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Use the form editor


Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2013

This topic explains how to access the form editor, the features it contains, the form elements you can edit, and the properties of those elements.

In This Topic

Open the form editor

Form editor user interface

Form properties

Visibility options

Tab properties

Section properties

Common field properties

Special field properties

Sub-grid properties

Quick view control properties

Web resource properties

IFRAME properties

Notes control

Configure Bing maps

Edit Navigation

Timer control

Configure event handlers

Open the form editor

You can access the form editor through the command bar or the ribbon, depending on the entity. Both of these methods will open the form in the context of the default solution. If you create any new solution components in the process of editing the form, for example web resources, the names of the components will use the solution publisher customization prefix for the default solution and these components will only be included in the default solution. If you want any new solution components to be included in a specific unmanaged solution, you should open the form editor through that unmanaged solution.

To access the form editor through the command bar

  1. View a record for one of the Updated entities, for example, open an account record.

  2. If there are multiple main forms for the entity, verify that the form is the one you want to edit. If it is not, use the form selector to choose the form you want to edit.

  3. In the command bar, click More Commands More commands.

  4. Click Form.

This will open the form editor for this form using the default solution.

To access the form editor through the ribbon

  1. View a record for one of the Entities using classic forms.

  2. If there are multiple main forms for the entity, verify that the form is the one you want to edit. If it is not, use the form selector to choose the form you want to edit.

  3. On the Customize tab of the ribbon, in the Design group, select Form.

This will open the form editor for this form using the default solution.

To access the form editor through the default solution

  1. Click or tap Settings > Customizations.

  2. Click or tap Customize the System to open the default solution.

  3. Under Components, expand the entity you want and select Forms.

  4. In the list of forms, double-click the form you want to edit.

To access the form editor for an unmanaged solution

  1. Click or tap Settings > Customizations.

  2. Click or tap Solutions.

  3. Double click the unmanaged solution you want to work with.

  4. Locate the entity with the form you want to edit. If the entity isn’t there, you’ll need to add it.

    Add an entity to an unmanaged solution

    1. Select the Entities node and, in the toolbar above the list, click or tap Add Existing.

    2. In the Select Solution Components dialog box, with the Component Type selector set to Entity, select the entity you want to add and click or tap OK.

    3. If the Missing Required Components dialog box appears, you can choose No, do not include required components if you don’t intend to export this unmanaged solution to another organization. If you choose not to include missing required components at this time, you can add them later. You’ll receive notification again if you export this solution in the future.

  5. In the solution explorer expand the entity with the form you want to edit and select Forms.

  6. In the list of forms, double-click the form you want to edit.

Form editor user interface

The form editor displays commands in two ribbon tabs: Home and Insert. For details about the commands available there, see Home tab and Insert tab.

Screenshot of the form editor

The body of the form editor is divided into three areas: Navigation, Body, and Explorer.

  • Navigation area
    Located on the left side, use the navigation area to control access to related entities or to add links to web resources or URLs to be displayed in the main pane of the form. To edit navigation you must first select the Navigation command in the Select group of the Home tab.

    Forms for Entities using classic forms provide a navigation experience that is visually similar to what you see in the navigation area. Forms for Updated entities provide navigation options through the navigation bar, but use the same data to control what navigation options are available. More information: Edit Navigation 

  • Body area
    Located in the center, use the body area to control the layout of the form. You can select and drag form elements to position them. Double-clicking on an element will open the properties for the element.

    • To add a field, select it from the Field Explorer and drag it into a section.

    • To add an element that is not a field, select where you want to place it and use the appropriate command from the Insert tab add it.

    • To remove an element, select it and use the Remove command in the Edit group of the Home tab.

    • To edit the Header or Footer for the form you must first select the corresponding command in the Select group of the Home tab.

  • Explorer area
    Located on the right side, the content of the explorer area depends on the context.

    When you select Body, Header, or Footer in the Select group of the Home tab, you’ll see the Field Explorer. Use the Field Explorer to drag fields you want to display into a section in the form or within the header or footer. You can include the same field multiple times in a form. Use the New Field button as a shortcut to create a new field.

    When you select Navigation in the Select group of the Home tab you’ll see the Relationship Explorer. Drag any of the relationships into one of the groups within the navigation area. You cannot add the same relationship twice. Relationships are available based on how they are configured. If you configure a relationship to not display, it won’t display in the Relationship Explorer. For information about how to configure default display options for relationships, see Navigation pane item for primary entity.

    You can use the New 1:N and New N:N buttons as a shortcut to add new entity relationships.

