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Expedite orders


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

This topic describes how to expedite sales orders that are created in a call center. To use an expedited mode for an order, you must first set up codes that specify how much to expedite orders. You can optionally use one of these codes to set up a mode of delivery that is always expedited. Then, in the sales order, select either an expedite code or an expedited mode of delivery. These settings cause the order to be marked as expedited in the picking list.


The following table shows the prerequisites that must be in place before you start.



Required setup tasks

Set up a call center

1. Set up expedite codes

Set up codes that indicate how much to expedite the order. For example, you can set up a code that is named High to indicate that an order should be shipped as soon as possible, and a code that is named Low to indicate that the order has low shipping priority. You can use these codes in individual sales orders, or in the settings for one or more of the modes of delivery.

To set up expedite codes, follow these steps.

  1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Distribution > Expedite codes.

  2. Click New, and then enter a code and a description.

  3. Close the form.

2. Optional: Set up an expedited mode of delivery

You can specify that a particular mode of delivery is always expedited by using one of the expedite codes that you created in procedure 1.

To set up an expedited mode of delivery, follow these steps.

  1. Click Sales and marketing > Setup > Distribution > Modes of delivery.

  2. Specify an expedited mode of delivery by following one of these steps:

    • Select one of the existing modes of delivery. In the Expedite field, select one of the expedite codes that you created in procedure 1. Close the form.

    • Click New to create a new mode of delivery. Enter the details for the mode of delivery, and then, in the Expedite field, select one of the expedite codes that you created in procedure 1. Close the form.

3. Expedite an order

You can expedite a sales order by using an expedited mode of delivery or by applying an expedite code to the order.

To expedite an order, follow these steps.

  1. Click Call center > Common > All sales orders.

  2. Create a new sales order, and enter information about the customer and the products that are being purchased.

  3. On the Sales order header FastTab, in the Delivery details section, in the Mode of delivery field, select a mode of delivery.

    By default, after you select a mode of delivery, the Expedite field is populated with the expedite code that was specified for that mode of delivery. If no code was specified for the mode of delivery, the Expedite field is empty.

  4. If the Expedite field isn't already set to the expedite code that you require, select the code.

    The code that you select in this field overrides the default code for the mode of delivery. The override affects the processing of the current sales order only.

  5. On the Sales order lines FastTab, add lines for the products to include in the order.

  6. By default, on the Line details FastTab, on the Delivery tab, the Mode of delivery and Expedite fields use the settings that you selected in the Sales order header. You can change these settings for each line, if changes are required.

  7. Continue to create the sales order by using the usual procedure. When you create the picking list for the expedited order, the message **Expedited** appears above the customer address.

Next step

Set up picking and shipping processes to guarantee that the expedited order is shipped at an appropriate level of priority.

Technical information for system administrators

If you don't have access to the pages that are used to complete this task, contact your system administrator and provide the information that is shown in the following table.



Configuration keys

Retail Headquarters configuration key

Call center configuration key

Security roles

Sales manager (to set up expedited delivery options)

Sales clerk (to create sales orders)

See also

Modes of delivery (form)