PayrollAccrualTransactionsView::getWorkerEnrolledAccrualPendingUsageBal Method
Returns the sum of total hours that are pending usage from the PayrollAccrualTransactionsView view.
client server public static PayrollAccrualUsedHours getWorkerEnrolledAccrualPendingUsageBal(
PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrualRecId _workerEnrolledAccrualRecId,
date _accrualYearStartDate,
date _accrualYearEndDate)
Run On
- _workerEnrolledAccrualRecId
Type: PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrualRecId Extended Data Type
The RecId field of the PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual table.
- _accrualYearStartDate
Type: date
The AccrualYearStartDate field of the PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual table.
- _accrualYearEndDate
Type: date
The AccrualYearEndDate field of the PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual table.
Return Value
Type: PayrollAccrualUsedHours Extended Data Type
The sum of pending usage hours.