
    // pProvider: the current ICacheProvider pointer.
    // return: GL_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE if the event
    // log is written; otherwise, GL_NOTIFICATION_HANDLED.
    virtual GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION_STATUS OnGlobalCacheOperation
        IN ICacheProvider* pProvider
        // The OnGlobalCacheOperation must return if the 
        // pProvider parameter is NULL because this pointer 
        // is needed for data to write to the event log.
        if (NULL == pProvider)
            return GL_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE;

            // Get the CACHE_OPERATION 
            // from the provider pointer.        
            CACHE_OPERATION cacheOperation =

            // Write the cacheOperation 
            // to the event log.
        // A CEventException is thrown 
        // if any Write method cannot 
        // write to the event log.
        catch (CEventException)
            return GL_NOTIFICATION_HANDLED;

        // Return GL_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE so that 
        // other listeners will receive the event.

    // The OnGlobalCacheCleanup method is called 
    // when GL_CACHE_CLEANUP events occur.
    virtual GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION_STATUS OnGlobalCacheCleanup(VOID)
        // Return GL_NOTIFICATION_CONTINUE so that 
        // other listeners will receive this event.

    // PRE: none.
    // POST: the Terminate method calls delete on 
    // this, which releases the memory for the current 
    // CGlobalCacheModule pointer on the heap.
    virtual VOID Terminate(VOID)
        delete this;
    // Creates the constructor for 
    // the CGlobalCacheModule class.
    // The constructor initializes the 
    // private m_eventWriter to write 
    // to the IISADMIN event log.
    CGlobalCacheModule() : m_eventWriter(L"IISADMIN")


    // The ReportInfo method writes the 
    // formatted name and value of a method 
    // call to the event log.
    // name: the name of the method or property.
    // value: the value of the 
    // method or the property.
    // throws: a CEventException exception.
    void ReportInfo
        const wstring& name,
        const wstring& value
    ) throw (CEventException)
        // Create a formatted string to
        // write to the event log.
        wstring infoString =
            name + wstring(L":  ") + value;
        // Attempt to write the formatted 
        // string to the event log. If the 
        // ReportInfo method call fails,
        // throw a CEventException exception.
        if (!m_eventWriter.ReportInfo(infoString))
            throw CEventException(infoString);

    // The Write method writes CACHE_OPERATION
    // information to the event log.
    // cacheOperation: the CACHE_OPERATION 
    // data to write.
    // throws: a CEventException exception.
    void Write
        CACHE_OPERATION cacheOperation    
    ) throw (CEventException)
        // Declare a wstring to set as a 
        // value of the cacheOperation.
        wstring cacheOperationString;
        // Convert the value of the cacheOperation 
        // parameter to a string and assign this string 
        // to the text on the cacheOperationAttribute.
        switch (cacheOperation)
                cacheOperationString = 

            case CACHE_OPERATION_ADD :
                cacheOperationString = 
            case CACHE_OPERATION_DELETE :
                cacheOperationString = 
                cacheOperationString = 
            case CACHE_OPERATION_ENUM:
                cacheOperationString = 
                cacheOperationString = 
        // Write the cache operation
        // information to the event log.
    // Specify the event writer.
    CEventWriter m_eventWriter;

// The RegisterModule method is the 
// main entry point for the DLL.
// dwServerVersion: the current server version.
// pModuleInfo: the current 
// IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo pointer.
// pGlobalInfo: the current IHttpServer pointer.
// return: the value returned by calling the
// CGlobalCacheModule::RegisterGlobalModule
// method.
    DWORD dwServerVersion,
    IHttpModuleRegistrationInfo* pModuleInfo,
    IHttpServer* pGlobalInfo
    // Call the static method for initialization.
    return CGlobalCacheModule::RegisterGlobalModule            

For more information on how to create and deploy a native DLL module, see Walkthrough: Creating a Request-Level HTTP Module By Using Native Code .

The above code writes a new event to the Event Viewer, where the Data node holds a string similar to the following.


You can optionally compile the code by using the stdcall (/Gz) calling convention instead of explicitly declaring the calling convention for each function.


Type Description
Client - IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 on Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 on Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 on Windows 10
Server - IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 on Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview
Product - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
- IIS Express 7.5, IIS Express 8.0, IIS Express 10.0
Header Httpserv.h

See Also

IHttpServer::DoCacheOperation Method
ICacheProvider::GetCacheOperation Method
CGlobalModule::OnGlobalCacheOperation Method