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Assembly Management: Functional Differences

The following table shows functional differences between Kitting and Assembly Management, and it shows the upgrade rules to follow in updating data.

Entity Table ID Functional differences Upgrade rules


27 Item

In local Kitting, items are defined as kit items when Kit BOM No. contains a value and Replenishment System is set to Production Order. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, items are defined as kit/assembly items when Replenishment System is set to Assembly.

In local Kitting, kit items are defined as kit-to-order items when Automatic Build Kit BOM=True. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, items are defined as kit/assemble-to-order items when Assembly Policy is set to Assemble-to-Order.

If an item is set up with Kit BOM No. and Replenishment System=Prod. Order, then in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 the item has Replenishment System=Assembly. The Production BOM No is blanked.

If an item or inventory setup is set up with Automatic Build Kit BOM=True, then in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 the Item has Assembly Policy=Assemble-to-Order.

5700 Stockkeeping Unit

In local Kitting, SKUs do not support kitting functionality.

Replenishment System and Assembly Policy fields are updated according to values in the respective fields of the upgraded master item card.

Bill of Materials

99000771 Production BOM Header

99000772 Production BOM Line

90 BOM Component

In local Kitting, Kit BOM is defined as a (existing) Production BOM of type Kitting. The same Kit BOM can be assigned to multiple items. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, (Kit) Assembly BOM is defined as BOM Component and is an attribute of only one item.

Move kitting BOM from the Production BOM Header table and the Production BOM Lines table to the BOM Component table.

  1. For a kit item that has Kit BOM No. assigned to it (that is, equal to Production BOM No. of Type=Kitting), in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, create BOM Component lines with Parent Item No.=Item No. and all other data copied from the BOM Production Line table with Production BOM No. of Type=Kitting.

  2. If Type=Setup Resource in the Production BOM Line table in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, transfer to the BOM Component line of Type=Resource and set Resource Usage Type=Fixed.

  3. Records in the Production BOM Header table of Type=Kitting are deleted.

  4. Records in the Production BOM Line table with Production BOM No. of Type=Kitting are deleted.

Assemble-to-Order Sales Order/Quote/Blanket Order, open

37 Sales Line

900 Assembly Header

901 Assembly Line

904 Assemble-to-Order Link

337 Reservation Entry

25000 Kit Sales Line

In local Kitting, a sales line is defined as a kit-to-order line when Build Kit=True. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, a sales line is defined as a (kit) Assemble-to-Order line when Qty. to Assemble to Order contains a value. By design there is a linked Assembly Order for that sales line.

Kit-to-order sale line, that is with Build Kit=True, in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 is changed to an Assemble-to-Order line with an Assembly Order linked to it. Data from the Sale Line is copied to Assembly Header, and data from Kit Sales Lines is moved to Assembly Lines. Item Tracking information, both on Sales Line and Kit Sales Lines, is preserved.

  1. The Sales Line has the Qty. to Assemble to Order=Quantity, the Qty. Asm. To Order (Base)=Quantity (Base), and the Reserve=Optional.

  2. Create linked Assembly Order Header:

    • A new record is created in the Assembly Header table, with Document Type equal to Document Type on Sales Line (Order, Quote, Blanket Order).

    • Respective field values are copied from Sales Line (see mapping details in worksheet Data Upgrade Step 2).

    • Planning Flexibility=None.

    • Posting Date is set equal to Posting Date on Sales Header.

  3. Create Assemble-to-Order Link:

    • A new record is created in the Assemble-to-Order Link table, with Type=Sales, with both Assembly Document Type and Assembly Document No. equal to the respective fields on Assembly Header, Document Type, and Document No. equal to the respective field on linked Sales Line.

    • The UpdateAsmFromSalesLine function synchronizes the Sales Line and Assembly Order, creating an order-to-order reservation between the two documents.

  4. Create an Assembly Line for the linked Assembly Order:

    • A new record is created in the Assembly Line table, with Document Type and Document No. equal to the respective fields on the Assembly Header table.

    • Selected field values are copied from Kit Sales Line (see mapping details in worksheet Data Upgrade Step 2).

  5. The reservation entries for assembly lines have data copied from Kit Sales Line (see mapping details in worksheet Data Upgrade Step 2).

  6. The existing Reservation Entry for an item-tracked kit (assembly) item with Reservation Status=Surplus becomes two entries with Reservation Status=Reservation, Binding=Order-to-Order, and Disallow Cancellation=True. Other data is copied from the Sales Line table and the Assembly Header table.

  7. Records in Sales Kit Line are deleted.

Assemble-to-Order Sales Order, posted

32 Item Ledger Entry

5802 Value Entry

910 Posted Assembly Header

911 Posted Assembly Line

914 Posted Assemble-to-Order Link

5406 Production Order Line

25004 Kit Sales Shipment Line

In local Kitting, a posted Kit-to-Order Sales Line creates:

a) Kitting item ledger entries of Entry Type=Sales, Output and Consumption, Document Type=Sales Shipment, and Order Type=Production

b) The Finished Production Order Line, marked as Kitting, with Prod. Order No.=Sales representing the kit item.

c) The Kit Sales Shipment Line representing consumed components.

