ReleaseUpdateDB60_Ledger.createFiscalCalendarForLedger Upgrade Script
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Class |
ReleaseUpdateDB60_Ledger |
Method |
createFiscalCalendarForLedger |
Description |
Creates a record in the FiscalCalendar table. This fiscal calendar record will be used as the financial calendar of the company. |
Affected Modules and Tables
Affected Modules |
General ledger |
Affected Tables |
FiscalCalendar |
companyInfo |
del_AssetCalendar |
The existing two fiscal calendar definitions that are asset calendars and ledger period setup are replaced with the one fiscal calendars definition in this release.
New Tables or Fields
Table |
Field |
Extended Data Type -or- Base Enum |
FiscalCalendar |
Deleted Tables or Fields
Table |
Field |
DEL_AssetCalendar |