PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine::create Method
Creates a new record and inserts it into the PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine table.
client server public static PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine create(
PayrollPayStatement _payStatement,
TransDate _periodEndDate,
HcmBenefit _benefit,
AccountingDistributionTemplateRecId _accountingDistributionTemplateRecId,
AmountCur _benefitAmount,
PayrollType _payrollType,
[HcmPositionRecId _positionRecId,
PayrollPayStatementLineSource _source,
boolean _isPayStatementLineOverridden,
AmountMST _baseTimeEarningBaseAmount,
PayrollEarningQuantity _baseTimeEarningBaseHours,
AmountMST _premiumEarningBaseAmount,
PayrollEarningQuantity _premiumEarningBaseHours])
Run On
- _payStatement
Type: PayrollPayStatement Table
The PayStatement table buffer that represents the parent record.
- _periodEndDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The value of the AccountingDate field of the record to create.
- _benefit
Type: HcmBenefit Table
The HcmBenefit table buffer of the benefit for the PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine record.
- _accountingDistributionTemplateRecId
Type: AccountingDistributionTemplateRecId Extended Data Type
The value of the AccountingDistributionTemplate field of the record to create.
- _benefitAmount
Type: AmountCur Extended Data Type
The value of the AccountingCurrencyAmount field of the record to create.
- _payrollType
Type: PayrollType Enumeration
The PyrollType value.
- _positionRecId
Type: HcmPositionRecId Extended Data Type
The HcmPosition record ID.
- _source
Type: PayrollPayStatementLineSource Enumeration
The PayrollPayStatementLineSource value.
- _isPayStatementLineOverridden
Type: boolean
A value that shows whether this line is overridden.
- _baseTimeEarningBaseAmount
Type: AmountMST Extended Data Type
The earning basis value that is calculated for the benefit line.
- _baseTimeEarningBaseHours
Type: PayrollEarningQuantity Extended Data Type
The earning basis value in hours that is calculated for the benefit line.
- _premiumEarningBaseAmount
Type: AmountMST Extended Data Type
The earning basis value of the overtime/double time earnings that are calculated for the benefit line.
- _premiumEarningBaseHours
Type: PayrollEarningQuantity Extended Data Type
The earning basis value in hours of the overtime/double time earnings that are calculated for the benefit line.
Return Value
Type: PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine Table
The newly created PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine record.