Home tab

The Home tab displays the commands in the following table.





Save      (Ctrl+S)

Save the form.

Save As

Create a copy of this form with a different name.

Save and Close

Save the form and close the form editor.


Publish the form. More information: Publishing customizations 


Change properties

Change properties of the selected item in the body.

See the following sections depending on the selected item:

  • Tab properties

  • Section properties

  • Common field properties

  • Special field properties

  • Sub-grid properties

  • Quick view control properties

  • Web resource properties

  • IFRAME properties

  • Notes control

  • Configure Bing maps


Remove the selected item.

Undo  (Ctrl+Z)

Undo the previous action.

Redo   (Ctrl+Y)

Redo the previous action.



Edit the main body of the form.


Edit the form header.


Edit the form footer.


Edit the form navigation.

More information: Edit Navigation 


Business Rules

View, Edit, or Create new Business Rules with the Business Rules explorer.

More information: Create and edit business rules

Form Properties

More information: Form properties 


Preview how the form will look after it is published. The options are:

  • Create Form: How the form will appear before a record is saved.

  • Update Form: How a form for an existing record will appear.

  • Read-Only Form: How the form will appear for people who have only read access to a record.

Scripts in the form can be tested but certain scenarios, like checking data values in the OnLoad event, can’t be tested because the preview form doesn’t contain data.

Enable Security Roles

Use this to set which security roles will have access to the forms. More information: Control access to forms


If you create a new form only the System Administrator and System Customizer security roles will have access to the form. You must assign access to other security roles before people in your organization can use it.

Show Dependencies

See which solution components depend on this form and which solution components are required by this form. More information: Solution dependencies

Managed Properties

The only managed property is Customizable. Setting this to false means the form won’t be customizable after you included it in a solution, export that solution as a managed solution, and import that managed solution into a different organization. More information: Managed properties


Merge Forms

Use this setting to merge a form from a previous version after you upgrade. This will facilitate adopting new form layouts introduced in this version. The form you bring in will be appended to the bottom of the current form. Use this to combine forms while preserving event handers for form scripts. More information: Update your forms to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 or Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Fall '13

Insert tab

Screenshot of insert tab for the form editor

The Insert tab displays the commands in the following table:





Add a section to a selected tab. You can choose to include a section with one to four columns.

More information:Section properties

3 Tabs

Three Columns

Insert a three-column tab with equal widths.

More information:Tab properties

Three Columns

Insert a three-column tab with a wider middle column.

2 Tabs

Two Columns

Insert a two-column tab with a wider right column.

Two Columns

Insert a two-column tab with a wider left column.

Two Columns

Insert a two-column tab with equal width columns.

1 Tab

One Column

Insert a one-column tab.



Format a sub-grid and insert it into the form.

More information:Sub-grid properties


Insert an empty space.

Quick View Form

Insert a Quick View Form.

More information:Quick view control properties

Web Resource

Insert a web resource.

More information:Web resource properties


Insert an IFRAME.

More information:IFRAME properties


Insert a control to view activities, posts, and notes. More information:Notes control

Bing Maps

Insert a control to show maps in the form. More information:Configure Bing maps

Navigation Link

Insert a navigation link into the navigation area. This command is disabled unless you select the Navigation command in the Select group of the Home tab. More information:Navigation link properties


Insert a timer control. More information: Timer control

Form properties

The properties of the form are in the following table:





Form Libraries

Manage which JavaScript web resources are available in the form and the order in which they will be loaded.

Event Handers

Configure which JavaScript functions from the Form Libraries will run for the OnLoad and OnSave form events and the order in which they’ll be run.


Form Name

Enter a name that will be meaningful to people. This name will be shown to people when they use the form. If they can use multiple forms configured for the entity they will use this name to differentiate between available forms.


Enter a description that explains how this form is different from other main forms. This description is only shown in the list of forms for an entity in the solution explorer.

Page Navigation

You can choose not to show navigation items.

In forms for updated entities this means the primary name value for the record currently being viewed will not appear in the navigation bar to allow navigation to associated views.

In forms using the classic presentation, the navigation options to choose associated views on the left side of the form will not be shown.


When an entity has an image field and the entities’ Primary Image option is set, this setting will enable showing the image field in the header of this form.

See Enable or disable entity options for more information about entity options.


Set a Max Width (in pixels) to limit the width of the form. The default value is 1900.



