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Global References (M to SQL Mapping)

[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]

Microsoft code name “M”->SQL translates computed values and extents into functions, views, and tables. Expressions are capable of referencing them as well. When an extent is used as an expression, the expression always means "get all the data out of this expression."

Type “M” Example SQL Example


module M {
    type Var {
        i : Integer32;
        j : Integer32;
    Vars : Var*;
    VarExpression() : Var* { Vars }
create table [M].[Vars]
  [i] int not null,
  [j] int not null
create view [M].[VarExpression]
  select [i] as [i], [j] as [j]from [M].[Vars];

module M {
    type Var {
        i : Integer32;
        j : Integer32;
    Vars : Var*;
    VarView() : Var* { Vars }
    VarExpression() : Var* { VarView }
create table [M].[Vars]
  [i] int not null,
  [j] int not null
create view [M].[VarView]
  select [i] as [i], [j] as [j]
  from [M].[Vars];
create view [M].[VarExpression]
  select [i] as [i], [j] as [j]from [M].[VarView];

Table Valued Function

module M {
    type Var {
        i : Integer32;
        j : Integer32;
    Vars : Var*;
    VarFunction(x : Integer32) : Var* { Vars where value.i > 10 }
    VarExpression() : Var* { VarFunction(10) }
create table [M].[Vars]
  [i] int not null,
  [j] int not null
create function [M].[VarFunction]
  @x as int
returns table
  as return (
    select [$value].[i] as [i], [$value].[j] as [j]
    from [M].[Vars] as [$value]
    where [$value].[i] > 10
create view [M].[VarExpression]
  select [i] as [i], [j] as [j]from [M].[VarFunction]( 10);

Scalar Function

module M {
    Square(x : Integer32) : Integer32 { x * x }
    Cube(x : Integer32) : Integer32 { Square(x) * x }
create function [M].[Square]
  @x as int
returns int  as
    return @x * @x
create function [M].[Cube]
  @x as int
returns int  as
    return [M].[Square](@x) * @x