No. Field, G/L Account Table
Specifies the No. of the G/L Account you are setting up. You can enter a maximum of 20 numbers, both numbers and letters.
The No. identifies the account. If you have entered this number in the Account No. field on a journal line (for example when you post the line) the program will post it to this account in the G/L Account table.
In the Chart of Accounts window you must enter account numbers in order, but you can enter them in any order in the G/L Account Card window. When you do, the program will order them so that numbers come first, then letters, then letters combined with numbers and finally other characters.
Leave a large gap between account numbers, so you can insert additional accounts later on. For example, account groups can end in 00 and accounts in 0.
8100 Building Maintenance Expenses
8110 Cleaning
8120 Electricity and Heating
8130 Repairs and Maintenance
8200 Administrative Expenses
8210 Office Supplies
8230 Phone and Fax
8240 Postage
Each number must be unique - you cannot use the same account number twice. You can set up as many accounts as you like.
You cannot fill in the other fields in the G/L Account table until you have entered a number in the No. field.
For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.
Parent Tables
Table | Location |
G/L Account Table | General Ledger |
G/L Account Table | General Ledger |