PMFSeqWrkCtrCapRes::refreshResourceReservations Method
Copies the capacity reservations that are created by MRP for a certain resource into the sequencing capacity reservation table.
client server private static void refreshResourceReservations(
TransDate _startDate,
TransDate _endDate,
RefRecId _planVersion,
WrkCtrId _wrkCtrId,
PMFSeqTmpBuffer _noCopyOperations)
Run On
- _startDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The start date for the copy process to search the existing data.
- _endDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The end date for the copy process to search the existing data.
- _planVersion
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The MRP plan version that is used by the copy process to search the existing data.
- _wrkCtrId
Type: WrkCtrId Extended Data Type
The work center that is used by the copy process to search the existing data.
- _noCopyOperations
Type: PMFSeqTmpBuffer Table
A temporary record buffer that contains the operations for which capacity reservations should not be copied.