RAssetDisposalParameters::offsetLedgerDimensionAccount Method
Returns the offset ledger dimension account for the current disposal type.
server public static LedgerDimensionDefaultAccount offsetLedgerDimensionAccount(
RAssetPostingProfile _postingProfile,
RAssetDisposalType _disposalType,
RAssetId _assetId,
RAssetStandardId _assetStandardId)
Run On
- _postingProfile
Type: RAssetPostingProfile Extended Data Type
The posting profile of the asset value model.
- _disposalType
Type: RAssetDisposalType Enumeration
The current disposal type of the posting profile.
- _assetId
Type: RAssetId Extended Data Type
The asset ID that is used to select a ledger account from the ledger setup.
- _assetStandardId
Type: RAssetStandardId Extended Data Type
The asset value model.
Return Value
Type: LedgerDimensionDefaultAccount Extended Data Type
The offset ledger dimension account.