Each form can be opened with code using a URL. The URL may also contain data that can be passed to the form using a query string that is appended to the URL. Query strings look like this example:

As a security measure, forms will not accept any unknown query string parameters. Use this parameters list to specify parameters this form should accept to support code that will pass data to the forms using a query string.

The name and type of data will be checked and the form won’t open if invalid query string parameters are passed to it.


The name cannot start with an underscore (_) or crm_. It must start with alphanumeric characters followed by an underscore (_). For example, parameter_1 or 1_parameter. The name cannot contain hyphens (-), colons (:), semicolons (;), commas (,) or periods (.).

For more information see the topic Open Forms, Views, Dialogs and Reports with a URL in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK.

Non-Event Dependencies

Dependent Fields

Each event handler has a similar Dependent Fields property so that any fields that are needed by the script can be registered. Anyone who tries to remove the dependent fields will not be able to.

Some scripts operate on the form but are not configured in an event handler. Scripts that are initiated from the command bar do not have a place where dependent fields can be registered. This form property provides a place for dependent fields for those scripts to be registered.

Visibility options

Several types of form elements have the option to be shown or hidden by default. Tabs, sections, fields, IFRAMEs, and web resources all provide this option. Using form scripts or business rules the visibility of these elements can be controlled to create a dynamic form to provide a user interface that adapts to conditions in the form.


Hiding form elements is not a recommended way to enforce security. There are several ways people can view all the elements and data in the form when elements are hidden.

The CRM 2013 for Outlook reading pane does not support form scripts. This presentation will use whatever the default visibility options are set for the form.

Rather than designing forms that depend on scripts to control visibility of options, consider whether a business process flow, a dialog, or switching to a different form may be better suited to meet your requirements. If you do use scripts, make sure that any element that might be hidden is hidden by default. Only show it with scripts when your logic calls for it. This way it will not be displayed in presentations that do not support scripts.

Tab properties

In the body of the form tabs provide horizontal separation. Tabs have a label that can be displayed. If the label is displayed tabs can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide their content by clicking the label.

Tabs contain up to three columns and the width of each column can be set to a percentage of the total with. When you create a new tab, each column is pre-populated with a section.

The following table shows properties that may be set for tabs in the form.






Required: The unique name for the tab that is used when referencing it in scripts. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.


Required: The localizable label for the tab visible to users.

Show the label of this tab on the Form

When the label is displayed people can click it to toggle whether the tab is expanded or collapsed. Choose whether you want to show the label.

Expand this tab by default

The tab state can toggle between expanded or collapsed using form scripts or by people clicking the label. Choose the default state for the tab.

Visible by default

Showing the tab is optional and can be controlled using scripts. Choose whether to make the tab visible. More information: Visibility options

Lock the tab on the form

This will prevent the tab from accidentally being removed and prevents people from modifying the contents.

Removing a tab will not only remove the tab, but also any script event handlers defined for the tab or fields within the tab. Recreating all this work could be a substantial effort.

Someone wanting to remove this tab would need to change this setting before removing it.



Tabs may have up to three columns. Use these options to set the number of tabs and what percentage of the total width they should fill.


Form Libraries

Specify any JavaScript web resources that will be used in the tab TabStateChange event handler.

See the SDK Form Events Reference : Tab TabStateChange Event topic

Event Handers

Configure the functions from the libraries that should be called for the tab TabStateChange event. More information: Configure event handlers

Section properties

A section occupies the space available in a tab column. Sections have a label that can be displayed and a line may be shown below the label.

Sections can have up to 4 columns and includes options for displaying how labels for fields in the section are displayed.

Headers and footers are similar to sections but cannot be removed. If they don’t contain anything they will not be shown.






Required: The unique name for the section that is used when referencing it in scripts. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.


Required: The localizable label for the section visible to users.

Show the label of this section on the form

Sections are frequently used without labels to control formatting of the fields within them.

Show a line at top of the section

A line at the top of a section can help break up the form layout.

Field Label Width

Required: Set a value between 50 and 250 to specify the space allowed for field labels.

Header and footer elements also have this property.


Showing the section is optional and can be controlled using scripts. More information: Visibility options

Lock the section on the form

This will prevent the section from accidentally being removed and prevents people from removing the contents.

Removing a section will not only remove the section, but also any fields within it.

Someone wanting to remove this section would need to change this setting before removing it.


Header and footer components also have this property.


Specify up to four columns to be in the section.

Field Label Alignment

Labels for fields within the section can be aligned left, right, or center.

Field Label Position

Labels for fields within the section can be positions on the side or on top of the fields.

