smmActivities Table
The smmActivities table contains all of the activities. The activities can be categorized into Tasks, Appointments, Actions and Events.
Method | Description | |
actualEndDate | ||
actualEndDateTime | ||
aosValidateDelete | Validates on the server that the specified record can be deleted from a table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
aosValidateInsert | Validates on the server that the specified record can be inserted. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
aosValidateRead | Validates on the server that the specified record can be read. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
aosValidateUpdate | Validates on the server that the specified record can be updated. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
buf2con | Packs the table buffers of an xRecord instance into an X++ container. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
busRelAccount | ||
callListId | ||
campaignId | ||
cancelTimeOut | Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
canSubmitToWorkflow | Indicates whether submission to workflow is possible. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
caption | Gets and sets the caption property of a table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
changeResponsible | ||
checkCaseLogCondition | Indicates whether there is a case that is assigned to an activity. If yes, creates a case log if the case log does not exist. | |
checkInvalidFieldAccess | Gets and sets invalid field access. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
checkRecord | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to check mandatory fields. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
checkRestrictedDeleteActions | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether a record can be deleted. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
clear | Removes all rows from the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
closedActivity | ||
company | Gets and sets the property that indicates a legal entity for the record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
con2buf | Unpacks a container into the table buffers. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
concurrencyModel | Gets and sets the default concurrency model to use to update records. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
contactPersonId | ||
context | Gets and sets the context property. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
copyLinksFromParentActivity | ||
data | Retrieves a row from the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
dataSource | Retrieves the data source of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
dateEnd | ||
daynumOfMonth | ||
daysFrom1990 | ||
daysLast | ||
defaultActivityDuration | ||
defaultField | Populates default values in a field in the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
defaultRow | Populates default values in fields in the table in the non-interactive case. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
delete | ||
disableCache | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether caching is disabled. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
dispose | Releases resources that are used by the xRecord object. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doClear | Removes all rows from the table buffer and bypasses any additional logic in the clear method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doDelete | Deletes the current record from the table and bypasses any additional logic in the delete method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doInsert | Inserts the record into the table and bypasses any additional logic in the insert method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doUpdate | Updates the current record and bypasses any additional logic in the update method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doValidateDelete | Performs the action to validate that a record can be deleted. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
endDate | ||
endDateTime | ||
endDays | ||
endTime | ||
equal | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
existsLink | ||
existsQuotationLink | ||
fieldAccessRight | Returns the field access right. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
fieldBufferAccessRight | Returns the field access right for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
fieldState | Sets or returns the state of a field in the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
findEndDateTimeBasedOnTotalWork | ||
getAllowRedefault | Returns the list of fields that are allowed to re-default. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getDefaultingDependencies | Returns the container that holds defaulting dependencies. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getEarliestStartDateFromChildren | Retrieves the earliest start date from all the children activities of this activity. | |
getExtension | Returns the table extension. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getFieldValue | Gets the value of the specified field from a table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getInstanceRelationType | Returns the table name that corresponds to the InstanceRelationType ID. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getLatestEndDateFromChildren | Retrieves the latest end date and time from all the children activities of this activity. | |
getParentSmmActivities | Retrieves the parent activity of a given child activity. | |
