HostingForm Members
This WinForm hosts the Windows Control of hosted application of type Hosted Windows Control and axWebBrowser of Hosted Web Application.
The following tables list the members exposed by the HostingForm type.
Public Constructors
Name | Description | |
HostingForm | Default Constructor for Hosting Form |
Public Properties
(see also Protected Properties)
Name | Description | |
AcceptButton | (inherited from Form) | |
AccessibilityObject | (inherited from Control) | |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription | (inherited from Control) | |
AccessibleDescription | (inherited from Control) | |
AccessibleName | (inherited from Control) | |
AccessibleRole | (inherited from Control) | |
ActiveControl | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
ActiveMdiChild | (inherited from Form) | |
AllowDrop | (inherited from Control) | |
AllowTransparency | (inherited from Form) | |
Anchor | (inherited from Control) | |
AutoScale | Obsolete. (inherited from Form) | |
AutoScaleBaseSize | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoScaleDimensions | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
AutoScaleMode | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
AutoScroll | Overridden. (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
AutoScrollMargin | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
AutoScrollMinSize | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
AutoScrollOffset | (inherited from Control) | |
AutoScrollPosition | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
AutoSize | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
AutoSizeMode | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoValidate | Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
BackColor | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
BackgroundImage | (inherited from Control) | |
BackgroundImageLayout | (inherited from Control) | |
BindingContext | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
Bottom | (inherited from Control) | |
Bounds | (inherited from Control) | |
CancelButton | (inherited from Form) | |
CanFocus | (inherited from Control) | |
CanSelect | (inherited from Control) | |
Capture | (inherited from Control) | |
CausesValidation | (inherited from Control) | |
ClientRectangle | (inherited from Control) | |
ClientSize | (inherited from Form) | |
CompanyName | (inherited from Control) | |
Container | (inherited from Component) | |
ContainsFocus | (inherited from Control) | |
ContextMenu | (inherited from Control) | |
ContextMenuStrip | (inherited from Control) | |
ControlBox | (inherited from Form) | |
Controls | (inherited from Control) | |
Created | (inherited from Control) | |
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
Cursor | (inherited from Control) | |
DataBindings | (inherited from Control) | |
DesktopBounds | (inherited from Form) | |
DesktopLocation | (inherited from Form) | |
DialogResult | (inherited from Form) | |
DisplayRectangle | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
Disposing | (inherited from Control) | |
Dock | (inherited from Control) | |
DockPadding | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Enabled | (inherited from Control) | |
Focused | (inherited from Control) | |
Font | (inherited from Control) | |
ForeColor | (inherited from Control) | |
FormBorderStyle | (inherited from Form) | |
Handle | (inherited from Control) | |
HasChildren | (inherited from Control) | |
Height | (inherited from Control) | |
HelpButton | (inherited from Form) | |
HorizontalScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Icon | (inherited from Form) | |
ImeMode | (inherited from Control) | |
InvokeRequired | (inherited from Control) | |
IsAccessible | (inherited from Control) | |
IsDisposed | (inherited from Control) | |
IsHandleCreated | (inherited from Control) | |
IsMdiChild | (inherited from Form) | |
IsMdiContainer | (inherited from Form) | |
IsMirrored | (inherited from Control) | |
IsRestrictedWindow | (inherited from Form) | |
KeyPreview | (inherited from Form) | |
LayoutEngine | (inherited from Control) | |
Left | (inherited from Control) | |
Location | (inherited from Form) | |
MainMenuStrip | (inherited from Form) | |
Margin | (inherited from Form) | |
MaximizeBox | (inherited from Form) | |
MaximumSize | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
MdiChildren | (inherited from Form) | |
MdiParent | (inherited from Form) | |
Menu | (inherited from Form) | |
MergedMenu | (inherited from Form) | |
MinimizeBox | (inherited from Form) | |
MinimumSize | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
Modal | (inherited from Form) | |
Name | (inherited from Control) | |
Opacity | (inherited from Form) | |
OwnedForms | (inherited from Form) | |
Owner | (inherited from Form) | |
Padding | (inherited from Control) | |
Parent | (inherited from Control) | |
ParentForm | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
PreferredSize | (inherited from Control) | |
ProductName | (inherited from Control) | |
ProductVersion | (inherited from Control) | |
RecreatingHandle | (inherited from Control) | |
Region | (inherited from Control) | |
RestoreBounds | (inherited from Form) | |
Right | (inherited from Control) | |
RightToLeft | (inherited from Control) | |
RightToLeftLayout | (inherited from Form) | |
ShowIcon | (inherited from Form) | |
ShowInTaskbar | (inherited from Form) | |
Site | Overridden. (inherited from Component) | |
Size | (inherited from Form) | |