Common field properties

Fields display controls people use to view or edit data in an entity record. Fields can be formatted to occupy up to four columns within a section.

The following table describes properties that all fields have. Certain types of fields have special properties. These are described in Special field properties.






Required: By default the label will match the display name of the field. You can override that name for the form by entering a different label here.

Display label on the form

You can choose not to display the label at all.

Field is read-only

You can specify that the field is not editable. Using form scripts you can change this to enable or disable editing based on criteria evaluated in the script.

Lock the field on the form

This will prevent the field from being removed from the form accidentally. This will prevent any configuration you have applied to the field, such as event handlers, from being cleared if the field were removed. To remove this field a customizer would need to clear this setting first.

Visible by default

Showing the field is optional and can be controlled using scripts. More information: Visibility options


Select the number of columns the control occupies

When the section containing the fields has more than one column you can set the field to occupy up to the number of columns that the section has.


Display Name, Name, and Description

These read-only fields are for reference. Click the Edit button for convenient access to the field definition if you want to edit it.

Each instance of a field in the form has a name property so that they can be referenced in form scripts, but this name is managed by the application. The first instance of the field is the name of the field specified when it was created. More information: Create and edit fields

For each additional time that a field is included in a form, the name appends a number starting with 1 to the end. So if the field name is ‘new_cost’, the first instance is ‘new_cost’, the second is ‘new_cost1’, and so on for each instance of the field in the form.


The field Description value provides tooltip text for the field when people place their cursor over it.


Form Libraries

Specify any JavaScript web resources that will be used in the field OnChange event handler.

See the SDK Form Events Reference : Field OnChange Event 

Event Handlers

Configure the functions from the form libraries that should be called for the field OnChange event. More information: Configure event handlers

Business Rules

Business Rules

View and manage any business rules that reference this field. More information: Create and edit business rules

Special field properties

All fields have the properties listed in Common field properties, but certain fields have additional properties.

Lookup field properties

On the Display tab, lookup fields have some additional properties. Some system fields that look like lookup fields and have similar behaviors are Owner, Customer, PartyList and Regarding lookups. These fields are different from lookups because they allow for setting multiple values or multiple types, or both. These fields have only the first two properties: Turn off automatic resolutions in the field and Disable most recently used items for this field.

This is an example of the lookup dialog shown when people choose the Look Up More Records option when setting the value for a lookup.

Lookup dialog elements in Dynamics CRM



Turn off automatic resolutions in the field

Only main forms using the Classic forms support automatic resolution. This can be disabled with this setting.

Disable most recently used items for this field

Only main forms using the Classic forms support most recently used items. This can be disabled with this setting.

Related Records Filtering

When this is enabled the records displayed when someone searches for a record will have additional filtering applied. This helps provide more relevant searches when setting the value of the lookup.

You can also allow users to turn off the filter.

Display Search Box in lookup dialog

You can choose not to display the search box in the lookup dialog.

Default View

This view will be used to filter the results of the inline search and specify the default view shown in the lookup dialog if people choose the Look Up More Records option.

The default view also controls which fields are included in the inline lookup.

Inline lookup in Dynamics CRM

For lookups that only allow selection of a single type of entity, the fields displayed in the inline lookup are set to be the first two fields included in the default view. In this example, Main Phone and Email are the first two columns in the default view configured for an account lookup.

For system lookups that allow for multiple types of entities, the first two columns of the entity lookup view are shown.

View Selector

You can choose from three options:

  • Off: Do not allow people to choose a different view.

  • Show All Views; All views are available.

  • Show Selected Views: When you choose this option you can use the Ctrl key and your cursor to choose which views to show. The Lookup view for the entity cannot be de-selected.

Two option field properties

On the formatting tab, two option fields have the following formatting options

  • Two radio buttons: Two labeled controls with labels. Only one may be selected.

  • Checkbox: A single checkbox to set the true value, otherwise false.

  • List: A drop-down list containing both values.

Multiple lines of text field properties

Multiple lines of text and single line of text fields that use the Text Area format have a Row Layout property. With this property you can specify a value for Number of Rows or select Automatically expand to use available space.

Sub-grid properties

You can configure a sub-grid to display a list of records or a chart. Select Show Chart Only on the Display tab to show a chart instead of a list.






Required: The unique name for the sub-grid that is used when referencing it in scripts. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.


Required: The localizable label for the sub-grid visible to users.

Display label on the Form

Whether the label should be displayed on the form. This is required if you enable Display Search Box.


Choose from two options:

  • Only Related Records: Sub-grid will display only records related to the current record.

