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"Quadrant" Context Menus

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Microsoft code name “Quadrant” displays a context-sensitive menu when you right-click on an item. This topic describes the available contextual UI components.

Contextual Menu Options

The Contextual Menu can be invoked by right clicking on an object. Menu options are enabled depending on the object selected.

You can close the contextual menu of an object by clicking on another object outside the contextual menu.

The following sections list all the options available in a contextual menu when you right-click on the different objects in “Quadrant”.

The following table lists all the options available in a contextual menu when you right-click on the “Quadrant” title bar.

Restore resumes the “Quadrant” window’s prior size before it was maximized. Both Move and Size are disabled.

Maximize fills the whole screen with the “Quadrant” window. Minimize reduces the “Quadrant” window to the taskbar.

Close closes the “Quadrant” window.

The following table lists all the options available in a contextual menu when you right-click on the workspace area, outside of a workpad.

New has an expanded submenu that allows you to create a new M File; a new workpad for the current active session; a new session to a database residing in a local or remote SQL server; or a new T-SQL console connected to the current active session.

View has an expanded submenu that allows you to view the followings.

Workpads features a submenu that lists all the workpads in the workspace. This menu option is disabled if no workpad is opened in the workspace.

Changes opens a workpad that displays all pending changes for the active session.

Refresh updates “Quadrant” with current data for the active session.

Zoom has a few submenu items. Zoom To Active Workpad allows you to zoom to the active workpad so that it is visible in 100%. Zoom to All Workpads makes all workpads visible.

To zoom the workspace in a precise level (e.g., 25%, 50%, etc.), click Zoom in the context menu, then choose your desired level (25%, 50%, 100%, 200%, and 400%) in the submenu.

Close All Workpads closes all the opened workpads in the workspace. This menu option is disabled if no workpad is opened in the workspace.

The following table lists all the options available in a contextual menu when you right-click on a workpad. The workpad area is defined as the workpad title and the border surrounding the workpad. It also includes any open whitespace under a stretched table view workpad, or to the right of a list/tree view.

Query Bar toggles the query bar in the workpad. Float makes the current workpad on top of everything in the workspace.

View Source displays the source code for the active workpad. View Configuration displays the configuration template of the current view for the currently opened record type.

Save View As allows you to save the current view with a unique name. Set Default View allows you to make the current view the default view for all instances of the current model type. For example, if you change the view of a Person model type into Tree and apply this option, any Person instances will be opened in Tree view in the future by default.

Close Workpad closes the current workpad.

The following table lists all the options available in a contextual menu when you right-click on the query bar in a workpad.

Hide Query Bar removes the query bar from the workpad so that it is not visible anymore.

Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete allow you to cut, copy and paste and delete selected text in the query bar.

Select all allows you to select the entire query string.

The following table lists all the options available in a contextual menu when you right-click on a view in a workpad. Viewer-specific commands appear here. These commands are contextual, meaning that they only appear depending on the view of the active workpad. For example, if a collection is displayed in a Table Viewer, View Column As, View Cell As and Column Settings commands are available.

Viewer-specific commands

The Viewer-specific contextual commands allow you to configure properties for the viewer. For a detailed description of each command, see the corresponding viewer topics in "Quadrant" User Interface Reference.

Table Viewer

When a header is in context, the following two contextual commands are available. View Column As has a submenu that allows you to see scalar values in all cells of the specific column using different value viewers available. Column Settings has a submenu that presents a list of columns (i.e. all the property names of a type) that you can choose to be included in the table.

When the icon (on the far left of a row) is in context, the following two contextual commands are available. Insert Item adds a new row to the table. Delete Item deletes the currently selected row from the table.

When a cell is in context, the general editing menus such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo and Redo are available. For scaler values, View Item As has a submenu that allows you to view the selected cell in the formats specified. It also allows you to see complex values in complex viewers (e.g., a cell in the Computers column in the People table can be viewed as list, tree, table, etc.)

List Viewer

Insert Item adds a new item to the list. Delete Item deletes the currently selected item from the list. View Items As has a submenu that allows you to switch the viewer from scalar values to other value viewers, and complex values to complex viewers such as table, list, etc.

Tree Viewer

Trees can have records, relationships, groups, and folders. You can use the Insert Item or Delete Item menus to add or delete records and relationships. Notice that the Insert Item has a submenu listing all the available types for insertion, depending on the context of the selected object.

Properties Viewer

View Item As has a submenu that allows you to switch the viewer from scalar values to other value viewers, and complex values to complex viewers such as table, list, etc.

The following table lists all the options available in a contextual menu when you right-click on a vertical scrollbar in a workpad.

Scroll Here moves the scroll to the position you right-clicked in.

Top scrolls to the top of the current workpad. Bottom scrolls to the bottom of the current workpad.

Page Up scrolls the workpad a page up. Page Down scrolls the workpad a page down.

Scroll Up scrolls the workpad a row up. Scroll Down scrolls the workpad a row down.

The following table lists all the options available in a contextual menu when you right-click on a horizontal scrollbar in a workpad.

Scroll Here moves the scroll to the position you right-clicked in.

Left Edge scrolls to the left of the current workpad. Right Edge scrolls to the right of the current workpad.

Page Left scrolls the workpad a page left. Page Right scrolls the workpad a page right.

Scroll Left scrolls the workpad a column up. Scroll Right scrolls the workpad a row right.