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ApplicationHost Class


Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2013, Dynamics CRM 2015, Dynamics CRM 2016

Hosts the applications, regardless of type, held by a session.

Namespace:   Microsoft.Uii.Csr
Assembly:  Microsoft.Uii.Csr.Core (in Microsoft.Uii.Csr.Core.dll)

Inheritance Hierarchy



public class ApplicationHost : ICollection, IEnumerable
Public Class ApplicationHost
    Implements ICollection, IEnumerable


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod ApplicationHost()

Obsolete. Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationHost class.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ApplicationHost(Guid, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationHost class.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ApplicationHost(Guid, Boolean, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationHost class.


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubproperty ApplicationHostID

Gets the application host's unique ID.

System_CAPS_protproperty AppRecords

Gets or sets the application definitions as returned from the web service.

System_CAPS_pubproperty ContextID

Gets or sets the ID of the context

System_CAPS_protproperty contextObject

Gets or sets the context object.

System_CAPS_protproperty contextObjectCache

Gets or sets the context object cache.

System_CAPS_protproperty contextObjectFilled

Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the context is filled or not.

System_CAPS_pubproperty Count

Gets the count of the hosted applcations.

System_CAPS_protproperty globalAppHost

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether application is a global application host.

System_CAPS_pubproperty IsSynchronized

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the application is synchronized.

System_CAPS_pubproperty Item[Int32]

Gets the application at the specified index.

System_CAPS_pubproperty SyncRoot

Gets the sync root object.


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod AddDynamicApplication(ApplicationRecord)

Adds an a dynamic application to the application host

System_CAPS_pubmethod CanCloseDynamicApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether the dynamic application can be closed dynamically (either via code or UI).

System_CAPS_pubmethod ClearContext()

Clears the local copy of the context. Does not send the context to the backend systems. This is originally for closing context on application sessions which have ended.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Close()

Closes the non-global applications.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CopyTo(Array, Int32)

Copies all the elements of the current one dimensional System.Array to specified one dimensional System.Array starting at the specified destination System.Array Index

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateContext()

Creates a default context.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateContext(Context)

Creates a new copy of the context

System_CAPS_pubmethod Equals(Object)

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ExecuteDefaultActions()

Executes the default actions on all the hosted applications.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ExecuteDefaultActions(Boolean)

Runs the default action for every application in this session.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ExecuteDefaultActions(IHostedApplication)

Executes the default action on a single application.

System_CAPS_protmethod Finalize()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetApplication(Guid)

Retrieves the application instance for a given application ID..

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetApplication(String)

Retrieves the application instance for a given application name

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetApplicationInitializationXml(Guid)

Retrieves the XML initialization string used for a given application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetApplicationName(Guid)

Gets the name of the application for the given application ID.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetApplications()

Retrieves the contained set of hosted applications.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetContext()

Retrieves the context string.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetDynamicApplicationNames(Boolean)

Retrieves the names of all the global or non-global applications that are configured via the CRM admin page to show in UI menu.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetEnumerator()

Retrieves an enumerator that can iterate through a collection.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetExtendedApplicationbyID(Guid)

Gets an extended application by its application id

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetHashCode()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetIsolatedApplicationbyID(Guid)

Gets an isolated application by its application ID.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetType()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_protmethod HandleActionCompleted(IHostedApplication, ActionEventArgs)

Obsolete. Event handlers for hosted apps

System_CAPS_pubmethod HandleActionCompletedEvent(Object, ActionEventArgs)

This is for internal UII use only. Please do not use directly. Public visibility necessary for CAB integration.

System_CAPS_protmethod HandleChangeContext(IHostedApplication, ContextEventArgs)

Obsolete. All applications, as well as ApplicationHost, share the same instance of context so we don't have to overwrite it b/c everyone is updating the same instance.

System_CAPS_protmethod HandleIsolatedFormSelected(IHostedAppUICommand, EventArgs)

Handler for form selected event

System_CAPS_protmethod HandleRequestAction(IHostedApplication, RequestActionEventArgs)

Obsolete. Event handler for the RequestAction event raised by a HostedApplication.

System_CAPS_pubmethod HandleRequestActionStatusEvent(Object, RequestActionEventArgs)

Event handler for status of the requested action

System_CAPS_protmethod HandleStateChanged(Object, StateChangedEventArgs)

Event handler for when the workItem state (context) has changed.

System_CAPS_pubmethod InitializeApplications()

Initializes the applications.

System_CAPS_pubmethod InitializeApplications(IHostedApplication)

Initialize a single hosted application.

System_CAPS_protmethod InitializeProxies()

Creates the web service proxies.

