Item Application Entry Table
Specifies the applications between incoming and outgoing quantities in the item ledger entries. These entries link an item ledger entry for an inventory increase (such as a purchase receipt) to an item ledger entry for an inventory decrease (such as a sales shipment).
The program records an item application entry each time you post an inventory transaction where there is a quantity change in inventory. The program records the entry number of the item ledger entry corresponding to the inventory increase in the Inbound Item Entry No. field and the entry number of the item ledger entry corresponding to the inventory decrease in the Outbound Item Entry No. field. The program also reduces the Remaining Quantity fields in the corresponding item ledger entries by the applied quantity.
List of Fields in the Table
To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.