  • All Record Types: Sub-grid will display records filtered only by the default view or, if the view selector is enabled, any views the user chooses.

The option you choose will affect the behavior of the show list control. More information: Show list behavior


Depending on the option you choose for Records, this list displays either:

  • Only Related Records: A list of entities that are related to this entity with the name of the lookup field on that entity which defines the relationship in parentheses.

  • All Record Types: A list of all entities.

Default View

Choose the view that will be applied by default. If you do not enable any other views using the View Selector property. This will be the only view.

Use the Edit button to open the default view for editing. Use the New button to create a new view to use for this sub-grid.

Display Search Box

Display the search box. When this option is chosen the Display Label on the Form option is required.

Display Index

Only forms using the Classic forms support display index.

Select this check box if you want the alphabetical index to be available with the list. This lets you jump to records starting with a particular letter or number.

View Selector

You have three options:

  • Off: Only the default view can be used.

  • Show All Views: Allow people to choose any view.

  • Show Selected Views: Use the Ctrl key with your cursor to select which of the available views to show.

Default Chart

Select which chart to show if Show Chart Only is selected.

Show Chart Only

Rather than a list of records a chart will be displayed.

Display Chart Selection

If Show Chart Only is selected, allow people to choose different charts.



Select the number of columns the control occupies.

When the section containing the sub-grid has more than one column you can set the field to occupy up to the number of columns that the section has.

Row Layout

Number of Rows will determine how many records are shown on a page of a sub-grid.

If Automatically expand to use available space is chosen the form will allow space for two records and will expand the space as the number of records increases. If the number exceeds the Number of Rows, people can navigate to additional pages to view the records.

If Automatically expand to use available space is not chosen the form will provide space for the number of records defined by Number of Rows and people can navigate to additional pages to view any additional records.

In forms using the Classic forms, as in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, actions performed on a sub-grid were available in the ribbon. Developers can customize the behavior of these actions or add additional actions by customizing the ribbon.

In forms using the Updated forms actions for sub-grids are placed near the sub-grid, making them easier to access. However the command bar does not allow for custom actions to be added. Developers can edit the ribbon to modify the actions for the remaining three actions: show list, add record, and delete record.

Show list behavior

When displaying a list in forms with the Updated forms, each sub-grid displays a Open view button button in the top right corner when the entity is also displayed as one of the entities included in the navigation area of the form editor. Clicking this button will open the view. The behavior will change depending on the option chosen for the Records property.

When you select Only Related Records the view will open using one of the associated views in the same window. To return to the form, use the back button or click the current record primary name value in the navigation bar.

When you select All Record Types the view will open in a new window.

Add record behavior

When displaying a list in forms with the Updated forms, each sub-grid displays a Add button on sub-grid button in the top right side of the sub-grid. Clicking this button will allow you to add record. This behavior will change depending on the option chosen for the Records property and if the lookup is for activity records.

When you select Only Related Records the default behavior is the behavior to add existing records. People see an in-line lookup to search for an existing record first. This helps prevent creating duplicate records. If they can’t find an existing record, they can choose the New option. When a new record is created any of the field mappings defined in the relationship will be applied. More information: Mapping entity fields

When you select All Record Types the default behavior is to add a new record. The quick create form will be shown if the target entity has one. If not, the default entity main form is shown.

If the sub-grid displays activities, people will first need to choose the type of activity and then they will see the “add new record” behavior.

Delete record behavior

When you select a record in a sub-grid the delete icon Sub-grid delete icon appears on the right side of the row. The behavior of this delete action is different depending on the type of relationship with the current entity.

When the sub-grid uses a 1:N (one-to-many) relationship, the normal record delete behavior is to show a confirmation dialog before deleting the record.

When the sub-grid uses a N:N (many-to-many) relationship, the record in the relationship (or intersect) entity relating to two records is deleted without a confirmation and the record will no longer be displayed in the sub-grid. But the record that was displayed is not deleted.

Quick view control properties

A quick view control displays data from a record that is selected in a lookup on the form. The data displayed in the control is defined using a quick view form. The data displayed is not editable, but when the primary field is included in the quick view form, it becomes a link to open the related record. More information: Create and edit quick view forms 




Required: The unique name for the quick view form that is used when referencing it in scripts.


Required: A label to display for the quick view form.

Display label on the Form

Displays the label on the form.

Lookup Field

Choose one of the lookup fields included in the form.

Related entity

This value depends on the Lookup Field you choose. It is usually the primary entity for the 1:N entity relationship for the lookup.