getPhysicalTableName | Return the physical table name, which, in the case of the SQL Temp DB table, is the table instance name. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getPresenceFieldData | Retrieves the PresenceInfo value from the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getSQLStatement | Gets the SQL statement that is used to return records from the database. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getTableInInstanceHierarchy | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getTableType | Indicates the type of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getTimeOutTimerHandle | Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
handle | Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
hasRelatedTable | Indicates whether a foreign key constraint buffer is linked with the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
helpField | Retrieves a string that contains the Help text for the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
hierarchyName | Gets the current hierarchy name which is displayed on the enhanced preview of the Activities. | |
initFromAttendeeTable | ||
initFromCallListParameters | ||
initFromCallListTargetParameters | ||
initFromCampaignParameters | ||
initFromCampaignTargetParameters | ||
initFromCaseCategory | Initializes the activity from the case. | |
initFromCommon | ||
initFromCommonUsingTemplate | ||
initFromEmplTable | ||
initFromHierarchyTemplate | ||
initFromProjActivity | ||
initFromProjTable | ||
initFromQuotationParameters | ||
initFromSalesQuotationTable | ||
initFromSMAAgreementParameters | ||
initFromSMAParameters | ||
initFromSMAServiceOrderLineParameters | ||
initFromSMAServiceOrderParameters | ||
initFromTemplateActivity | ||
initFromWorkerTable | Initializes the activity from the worker. | |
initTemplateDates | ||
initValue | ||
inputStatus | Sets or returns the current input status of the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
insert | ||
insertParentLink | ||
interactiveContext | Sets or returns the current interactive context of the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isAttendeeAllowed | ||
isFieldDataRetrieved | Checks whether the data of the given field has been retrieved. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isFieldSet | Checks whether a field has a Set or Defaulted state. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isFormDataSource | Indicates whether the data source is a form. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isHierarchyNode | Indicates whether the activity is part of a hierarchy. | |
isNewRecord | Returns true if the record is a new record that hasn't been persisted yet. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isPartOfUOWSaveChanges | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isProjectActivity | Checks whether the activity is associated to a project. | |
isRequired | Checks whether the activity is required, and displays it on the enhanced preview of the Activities if it is. | |
isTempDb | Indicates whether the type of the table is SQL TempDB. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isTmp | Indicates whether this is a temporary table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
joinChild | Finds the join child of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
joinParent | Finds the join parent of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
lastActivityType | ||
lastEditAxDateTime | ||
linkedParentId | ||
linkPhysicalTableInstance | Checks whether there is a link for the physical table instance for the record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
mcrInitFromCatalogRequest | Initialize the MCRCatalogRequest table record. | |
merge | Merges the current table with the specified table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
modifiedField | ||
modifiedFieldValue | Modifies the specified field to the original value. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
nameOfDay | ||
new | Initializes a new instance of the Object class. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notify | Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notifyAll | Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
objectOnServer | Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.) | |
orig | Retrieves the original values of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
overwriteSystemfields | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether system fields can be overwritten. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
owner | Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
partyNumber | Gets the PartyNumber value for the activity. | |
postCacheLoad | Is executed after data is hit from the cache for the select operation on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
postLoad | Is executed after a record is read. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
preRemoting | Is executed before a cross-tier call is about to be executed for the table that would pack its state to the other tier. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
previewPaneTitle | ||
projId | ||
psAeditActivity | ||
psAeditActivityPurpose | ||
psAeditDefault | ||
psAeditDescription | ||
psAeditDuration | ||
psAeditJobId | ||
psAeditMandatory | ||
psAeditMileStone | ||
psAfindProjIdFromRecID | ||
queryTimedOut | Indicates whether the query exceeded the time limit for execution. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
queryTimeout | Gets and sets the property that indicates the time limit for the execution of a query. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
quotationId | ||
readCommittedLock | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
readPast | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip rows that are locked by other processes when a record is read. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
