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WDF HID Minidriver IOCTLs

This section describes HID IOCTLs that your driver may support. It applies to Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF), as well as User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) versions 1.11 and 2.x. For information about writing a KMDF or UMDF HID minidriver, see Creating WDF-based HID Minidrivers. For information about how to access input and output buffers starting in UMDF version 2.0, see Accessing Data Buffers in WDF Drivers.

In this section

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The IOCTL_HID_ACTIVATE_DEVICE control code activates a HIDClass device, which makes it ready for I/O operations.


The IOCTL_HID_DEACTIVATE_DEVICE control code deactivates a HIDClass device, which causes it to stop operations and terminate all outstanding I/O requests.


The IOCTL_HID_GET_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES control code obtains the attributes for a HIDClass device in a HID_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES structure.


The IOCTL_HID_GET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR control code obtains the HID descriptor for a HIDClass device.


The IOCTL_HID_GET_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR obtains the report descriptor for a HIDClass device.


The IOCTL_HID_GET_STRING control code obtains a manufacturer ID, product ID, or serial number for a top-level collection.


The IOCTL_HID_READ_REPORT control code transfers an input report from a HIDClass device to the HID class driver's buffer.


The IOCTL_HID_WRITE_REPORT control code sends a HID report to a HIDClass device.


The IOCTL_UMDF_GET_PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTOR control code obtains the physical descriptor of a HIDClass device.


The IOCTL_UMDF_HID_GET_FEATURE control code obtains a feature report from a HIDClass device.


The IOCTL_UMDF_HID_GET_INPUT_REPORT control code returns an input report from a HIDClass device.


The IOCTL_UMDF_HID_GET_FEATURE control code sends a feature report to a HIDClass device.


The IOCTL_UMDF_HID_SET_OUTPUT_REPORT control code sends an output report to a top-level collection.




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