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Exportuml.exe Command Line Reference

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You can export UML models from the SQL Server Modeling Services database as .xmi files. You can process XML files with UML 2.1 compliant tools, which include numerous third-party diagramming tools. Exportuml.exe can only be executed from a command prompt. Export operates on a single folder and creates a set of .xmi files that are equivalent to those originally loaded. The files exported are semantically equivalent to those originally loaded but are not identical (for example, the sequence of items may be different).

Command Line Usage

The following example exports the DinnerNowDesign UML model from the Modeling Services database. For more information, see How to: Export UML Data as an .xmi File.

ExportUml.exe /tf:DinnerNowDesign /d:Repository /o:c:\OsloSamples\UML\XMI
Parameter Description

/targetFolder: targetfolder

Fully qualified path to the Modeling Services folder. (Short form: /tf)


Overwrite the .xmi output file if it already exists. (Short form: /f)

/outputFolder: string

Folder to output files to. (Short form: /o)

/database: string

Name of the SQL Server Modeling Services database (Default = {0}) (Default: Repository). (Short form: /d)

/loginTimeout: seconds

The timeout value in seconds for login. (Default: 15) (Short form: /lt)

/password: string

The password for the connection. This is required if /trustedConnection:None is specified. (Short form: /p)

/server: server

The server to connect to (Default: .). (Short form: /s)


Establish a connection with no authentication. (Short form: /tc:None)


Establish a connection by using integrated authentication. (Short form: /tc:Integrated)


Establish a connection by using SSPI authentication. (Short form: /tc:SSPI)

/user: username

The user name for the connection. This is required if /trustedConnection:None is specified. (Short form: /u)


Redirect the connection from the default SQL Server instance to a runtime-initiated instance running under the account of the caller (Applies only to SQL Server Express editions). (Short form: /ui)


Display this usage message. (Short form: /help, /h, /?)


Suppress program logo.

@ filename

Read filename for more parameters.


The UML Domain model does not support UML diagram information, so Exportuml.exeexports UML model data only. To open an exported model in a UML diagramming tool, you will typically need to import the .xmi file explicitly into the tool. To visualize the information by using UML diagrams, you must manually create the appropriate diagrams. See the UML tool documentation for more information.

Exportuml.exe creates .xmi files that contain UML content that is formatted as described in the OMG UML 2.1.1 specification. UML tools that only support earlier versions of UML or XMI will not be able to open files created by Exportuml.exe. Some UML tools use and require proprietary extensions within the XMI files that they import and export to support certain features. Exportuml.exe will not export (and Loaduml.exe will not load) these non-standard extensions. Any features in UML tools that rely on proprietary extensions may not function correctly. Any problems encountered interoperating with third-party tools that can be traced to their use of earlier UML versions, non-standard XMI, or proprietary extensions will not be considered a fault with the UML Domain.