recordLevelSecurity | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to apply security on a record level. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
relatedTable | Sets or returns the related buffer of a link of a table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
reminderDate | ||
reminderDateTime | ||
reminderTime | ||
renamePrimaryKey | Renames the foreign keys in other tables according to the change of the corresponding primary key value in this table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
reread | Rereads the record from the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
responsibleEmployeeName | ||
responsibleWorkerName | Retrieves the name for that activity of the responsible worker. | |
RowCount | Retrieves the number of rows in the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
salesId | ||
selectForUpdate | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to select records for update when they are read. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
selectLocked | Indicates whether to select locked records. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
selectRefRecord | Selects the record by referenced field ID. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
selectWithRepeatableRead | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether repeatable read is enabled. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
serviceOrderId | ||
setActivityNum | ||
setActValues | ||
setConnection | Sets the user connection for this table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setCrossPartition | Sets or resets cross-partitioning for the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setEndDate | ||
setEndTime | ||
setFieldValue | Sets the field value in the record buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setFromActionDateTime | ||
setParentEndDateTime | Sets the end date and time of the parent activity. | |
setParentStartDateTime | Sets the start date and time of the parent. | |
setReminderDate | ||
setReminderTime | ||
setSQLTracing | Enables or disables SQL tracing mode. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setStartDate | ||
setStartTime | ||
setTimeOut | Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
setTmp | Sets the table so that it is not persisted to the database. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setTmpData | Sets the contents of the temporary table to the specified data. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setXDSContext | Sets new XDS context. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
showBusAccName | ||
showCampaignName | ||
showContactInfo | ||
showContactName | ||
showContactPhone | ||
showDocHanIcon | ||
showEndTime | ||
showEPCategory | ||
showEPHeaderEndDateTime | ||
showEPHeaderStartDateTime | ||
showEPProcess | ||
showEPReminderActive | ||
showEPResponseRequested | ||
showEPStage | ||
showEPStartTime | ||
showEPStatus | ||
showEPTeamTask | ||
showFollowUpIcon | ||
showProjName | ||
showSalesStatus | ||
showStartTime | ||
showTMName | ||
signOffServiceLines | ||
skipAosValidation | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip validation of Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS). (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipDatabaseLog | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip database log requests. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipDataMethods | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to discard overloaded methods. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipDeleteActions | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip delete actions on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipDeleteMethod | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to discard overloaded methods. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipEvents | Provides an option to turn off calling the Application.event* methods for the lifetime of an xRecord object. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipPostLoad | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip executing the xRecord.postLoad method on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipTTSCheck | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip the check to determine whether the record is selected for update. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
startDate | ||
startDateTime | ||
startDays | ||
startTime | ||
startTimeExist | ||
suppressWarnings | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to suppress warnings for this pointer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
tableAccessRight | Returns the table access right. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
tableBufferAccessRight | Returns the table access right for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
takeOwnershipOfTempDBTable | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
templateEndDays | ||
templateStartDays | ||
timeEnd | ||
timeStart | ||
toolTipField | Retrieves the HelpText value for the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
toolTipRecord | Retrieves the ToolTip value for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
toString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ttsabort | Aborts a transaction that was started by a call to the ttsbegin method. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
ttsbegin | Starts a transaction that can be either committed by the ttscommit method or aborted by the ttsabort method. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
ttscommit | Commits a transaction that was started by a call to the ttsbegin method. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
