TaxWithholdUncommitted_IN::getActualTaxAmountForVoucher Method
Gets corrected withhold tax amount for specified HeadingTableId, HeadingRecId, voucher, inclusiveTax and companyId.
The syntax of this method varies based on the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX that you are using.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
client server public static TaxAmountCur getActualTaxAmountForVoucher(
RefTableId _documentTableId,
RefRecId _documentId,
Voucher _voucher,
boolean _includeUseTax,
[SelectableDataArea _companyId,
RefRecId _sourceRecId])
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)
client server public static TaxAmountCur getActualTaxAmountForVoucher(
RefTableId _documentTableId,
RefRecId _documentId,
Voucher _voucher,
boolean _includeUseTax,
[SelectableDataArea _companyId])
Run On
- _documentTableId
Type: RefTableId Extended Data Type
The Heading tableId.
- _documentId
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The Heading recId.
- _voucher
Type: Voucher Extended Data Type
The voucher.
- _includeUseTax
Type: boolean
priceInclusive tax is marked.
- _companyId
Type: SelectableDataArea Extended Data Type
The companyId.
- _sourceRecId
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
Return Value
Type: TaxAmountCur Extended Data Type
Gets corrected withhold tax amount for specified HeadingTableId, HeadingRecId, voucher, inclusiveTax and companyId.