OpenViews Property
Determines the type of views associated with a form set, form, or report's data environment that are opened automatically. Available at design time; read-only at run time.
DataEnvironment.OpenViews[ = nExpression]
Return Value
The settings for the OpenViews property are:Setting
(Default) Local and Remote. Both local and remote views for the data environment for the form set, form, or report are opened automatically.
Local only. Only local views for the data environment for the form set, form, or report are opened automatically.
Remote only. Only remote views for the data environment of the form set, form, or report are opened automatically.
None. No views are opened for the data environment of the form set, form, or report.
Applies To: DataEnvironment
The OpenViews property applies when the AutoOpenTables property is set to true (.T.) or the OpenTables method is executed.