TaxWithholdConcessionTable_IN::existDateInInterval Method
Checks whether TaxWithholdConcessionTable_IN record exists or not for specified parameters.
server private static boolean existDateInInterval(
TaxWithholdCode _taxWithholdCode,
TransDate _fromDate,
TransDate _toDate,
RecId _recId)
Run On
- _taxWithholdCode
Type: TaxWithholdCode Extended Data Type
TaxWithhold code used to find the record.
- _fromDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
From date used to find the record.
- _toDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
To date used to find the record.
- _recId
Type: RecId Extended Data Type
RecId used to find the record.
Return Value
Type: boolean
true if record exists otherwise false.