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How to: Create Corrective Documents

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can create corrective invoices and credit memos to reflect a change in the invoiced amount or quantity.

You can also create revision documents if you discover a mistake in an issued invoice or credit memo.

The following procedure shows how to create a corrective sales invoice, but the same steps apply to sales credit memos, purchase invoices, and purchase credit memos.


You cannot create corrective documents for service documents.

To create a corrective invoice

  1. In the Navigation Pane, in the Financial Management area, choose Receivables, and then choose Corrective Invoice.

  2. In the Sales Corrective Invoice window, press F3 to create a new document. On the General tab and the Invoicing tab, fill in the fields.

    Some fields are filled in automatically when you select a customer. Other fields you must fill in manually. You must make sure that the values of fields such as Prices Including VAT and Currency Code, relevant dimensions, and so on are the same in the corrective document as in the original invoice.


    On the Invoicing tab, fill in the Agreement No. field if you have set up an agreement. For more information, see How to: Set Up Customer and Vendor Agreements.

  3. On the VAT tab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Additional VAT Ledger Sheet

    Optionally, select to include this document in the additional VAT ledger. For more information, see VAT Ledgers.

    Corrected Document Date

    If you selected the Additional VAT Ledger Sheet field, specify the posting date of the document that you are correcting.

    This ensures that the original invoice is listed as canceled in the additional sheet for the sales VAT book in the relevant report period.

    Corrective Document

    Select to make this document a corrective document.

    Corrective Doc. Type

    Choose Correction to make this a correction to an invoice.

    Corrected Doc. Type

    Specify if the original document was an invoice or a credit memo.

    Corrected Doc. No.

    Specify the original document.

    Depending on the value of the Corrected Doc. Type field, you can select a posted invoice or a posted credit memo.

    Revision No.

    Optionally, specify a revision number if this document is a revision of a corrective document.

    Choose Functions, and then choose Get Corr. Doc. Lines.

  4. In the Sales Invoice Lines window, select the lines that you want to add to the corrective documents, and then choose the OK button.

  5. In the dialog box that appears, specify if the correction if for quantity or price.

  6. Make the appropriate changes to the document lines. For example, to change the invoiced amount, change the value of the Amount (After) field.


    If the document line is for an item, you can only change the value of the Amount (After) field. If the document line is for an item charge, you can change the value of the Quantity (After) field and the Amount (After) field.

  7. Post the document.

    The posted document is included in the list of posted invoices. This means that you can select it in the Corrected Doc. No. field if you must create a correction for this corrected document.

The following procedure describes how to create a revision for a posted sales invoice but the same steps apply to sales credit memos, purchase invoices, purchase credit memos, and corrective documents.

To create a revision document for a sales invoice

  1. In the Navigation Pane, in the Financial Management area, choose Receivables, and then choose Invoices.

  2. In the Sales Invoice window, press F3 to create a new document.

  3. Choose the Functions button, and then choose Copy Document.

  4. In the Copy Sales Document window, fill in the fields to import information from the original sales invoice.


    Select the Include Header field.

  5. On the VAT tab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Additional VAT Ledger Sheet

    Optionally, select to include this document in the additional VAT ledger. For more information, see VAT Ledgers.

    Corrected Document Date

    If you selected the Additional VAT Ledger Sheet field, specify the posting date of the document that you are revising.

    This ensures that the original invoice is listed as canceled in the additional sheet for the sales VAT book in the relevant report period.

    Corrective Document

    Select to make this document a corrective document.

    Corrective Doc. Type

    Choose Revision to make this a revision document.

    Corrected Doc. Type

    Specify if the original document was an invoice or a credit memo.

    Corrected Doc. No.

    Specify the original document.

    Depending on the value of the Corrected Doc. Type field, you can select a posted invoice or a posted credit memo.

    Revision No.

    Specify a revision number.

    The revision number is not used by Microsoft Dynamics NAV, but it is included in the printed document.

  6. Make the relevant changes to the document lines.

  7. Post the document.

The posted document is included in the list of posted invoices. This means that you can select it in the Corrected Doc. No. field if you must create a correction for this corrected document.

See Also


Corrective Documents