System_CAPS_protmethod invalidateContextObjectCache()

Invalidates the context object cache.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsDynamicApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether the hosted application is dynamic.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsExtendedApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether the hosted application is an extended application or not

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsGlobalApplication(Guid)

Determine whether the application is a global application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsGlobalApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determine whether the application is a global application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsGlobalDynamicApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether the dynamic application is global.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsHiddenGlobalDynamicApp(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether the dynamic global application is hidden.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsImplicitAifAction(String)

Determines whether the action is an implicit action.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsIsolatedApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether the passed in hosted application is an isolated application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsNavigationComplete()

Determined whether the navigation is complete.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsNonGlobalDynamicApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether the dynamic application is non-global.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsTaggedApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether application is a tagged (global or non-global) application

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsTaggedGlobalApplication(Guid)

Determines whether application is a tagged global application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsTaggedGlobalApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether application is a tagged global application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsTaggedNonGlobalApplication(Guid)

Determines whether application is a tagged non-global application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsTaggedNonGlobalApplication(IHostedApplication)

Determines whether application is a tagged non-global application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod LoadApplications(ArrayList, Boolean, Boolean)

Dynamically loads/unloads hosted applications depending on the status of workflows.

System_CAPS_pubmethod LoadDynamicApplication(ApplicationRecord, Boolean)

Loads the dynamic application from the record

System_CAPS_pubmethod LoadDynamicApplication(String)

Loads the dynamic hosted application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod LoadDynamicApplication(String, Boolean)

Loads the dynamic hosted application

System_CAPS_protmethod MemberwiseClone()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod NotifyContextChange()

Notify all the applications of the current context.

System_CAPS_pubmethod NotifyContextChange(Boolean)

Obsolete. Notifies all the applications of the current context.

System_CAPS_pubmethod NotifyContextChange(IHostedApplication)

Notifies a single hosted application of the context change.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryInterface(AifInterfaces, IHostedApplication)

Checks whether a particular application implements a specified interface.

System_CAPS_pubmethod RequiresApplicationsReload(ArrayList)

Checks whether all the apps required by the workflow are already loaded and visible.

System_CAPS_protmethod RequiresContextChangeNotification(IHostedApplication, Boolean)

Determines whether a given application is need to be notified with the change in the context.

System_CAPS_pubmethod SessionChange(Boolean, Guid)

Handles changing sessions

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static SessionClose(Guid)

Called when a session is closed to tell ISessionController implementing applications a session has been closed.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static SessionOpen(Guid, Guid)

Called when a session is opened to tell ISessionController implementing applications that a session has been opened.

System_CAPS_protmethod SetApplicationEventHandlers(IHostedApplication, Boolean)

Sets the event handlers for the application.

System_CAPS_pubmethod SetContext(Context)

Sets the context.

System_CAPS_protmethod setContextNoNotify(Context)

Sets the context but does not notify each application

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToString()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod UnloadDynamicApplication(IHostedApplication)

Unloads the dynamic hosted application.


Name Description
System_CAPS_protfieldSystem_CAPS_static allGlobalApps

Specifies all the global applications (both tagged and untagged)

System_CAPS_protfieldSystem_CAPS_static allGlobalAppsLoaded

Specifies whether all the global applications are loaded or not.

System_CAPS_protfield configurationReader

Retrieves the application settings from the configuration/server.

System_CAPS_protfieldSystem_CAPS_static globalHostedApps

Specifies the global applications.

System_CAPS_protfield hostedApps

Specifies the array of hosted applications.

System_CAPS_protfieldSystem_CAPS_static initializedApps

Specifies the initialized global applications.

System_CAPS_protfield initializedNonGlobalApps

Specifies the initialized non-global applications.

System_CAPS_protfieldSystem_CAPS_static taggedGlobalApps

Specifies the tagged global applications

System_CAPS_protfield untaggedNonGlobalApps

Specifies the untagged non-global applications


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubevent ActionCompleted

Raised when an action is completed.

System_CAPS_pubevent CurrentContextChange

Raised when context information is changed by some application.

System_CAPS_pubevent IsolatedFormSelected

Event handler for the FormSelected event from IHostedAppUICommand interface of the isolated applications.

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestActionStatus

Eventhandler for the status of the request action specifically used for Winform application.

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestApplicationAdditionFromAutomation

Event handler for the request application addition from automation.

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestApplicationClose

Handler to notify others that an application is closing.

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestApplicationCloseFromAutomation

Raised when requesting hosted within the UI to be closed by an automation.

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestApplicationCreation

Raised when requesting a new application to be created and hosted within UII.

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestApplicationCreationFromAutomation

Raised when requesting a new application to be created by an automation and hosted within UII.

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestBeforeApplicationCreation

Raised when requesting a new application to be created and hosted within UII.

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestDefaultAction

Raised on default action

System_CAPS_pubevent RequestFocus

Raised to request the focus to a specific application.

System_CAPS_pubevent SessionChanged

Raised when a session is changed.

System_CAPS_pubevent SessionClosed

Raised when a session is closed.

System_CAPS_pubevent SessionOpened

Raised when a session is opened.


One ApplicationHost exists for each session.

Thread Safety

Any public static ( Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also

Microsoft.Uii.Csr Namespace

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