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Native-Code Development Overview


IIS 7 and IIS 8 enable native-code developers to extend the Web server in a variety of new and powerful ways. For example, with the request-processing of IIS, native-code developers can create HTTP modules by using a rich set of APIs and a class-based configuration and notification infrastructure. With previous versions of IIS, such as IIS 6.0, developers could create HTTP modules by using only managed-code, and HTTP modules would process only ASP.NET requests. With IIS 7 and IIS 8, developers can now create HTTP modules by using C++, and these modules can process all Web requests, not just ASP.NET requests.

In This Section

Creating Hosted Web Core Applications
Describes how to create applications that use the new Hosted Web Core.

Creating Native-Code HTTP Modules
Describes how to create HTTP modules by using the new native-code extensibility features.

See Also

Web Server Development Reference
Native-Code API Reference