SizeGripStyle | (inherited from Form) | |
StartPosition | (inherited from Form) | |
TabIndex | (inherited from Form) | |
TabStop | (inherited from Form) | |
Tag | (inherited from Control) | |
Text | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
Top | (inherited from Control) | |
TopLevel | (inherited from Form) | |
TopLevelControl | (inherited from Control) | |
TopMost | (inherited from Form) | |
TransparencyKey | (inherited from Form) | |
UseWaitCursor | (inherited from Control) | |
VerticalScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Visible | (inherited from Control) | |
Width | (inherited from Control) | |
WindowState | (inherited from Form) | |
WindowTarget | (inherited from Control) |
Protected Properties
Name | Description | |
AutoScaleFactor | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
CanEnableIme | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
CanRaiseEvents | Overridden. (inherited from Component) | |
CreateParams | Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
DefaultCursor | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultImeMode | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultMargin | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultMaximumSize | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultMinimumSize | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultPadding | (inherited from Control) | |
DefaultSize | Overridden. (inherited from Control) | |
DesignMode | (inherited from Component) | |
DoubleBuffered | (inherited from Control) | |
Events | (inherited from Component) | |
FontHeight | (inherited from Control) | |
HScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
ImeModeBase | (inherited from Control) | |
MaximizedBounds | (inherited from Form) | |
ResizeRedraw | (inherited from Control) | |
ScaleChildren | (inherited from Control) | |
ShowWithoutActivation | (inherited from Form) | |
VScroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) |
Public Methods
(see also Protected Methods)
Name | Description | |
Activate | (inherited from Form) | |
AddOwnedForm | (inherited from Form) | |
BeginInvoke | (inherited from Control) | |
BeginInvoke | (inherited from Control) | |
BringToFront | (inherited from Control) | |
Close | (inherited from Form) | |
Contains | (inherited from Control) | |
CreateControl | (inherited from Control) | |
CreateGraphics | (inherited from Control) | |
CreateObjRef | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
Dispose | (inherited from Component) | |
DoDragDrop | (inherited from Control) | |
DrawToBitmap | (inherited from Control) | |
EndInvoke | (inherited from Control) | |
Equals | (inherited from Object) | |
FindForm | (inherited from Control) | |
Focus | (inherited from Control) | |
GetChildAtPoint | (inherited from Control) | |
GetChildAtPoint | (inherited from Control) | |
GetContainerControl | (inherited from Control) | |
GetHashCode | (inherited from Object) | |
GetLifetimeService | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
GetNextControl | (inherited from Control) | |
GetPreferredSize | (inherited from Control) | |
GetType | (inherited from Object) | |
Hide | (inherited from Control) | |
InitializeLifetimeService | (inherited from MarshalByRefObject) | |
Invalidate | (inherited from Control) | |
Invalidate | (inherited from Control) | |
Invalidate | (inherited from Control) | |
Invalidate | (inherited from Control) | |
Invalidate | (inherited from Control) | |
Invalidate | (inherited from Control) | |
Invoke | (inherited from Control) | |
Invoke | (inherited from Control) | |
LayoutMdi | (inherited from Form) | |
PerformAutoScale | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
PerformLayout | (inherited from Control) | |
PerformLayout | (inherited from Control) | |
PointToClient | (inherited from Control) | |
PointToScreen | (inherited from Control) | |
PreProcessControlMessage | (inherited from Control) | |
PreProcessMessage | (inherited from Control) | |
RectangleToClient | (inherited from Control) | |
RectangleToScreen | (inherited from Control) | |
Refresh | (inherited from Control) | |
RemoveOwnedForm | (inherited from Form) | |
ResetBackColor | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetBindings | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetCursor | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetFont | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetForeColor | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetImeMode | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetRightToLeft | (inherited from Control) | |
ResetText | (inherited from Control) | |
ResumeLayout | (inherited from Control) | |
ResumeLayout | (inherited from Control) | |
Scale | (inherited from Control) | |
Scale | Obsolete. (inherited from Control) | |
Scale | Obsolete. (inherited from Control) | |
ScrollControlIntoView | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Select | (inherited from Control) | |
SelectNextControl | (inherited from Control) | |
SendToBack | (inherited from Control) | |
SetAutoScrollMargin | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
SetBounds | (inherited from Control) | |
SetBounds | (inherited from Control) | |
SetDesktopBounds | (inherited from Form) | |
SetDesktopLocation | (inherited from Form) | |
Show | (inherited from Control) | |
Show | (inherited from Form) | |
ShowDialog | (inherited from Form) | |
ShowDialog | (inherited from Form) | |
