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The sorting function makes it easy for you to get a quick overview of your data. A sorted list can be saved using the Save View As… functionality. For example, if you have many customers, you can choose to sort your customers by:

  • Customer No.

  • Search Name

  • Customer Posting Group

  • Currency Code

  • Country Region Code

  • General Business Posting Group

  • Name, Address, or City

  • VAT Registration No.

You can choose to sort on a single column and in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client you can sort on multiple columns at a time. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client you can use the following shortcuts for sorting:

Shortcut Description


Left-click on a column to sort a column ascending, then left-click again to toggle between ascending and descending.


On multiple column headers, the columns will all be sorted in the same ascending or descending direction.


If you are sorting on multiple column headers using Shift+left-click, you can use Shift+double-click on the first column you clicked on and this will toggle ascending/descending direction of all the columns included in the sorting.


Sorting is not supported on images, BLOB fields, FlowFilters, and fields that do not belong to a table.

Sorting Lists and Journal Lines

The following example shows how to sort a list of customers by name.

  1. In the Search box, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.

  2. Choose any column header, right-click the column, and select Sort ascending or Sort descending.

The same steps apply to journals, such as the Planning Worksheet window.

Sorting Document Lines

The following example shows how to sort lines on a sales order.

  1. In the Search box, enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link. Select a sales order.

  2. On the sales order, choose the Lines FastTab, choose any column to sort on, right-click the column header, and select Sort ascending or Sort descending.

See Also


How to: Set Filters


Work with Data
Keyboard Shortcuts

Other Resources

Customizing Role Center and Pages