ProjTransferPrice::find Method
Gets a ProjTransferPrice record based on certain criteria set from the parameters and best currency selection.
The syntax of this method varies based on the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX that you are using.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
client server public static ProjTransferPrice find(
RefRecId _workerRecId,
DataAreaId _projectLegalEntity,
RefRecId _projTable,
RefRecId _projCategory,
[TransDate _transDate,
boolean _forUpdate,
DataAreaId _workerDataAreaId,
CurrencyCode _transferCurrency,
ProjInvoiceTableRecId _contract,
ProjTransferPriceTransType _transType])
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)
client server public static ProjTransferPrice find(
RefRecId _workerRecId,
DataAreaId _projectLegalEntity,
RefRecId _projTable,
RefRecId _projCategory,
[TransDate _transDate,
boolean _forUpdate,
DataAreaId _workerDataAreaId])
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS)
client server public static ProjTransferPrice find(
RefRecId _workerRecId,
DataAreaId _projectLegalEntity,
RefRecId _projTable,
RefRecId _projCategory,
[TransDate _transDate,
boolean _forUpdate])
Run On
- _workerRecId
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The worker record ID.
- _projectLegalEntity
Type: DataAreaId Extended Data Type
The dataAreaId value of the legal entity of the project.
- _projTable
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the project.
- _projCategory
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the category.
- _transDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
The effective date.
- _forUpdate
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether to read the record for update; optional.
- _workerDataAreaId
Type: DataAreaId Extended Data Type
- _transferCurrency
Type: CurrencyCode Extended Data Type
- _contract
Type: ProjInvoiceTableRecId Extended Data Type
- _transType
Type: ProjTransferPriceTransType Enumeration
Return Value
Type: ProjTransferPrice Table
A ProjTransferPrice record.