If the entity includes a Potential Customer lookup that can accept either an account or contact, in the Quick View Form field you can choose a quick view form for both account and contact by changing this value and then choosing another quick view form.

Quick View Form

If the Related entity has any quick view forms you can select them here. Otherwise, click New to create one.

Click Edit to change the selected quick view form.

Web resource properties

You can add or edit web resources on a form to make it more appealing or useful to users. Form enabled web resources are images, HTML files, or Silverlight controls.

For step-by-step instructions, see Add or edit a form web resource.





web resource

Required: The image, HTML, or Silverlight web resource that you want.


Required: A unique name for the field. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.


Required: A label to display for the web resource.

Visible by default

Showing the web resource is optional and can be controlled using scripts. More information: Visibility options 

Custom Parameter

A custom value to pass as the data query string parameter. More information: Pass parameters to web resources 

Alternative Text

When an image web resource is displayed, this value will provide tooltip text for people using screen readers.

Restrict cross-frame scripting, where supported.

When pages exist on different domains you may want to prevent them from accessing the content of your form pages. Web resources are always in the same domain, so this should not be an issue with web resources.

Pass record object-type code and unique identifiers as parameters

Data about the organization, user, and the record can be passed to the web resource so it can adapt to organization settings. More information: Pass parameters to web resources 


Select the number of columns the control occupies

When the section containing the web resource has more than one column you can set the field to occupy up to the number of columns that the section has.

Select the number of rows the control occupies

You can control the height of the web resource by specifying a number of rows.

Automatically expand to use available space

You can allow the web resource height to expand to available space.

Select the scrolling type for the IFRAME

An HTML web resource is added to the form using an IFRAME.

  • As Necessary: Show scrollbars when the size of the web resource is larger than the available.

  • Always: Always show scrollbars.

  • Never: Never show scrollbars.

Display border

Display a border around the web resource.


Dependent fields

A web resource may interact with fields in the form using script. If a field is removed from the form the script in the web resource may break. Add any fields referenced by scripts in the web resource to the Dependent fields so that they cannot be removed accidentally.

Pass parameters to web resources

An HTML or Silverlight web resource can accept parameters to be passed as query string parameters.

Information about the record can be passed by enabling the Pass record object-type code and unique identifiers as parameters option. If information is typed into the Custom Parameter(data) field it will be passed using the data parameter. The values passed are:




This parameter is only passed when text is provided for Custom Parameter(data).


The Organization default language LCID.


The name of the organization.


The user’s preferred language LCID


The entity type code. This value can be different for custom entities in different organizations. Use entity type name instead.


The entity type name.


The id value of the record. this parameter has no value until the entity record is saved.

Any other parameters are not allowed and the web resource will not open if other parameters are used. If you need to pass multiple values, the data parameter can be overloaded to include more parameters within it. See the SDK Sample: Pass Multiple Values to a Web Resource Through the Data Parameter 

IFRAME properties

You can add IFRAMEs to a form to integrate content from another website within a form.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms are not designed to be displayed within IFRAMEs.






Required: A unique name for the IFRAME. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.


Required: The URL for the page to display in the IFRAME.

Pass record object-type code and unique identifiers as parameters

Data about the organization, user, and the record can be passed to the IFRAME. More information: Pass parameters to IFRAMES 


Required: A label to display for the IFRAME.

Display label on the Form

Whether the label should be displayed.

Restrict cross-frame scripting, where supported

It is considered a security risk to allow pages from a different web site to interact with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM application using scripts. Use this option to restrict cross frame scripting for pages you do not have control over.

More information: Select Whether to Restrict Cross-Frame Scripting 

Visible by default

Showing the IFRAME is optional and can be controlled using scripts. More information: Visibility options 


Select the number of columns the control occupies

When the section containing the IFRAME has more than one column you can set the field to occupy up to the number of columns that the section has.

Select the number of rows the control occupies

You can control the height of the IFRAME by specifying a number of rows the control occupies.

Automatically expand to use available space

Instead of setting the height by a number of rows, you can allow the IFRAME height to expand to available space.

Select the scrolling type for the IFRAME

You have three options:

  • As Necessary: Show scrollbars when the size of the IFRAME is larger than the available space.

  • Always: Always show scrollbars.

  • Never: Never show scrollbars.

Display border

Display a border around the IFRAME.


Dependent fields

An IFRAME may interact with fields in the form using script. If a field is removed from the form the script in the IFRAME may break. Add any fields referenced by scripts in the IFRAMES to the Dependent fields so that they cannot be removed accidentally.

