Contains the sales VAT advance notification documents that have been or will be transmitted to the German tax authority.
Additional Information
The notification itself is an XML document that is stored in the XML Submission Document field. The document is created by the Create XML-File VAT Adv.Notif. batch job. To view the XML document, you must have the style sheet available that is provided by the tax authority. For more information, see Sales VAT Adv. Notif. Card.
When you transmit notifications to the tax authority, an entry is logged in the Transmission Log Entry table. If the transmission was not successful, you must first delete the XML document, modify the notification document, create a new XML document, and then submit again. For more information, see How to: Create and Submit Sales VAT Advance Notifications.
If you want to transmit a corrected notification to the tax authority for a period for which already a Sales VAT Advance Notification was sent successfully, you create a record in this table for that period with the Corrected Notification field selected.
The program can display the Sales VAT Advance Notifications in two different windows: