InventPosting::accountItemExtendParmWithBackup_CN Method
Uses the information of account, item, and extended parameters to find the matched ledger account with specified InventAccountType and backup InventAccountType*.If no ledger account mathch with InventAccountType, then search with the backup InventAccountType*.
client server public static LedgerDimensionDefaultAccount accountItemExtendParmWithBackup_CN(
InventAccountType _accountType,
InventAccountType _backupAccountType,
InventPostingExtendParm_CN _inventPostingExtendParm,
ItemId _itemNum,
ItemGroupId _itemGroup,
InventCategoryRelation _itemCategory,
CustVendAC _accountNum,
CustVendGroupId _accountGroup,
TaxGroup _taxGroup)
Run On
- _accountType
Type: InventAccountType Enumeration
The primary InventAccountType for searching.
- _backupAccountType
Type: InventAccountType Enumeration
Backup InventAccountType.
- _inventPostingExtendParm
Type: InventPostingExtendParm_CN Class
Backup InventAccountType.
- _itemNum
Type: ItemId Extended Data Type
Item number.
- _itemGroup
Type: ItemGroupId Extended Data Type
Item group.
- _itemCategory
Type: InventCategoryRelation Extended Data Type
Item category relation.
- _accountNum
Type: CustVendAC Extended Data Type
Account number.
- _accountGroup
Type: CustVendGroupId Extended Data Type
Account group.
- _taxGroup
Type: TaxGroup Extended Data Type
Tax group.
Return Value
Type: LedgerDimensionDefaultAccount Extended Data Type
The matched ledger account.