Pass parameters to IFRAMES

Information about the record can be passed by enabling the Pass record object-type code and unique identifiers as parameters option. The values passed are:




The Organization default language LCID.


The name of the organization.


The user’s preferred language LCID


The entity type code. This value can be different for custom entities in different organizations. Use typename instead.


The entity type name.


The id value of the record. this parameter has no value until the entity record is saved.

Notes control

In forms for certain system entities using the Updated forms the notes control provides the ability to access information about POSTS, ACTIVITIES, and NOTES. For custom entities where you have enabled notes and activities, you will only see NOTES and ACTIVITIES. To include POSTS you must enable them for the custom entity.

Enable posts for a custom entity

  1. Navigate to Settings > Post Configurations and locate the record for your custom entity.

  2. Make sure that Enable walls for this type of record form is selected and save the record.

  3. In the command bar, select ACTIVATE.

  4. If you needed to enable walls, you need to publish the entity.

By default, for system entities the notes control is positioned in a social pane section in the center of a three column tab at the top of the form. It can appear in a form just one time. You can move or remove the notes control. To add it back, use the Notes button in the Control group of the Insert tab.

The following table describes the properties for the Notes control.






Required: Although the label is not displayed by default, a label is required.

Display Label on the form

You can choose to display the label.

Lock the field on the form

This will prevent the notes from being removed from the form accidentally.

Default tab

Select which tab should be displayed by default. The options are:

  • Activities

  • Posts

  • Notes


Select the number of columns the control occupies

When the section containing the notes control has more than one column you can set the field to occupy up to the number of columns that the section has.

Number of Rows

Control the height of the notes control by selecting the number of rows the control occupies.

Automatically expand to use available space

Instead of setting the height by a number of rows, you can allow the notes control height to expand to available space.

Configure Bing maps

Bing Maps can be displayed in forms for the account, contact, lead, quote, order, invoice, competitor, and system user forms. You can remove the Bing Maps area in the form editor or add it back by using the Bing Maps button on the Insert tab of the form editor.

To enable Bing Maps the system setting Show Bing Maps on forms must be enabled. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 on-premise organizations will need to enter a Bing Maps Key and enter it in the system setting Please enter Bing Maps key. Obtain a Bing Map key from: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online subscribers do not require a key.






Required: A label to display for the Bing Maps.

Display label on the form

Whether the label should be displayed.

Select an address to use with the Bing Maps control

Choose which address should be used to provide data for the map.

Visible by default

Showing the Bing maps is optional and can be controlled using scripts. More information: Visibility options 


Select the number of columns the control occupies

When the section containing the Bing Maps has more than one column you can set the field to occupy up to the number of columns that the section has.

Select the number of rows the control occupies

You can control the height of the Bing Maps by specifying a number of rows.

Automatically expand to use available space

You can allow the Bing Maps height to expand to available space.

Edit Navigation

Navigation within the form allows people to view lists of related records. Each entity relationship has properties to control whether it should be shown. More information: Navigation pane item for primary entity 

Any entity relationships that are configured to be displayed can be overridden within the form editor. You can also include navigation links to display web resources or other web sites via form navigation.

For step-by-step instructions, see Add or edit form navigation for related entities

To enable editing navigation you must first select Navigation from the Select group on the Home tab.

In the Relationship Explorer you can filter by 1:N (one-to-many) or N:N (many-to-many) relationships, or view all available relationships. The Only show unused relationships checkbox is disabled and selected. So you can only add each relationship one time.

To add a relationship from the Relationship Explorer just double click it and it will be added below the currently selected relationship in the navigation area. Double-click a relationship in the navigation area and you can change the label on the Display tab. On the Name tab you can see information about the relationship. Use the Edit button to open the definition of the entity.

There are five groups in the navigation area. You can drag them to reposition them and double-click them to change the label, but you can’t remove them. These groups will only display when there is something in them. So if you don’t want a group to appear, just don’t add anything to it.

Use the Navigation Link button in the Control group of the Insert tab to add a link to a web resource or external URL.

Navigation links have the following properties:




Required: Text to display as a label.


Use a 32x32 pixel web resource. Use a PNG image with a transparent background is recommended.

Web Resource

Specify a web resource to display in the main pane of the form.

External URL

Specify the URL of a page to display in the main pane of the form.

Timer control

Use a timer control in forms where records need to meet a specific time-based milestone. A timer control shows people how much time is available to complete an action in the resolution of an active record or how much time has passed since the time to complete the action has passed. At a minimum, timer controls must be configured to show success or failure in completing the action. In addition, they can be configured to display warnings when the conditions are approaching failure.

