TaxUncommitted::getActualTaxAmountForInvoice Method
Gets the actual tax amount for the invoice.
client server public static TaxAmountCur getActualTaxAmountForInvoice(
RefTableId _documentTableId,
RefRecId _documentId,
Voucher _voucher,
InvoiceId _invoiceId,
boolean _includeUseTax)
Run On
- _documentTableId
Type: RefTableId Extended Data Type
The table ID for the transaction header.
- _documentId
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the transaction header.
- _voucher
Type: Voucher Extended Data Type
The voucher.
- _invoiceId
Type: InvoiceId Extended Data Type
The invoice ID.
- _includeUseTax
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether the tax amount must include use tax.
Return Value
Type: TaxAmountCur Extended Data Type
The tax amount in transactional currency.