"M" Language Reference
[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]
This section presents the identifiers, keywords, types, literals and functions provided by Microsoft code name “M”.
For more information, see our videos at MSDN.
In This Section
- "M" Keywords ("M" Reference)
Describes the keywords that are supported in “M”.
- "M" Types Overview ("M" Reference)
Describes the basic types that are provided by “M”.
- "M" Operators ("M" Reference)
Describes the literals that are supported in “M”.
- "M" Literals ("M" Reference)
Describes the literals that are supported in “M”.
- "M" Functions ("M" Reference)
Describes the functions that are provided by “M”.
- Comments ("M" Reference)
Describes how to insert comments in “M”.