SuspendLayout | (inherited from Control) | |
ToString | Overridden. (inherited from Component) | |
Update | (inherited from Control) | |
Validate | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
Validate | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
ValidateChildren | Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
ValidateChildren | Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl) |
Protected Methods
Public Events
Name | Description | |
Activated | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoSizeChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
AutoValidateChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
BackColorChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
BackgroundImageChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
BindingContextChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
CausesValidationChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
ChangeUICues | (inherited from Control) | |
Click | (inherited from Control) | |
ClientSizeChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Closed | (inherited from Form) | |
Closing | (inherited from Form) | |
ContextMenuChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
ContextMenuStripChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
ControlAdded | (inherited from Control) | |
ControlRemoved | (inherited from Control) | |
CursorChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Deactivate | (inherited from Form) | |
Disposed | (inherited from Component) | |
DockChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
DoubleClick | (inherited from Control) | |
DragDrop | (inherited from Control) | |
DragEnter | (inherited from Control) | |
DragLeave | (inherited from Control) | |
DragOver | (inherited from Control) | |
EnabledChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Enter | (inherited from Control) | |
FontChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
ForeColorChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
FormClosed | (inherited from Form) | |
FormClosing | (inherited from Form) | |
GiveFeedback | (inherited from Control) | |
GotFocus | (inherited from Control) | |
HandleCreated | (inherited from Control) | |
HandleDestroyed | (inherited from Control) | |
HelpButtonClicked | (inherited from Form) | |
HelpRequested | (inherited from Control) | |
ImeModeChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
InputLanguageChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
InputLanguageChanging | (inherited from Form) | |
Invalidated | (inherited from Control) | |
KeyDown | (inherited from Control) | |
KeyPress | (inherited from Control) | |
KeyUp | (inherited from Control) | |
Layout | (inherited from Control) | |
Leave | (inherited from Control) | |
Load | (inherited from Form) | |
LocationChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
LostFocus | (inherited from Control) | |
MarginChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
MaximizedBoundsChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
MaximumSizeChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
MdiChildActivate | (inherited from Form) | |
MenuComplete | (inherited from Form) | |
MenuStart | (inherited from Form) | |
MinimumSizeChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
MouseCaptureChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseClick | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseDoubleClick | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseDown | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseEnter | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseHover | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseLeave | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseMove | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseUp | (inherited from Control) | |
MouseWheel | (inherited from Control) | |
Move | (inherited from Control) | |
PaddingChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Paint | (inherited from Control) | |
ParentChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
PreviewKeyDown | (inherited from Control) | |
QueryAccessibilityHelp | (inherited from Control) | |
QueryContinueDrag | (inherited from Control) | |
RegionChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Resize | (inherited from Control) | |
ResizeBegin | (inherited from Form) | |
ResizeEnd | (inherited from Form) | |
RightToLeftChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
RightToLeftLayoutChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
Scroll | (inherited from ScrollableControl) | |
Shown | (inherited from Form) | |
SizeChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
StyleChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
SystemColorsChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
TabIndexChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
TabStopChanged | (inherited from Form) | |
TextChanged | (inherited from Control) | |
Validated | (inherited from Control) | |
Validating | (inherited from Control) | |
VisibleChanged | (inherited from Control) |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
ActivateControl | (inherited from ContainerControl) | |
OnDragDrop | (inherited from Control) | |
OnDragEnter | (inherited from Control) | |
OnDragLeave | (inherited from Control) | |
OnDragOver | (inherited from Control) |
See Also
HostingForm Class
Microsoft.Uii.Csr Namespace
Unified Service Desk
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