A timer control can be added to a form for any entity, but they are most frequently used for the case entity, especially when linked to fields that track service level agreements. You can add multiple timer controls in the body of a form. You can’t add them to the header or footer.

Timer control Data Source properties use fields for the entity.

  • The Failure Time Field uses a date-time field to set the time.

  • The three condition fields use one of the Option Set, Two Options, Status, or Status Reason fields for the entity.

Timer control properties

The following table describes the properties of a timer control.






Required. A unique name for the control.


Required. The label to display for the timer control.

Data Source

Failure Time Field

Required. Choose one of the date-time fields for the entity to represent when a milestone should be successfully completed.

Success Condition

Required. Select a field for the entity to evaluate the success of the milestone, then choose which option indicates success.

Warning Condition

Select a field for the entity to evaluate whether the success of the milestone is at risk so that a warning should be displayed, then choose which option indicates that a warning should be displayed.

Cancel Condition

Select a field for the entity to evaluate whether the achievement of th milestone should be cancelled, then choose which option indicates that the milestone is cancelled.

Configure event handlers

Form event handlers can be configured for the following areas in a form:






Occurs when the form loads.


Occurs when data is saved.



Occurs when the tab is expanded or collapsed.



Occurs when data in the field changes and the control loses focus.



Occurs when the content of an IFRAME loads.

An event handler consists of a reference to a JavaScript web resource and a function defined within that web resource that will execute when the event occurs. Each element can have up to 50 separate event handlers configured.


Configuring an event handler incorrectly can result in script errors that may cause the form to fail to load or function correctly. If you are not the developer of the script, make sure you understand exactly what configuration options the script requires.

Do not configure a script event handler using a library that does not come from a source you trust. Scripts can be used to perform any action a user might perform and a poorly written script can significantly damage the performance of a form.

After you configure an event handler always test it to verify it is working correctly.

To configure an event handler

  1. In the form editor, select the element with the event you want to configure a handler for.

  2. On the Home tab, in the Edit group, click Change Properties or simply double-click the element.

  3. In the element properties dialog, select the Events tab.

  4. Expand the Form Libraries area. If the library containing the function you want to set as the event handler is not already listed, add the library.

To add a form library to an event handler

a. In the Form Libraries section of the Event List, click Add.

b. Locate the JavaScript web resource in the list of available web resources. Select it and click Add.

If the JavaScript web resource you need does not exist, click New to open a new web resource form and create one.

To create a JavaScript web resource
  1. In the web resource form set the following properties:




    Required. Type the name of the web resource.

    Display Name

    Required. Type the name to be displayed in the list of web resources.


    Optional. Type a description of the web resource.


    Required. Select Script (JScript).


    Optional. Choose one of the languages available for your organization.

  2. If you have been provided with a script, we highly recommend that you use the Browse button to locate the file and upload it.

    Alternatively, you can click Text Editor button and paste or type the contents of the script in the Edit Content dialog.


    Because this simple text editor does not provide any features to check the correctness of the script, generally you should always try to use a separate application like Microsoft Visual Studio to edit scripts and then upload them.

  3. Click Save and close the web resource dialog.

  4. The web resource you created is now selected in the Look Up Record dialog. Click Add to close the dialog.

  5. When the script is available in the form you may adjust the order in which the script will be loaded by using the green arrows to move it up or down.

  6. In the Event Handlers section, select the event you want to set an event handler for.

  7. Click Add to open the Handler Properties dialog.

  8. On the Details tab choose the appropriate library and type the name of the function that should be executed for the event.

  9. By default the event handler is enabled. Clear the Enabled checkbox if you do not want to enable this event.

Some functions require an execution context to be passed to the function. Select Pass execution context as the first parameter if it is required.

Some functions can accept a set of parameters to control the behavior of a function. If these are required, enter them in the Comma separated list of parameters that will be passed to the function.

  1. On the Dependencies tab, add any fields that the script depends on into the Dependent Fields area.

  2. Click OK to close the Handler Properties dialog.

  3. When the event handler is entered you may adjust the order in which the function will be executed relative to any other functions by using the green arrows to move it up or down.

  4. Click OK to close the element properties dialog.

  5. Click Save to save your changes. Click Publish to publish the form.

See Also

Create and design forms
Design considerations for main forms
Create and edit mobile forms
Create and edit quick create forms
Create and edit quick view forms
Customize CRM for tablets

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