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Standard Service Code Card Window

Contains information about one standard service code. Standard service codes are set up to allow the user to automatically insert typical service lines in service documents. You can use the window to view or edit the details of a standard service code. You can also access the list of the existing standard service codes.

The window is composed of two parts: the header, which contains general information about the code, and the lines, which display the service lines associated with the code.

For Help about a specific field in the window, click the field and press F1.


For more information on how to navigate in the user interface, see Work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Standard Service Code
Standard Service Line

Other Resources

How to: Assign Standard Service Codes to Service Item Groups
How to: Insert Service Lines Using Standard Service Codes
Standard Service Codes
How to: Set Up Standard Service Codes