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, a posted Assemble-to-Order Sales Line is created: for assembly item ledger entries, Entry Type=Sales; for assembly output and for assembly consumption, Document Type=Sales Shipment; for sale and for assembly, Document Type=Posted Assembly and Order Type=Assembly

Upgrade of kitting item ledger entries to new types is done only for entries representing the posted Kit-to-Order Sales Lines.Kitting item ledger entries that were created as a result of posting BOM Journal (assemble-to-stock process) are not upgraded. For Kitting item ledger entries for posted kit-to-order sales lines, a Posted Assembly Order is created and linked to the Posted Shipment Line. Data from the Sale Shipment Line is copied to Posted Assembly Header and data from Kit Sales Shipment Lines is moved to Posted Assembly Lines.

  1. Create linked Posted Assembly Order Header:

    • For item ledger entries with Order Type=Production and Document Type-Sales Shipment, a new record is created in the Posted Assembly Header table.

    • Data is copied from Sales Shipment Line (see mapping details in worksheet Data Upgrade Step 2)

  2. Create Posted Assembly Line for the linked Posted Assembly Order:

    • A new record is created in the Posted Assembly Line table, with Document No. equal to No. of the Posted Assembly Header and Line No. equal to Line No. of the Kit Sales Shipment Line.

    • Selected field values are copied from the Kit Sales Shipment Line table (see mapping details in worksheet Data Upgrade Step 2).

  3. Create Posted Assemble-to-Order Link:

    • A new record will is created in the Posted Assemble-to-Order Link table, with Assembly Document Type=Assembly and Assembly Document No. equal to No. of the Posted Assembly Header; Document Type=Sales Shipment, Document No. and Document Line No. equal to the respective field on the linked Sales Shipment Line.

  4. For each posted assembled header, item ledger entry's Entry Type is changed from Output to Assembly Output and from Consumption to Assembly Consumption; Document Type is set to Posted Assembly, Order Type to Assembly and Order No. to Posted.

  5. Data for value entries associated with the previous item ledger entries is copied from item ledger entries and Posted Assembly Lines tables (see mapping details in worksheet Data Upgrade Step 2).

  6. Records in Production Order Line with Kitting=True are deleted.

  7. Records in Kit Sales Shipment Line are deleted.

5832 Capacity Ledger Entry

5802 Value Entry

In local Kitting, the labor cost (BOM component of type Resource) of a kit is posted as an Adjustment value entry of type Direct Cost, associated with the Item Ledger Entry of type Output. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, the labor cost of the assembly is posted as a capacity ledger entry with associated value entry

The value entry that represents resource usage in connection with Kit-to-Order Sales Line in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 is upgraded to a value entry of type Resource and is associated with newly created capacity ledger entry. An item register record is created for the newly created capacity ledger entries.

  1. For value entries with Document Type=Sales Shipment, Order Type=Production, Adjustment=True, Source Type=Blank, and Item Ledger Entry Type=Output, Type is set to Resource, Adjustment is set to False, Item Ledger Entry Type is set to Blank, Source Type=Item and Capacity Ledger Entry No. is set to the Entry No. of the related capacity ledger entry.

  2. Create a capacity ledger entry:

    • A new record is created in the Capacity Ledger Entry table of Type=Resource.

    • Other data is copied from the Value Entry table (see mapping details in worksheet Data Upgrade Step2).

In local Kitting, the Outstanding Qty will not be updated after partially posting the Sales Line, because the Setup Resource is seen as an overhead that is consumed for every partial posting. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 posting of the Fixed Resource only happens with the first partial posting. When upgrading Sales Kits to 7.0 the behavior of the posting for the Fixed Resource will change.

Consumed Qty is 0, regardless of whether the Setup Resource has been posted before the upgrade or not.

Warehouse Documents: Inventory Picks, Warehouse Picks, Warehouse Shipments

5767 Warehouse Activity Line

In local Kitting, the inventory picks were created for kit components (sales kit lines) in connection with kit-to-order sales order line; posting of inventory pick posted consumption as well as kit output and sales shipment. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, assembly components are being picked by means of inventory movement, that do not post component consumption quantity but register their movement from one bin code to another. Inventory picks are created for the assembly end-item on the kit-to-order sales line; its posting results in posting consumption, output and shipment.

Upgrade of the active inventory picks for kit components will not be done. The user will be requested to either delete any active inventory picks or post them. Upon the upgrade, in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 the users will be able to create Inventory Movements for components and Inventory Picks for assembly items on the kit-to-order sales line.

There are no functional differences between warehouse picks in local Kitting versus Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2. The warehouse picks as created from the Warehouse Shipment line representing the kit-to-order sales line will contain take and place lines for assembly components.

Warehouse activity lines marked with Kit Item No. will in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 be upgraded to become an entry with Source Type=Assembly Line, Source No.= linked Asm. Order No., and Assemble to Order= True.

7321 Warehouse Shipment Line

There are no functional differences between warehouse shipment in local Kitting versus Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2. The warehouse shipment as created from the sales order representing the kit-to-order sales line will contain lines for assembly item to be shipped.

Warehouse activity lines marked with Build Kit=True will in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 be upgraded to become an entry with Assemble to Order=True.

7312 Warehouse Entry

In local Kitting, warehouse entries created as a result of kitting activity referred to Output or Consumption Journal as their source document. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, all warehouse entries created in connection with assembly activity will have assembly order (header or lines) as their source document.

Upgrade of "Kitting" Warehouse Entries to new source document types will ONLY be done for entries representing the posted kit-to-order sales lines."Kitting" Warehouse Entries that were created as a result of posting BOM Journal (assemble-to-stock process) will NOT be upgraded.

For warehouse entries associated with item ledger entries created in connection with kit-to-order transactions, the upgrade will set Source Document from Output Jnl. and Consumption Jnl. to Assembly Order and Assembly Consumption respectively.