InventPosting::itemSite_CN Method
Uses the information of item and site to find the matched ledger account with specified InventAccountType.
server private static LedgerDimensionDefaultAccount itemSite_CN(
InventAccountType _accountType,
InventSiteRelation_CN _siteRelation,
ItemId _itemId,
[ItemGroupId _itemGroup,
InventCategoryRelation _itemCategory,
boolean _searchTable,
boolean _searchGroupId,
boolean _searchCategory,
boolean _searchAll])
Run On
- _accountType
Type: InventAccountType Enumeration
The InventAccountType for searching.
- _siteRelation
Type: InventSiteRelation_CN Extended Data Type
Site value.
- _itemId
Type: ItemId Extended Data Type
Item number (Item Id).
- _itemGroup
Type: ItemGroupId Extended Data Type
Item group. Default is ''.
- _itemCategory
Type: InventCategoryRelation Extended Data Type
Item category. Default is 0.
- _searchTable
Type: boolean
Bool value to indicate whether to search in specific table. Default is true.
- _searchGroupId
Type: boolean
Bool value to indicate whether to search in specific group. Default is true.
- _searchCategory
Type: boolean
Bool value to indicate whether to search in specific category. Default is true.
- _searchAll
Type: boolean
Bool value to indicate whether to search in all objects. Default is true.
Return Value
Type: LedgerDimensionDefaultAccount Extended Data Type
The matched ledger account. If not matched, return ''.
The priority of site is lower than item.