RTax25ProfitTable::lookupLeafProfitTable Method
Creates and displays lookup to select the leafs of the expense and income codes.
client public static RTax25ProfitTable lookupLeafProfitTable(
FormReferenceControl _ctrlProfit,
[RTax25ProfitType _profitType,
boolean _dimNotEmpty])
Run On
- _ctrlProfit
Type: FormReferenceControl Class
An instance of the form control where the lookup is called out.
- _profitType
Type: RTax25ProfitType Enumeration
A RTax25ProfitType value that sets filter by profit type.
- _dimNotEmpty
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that sets filter by blocked field.
Return Value
Type: RTax25ProfitTable Table
The container of the selected RTax25ProfitTable table record.