update | ||
updateAttendeeFromActivity | ||
updateChild | ||
updateDate | ||
updateFromCallList | ||
updateFromCallListTarget | ||
updateFromCampaign | ||
updateFromCampaignTarget | ||
updateFromPSAActivitySetup | ||
updateFromQuotation | ||
updateFromSeries | ||
updateFromSMAServiceOrder | ||
updateLastEditDateAndTime | ||
updateOutlookText | ||
updateRecurrencePattern | ||
updateSignOff | ||
usageCount | Retrieves the current number of references (the value of the reference counter) that the object has. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
useExistingTempDBTable | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
validateDelete | Determines whether the current record is valid and ready to be deleted from the database. | |
validateField | ||
validateFieldValue | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
validateWrite | Determines whether the current record is valid and ready to be written to the database. | |
validateWriteServiceOrder | Validates a service order against a service agreement interval, service level agreement interval, and employee, category, or project. | |
validTimeStateUpdateMode | Sets a valid time state update mode on the cursor. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
wait | Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.) | |
wasCached | Specifies the location from which the data was retrieved. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
write | Updates a record if it exists; otherwise, inserts a record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
xml | Retrieves an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
::changeResponsibleEmployee | ||
::changeResponsibleWorker | Changes the worker that is responsible for this activity. | |
::checkActivityExistence | ||
::checkNumberSeq | Determines weather the number sequence is set correctly. | |
::createActivity | ||
::find | ||
::findName | ||
::findWithRecId | ||
::getLastBusRelActivity | ||
::numberOfActivities | ||
::shouldActivityBeCreated | ||
::touchActivities | ||
::validatePartyExist | Indicates whether a party is linked to an activity. |
Field | Type | Configuration key | Description |
ActivityNumber | Extended Data Type: smmActivityNumber Type: String |
None | The activity number |
ActivityTaskTimeType | Enumeration: smmActivityTaskTimeType |
None | The status of the activity |
ActivityTimeType | Enumeration: smmShowTimeAs |
None | Status for appointment. |
ActualEndDateTime | Extended Data Type: smmActivityActualEndDateTime Type: UtcDateTime |
None | The date and time that the activity was closed |
ActualWork | Extended Data Type: smmActualWork Type: Real |
None | Actual work on the task. |
AllDay | Extended Data Type: smmActivityAllDay Type: Enum |
None | A selected check box indicates that this is an all day activity |
BillingInformation | Extended Data Type: smmBillingInformation Type: String |
None | The billing information for the activity |
Category | Enumeration: smmActivityCategory |
None | Activity category. Appointments and tasks can be synchronized with an external calendar tool, such as Microsoft Outlook. |
Closed | Extended Data Type: smmActivityClosed Type: Enum |
None | A selected check box indicates that the activity is closed |
createdBy | Extended Data Type: CreatedBy Type: String |
None | |
createdDateTime | Extended Data Type: CreatedDateTime Type: UtcDateTime |
None | |
dataAreaId | Extended Data Type: DataAreaId Type: String |
None | |
Dispatched | Extended Data Type: SMAActivityDispatched Type: Enum |
SMAManagement | View or select whether this activity has been dispatched to an employee |
DoneByWorker | Extended Data Type: CrmWorkerRecId Type: Int64 |
None | The employee that closed the activity |
EndDateTime | Extended Data Type: smmActivityEndDateTime Type: UtcDateTime |
None | the end date and time of the activity |
ExternalMemo | Extended Data Type: smmOutlookMemo Type: VarString |
smmOutlook | Field that is synchronized with the body text of Tasks or Appointments in Microsoft Outlook |
IsMasterAppointment | Extended Data Type: smmOutlookIsMasterAppointment Type: Enum |
smmOutlook | A selected check box indicates that this activity is a master appointment of the recurring activity |
IsTemplate | Extended Data Type: smmActivityIsTemplate Type: Enum |
None | Is activity a template? |
KeepSynchronized | Extended Data Type: smmOutlookKeepSynchronized Type: Enum |
None | Synchronize to Microsoft Outlook. |
LastEditAxDateTime | Extended Data Type: smmActivityLastEditAxDateTime Type: UtcDateTime |
None | The date/time the activity was last updated. |
Location | Extended Data Type: smmActivityLocation Type: String |
None | The activity location |
Mileage | Extended Data Type: smmMileage Type: String |
None | The mileage required to complete this activity |
Modified | Extended Data Type: smmActivitiesModified Type: Enum |
None | Is the activity modified since last synchronization? |
modifiedBy | Extended Data Type: ModifiedBy Type: String |
None | |
modifiedDateTime | Extended Data Type: ModifiedDateTime Type: UtcDateTime |
None | |
OriginalAppointmentStartDateTime | Extended Data Type: smmActivityStartDateTime Type: UtcDateTime |
None | The start date and time of the activity |
OutlookCategories | Extended Data Type: smmOutlookCategories Type: String |
smmOutlook | The Microsoft Outlook categories that the activity is a part of |
OutlookEntryID | Extended Data Type: smmActivityOutlookEntryID Type: String |
None | An ID used by Microsoft Outlook to uniquely identify a task or an appointment |
OutlookGlobalObjectID | Extended Data Type: smmActivityOutlookGlobalObjectID Type: String |
None | An ID used by Microsoft Outlook to uniquely identify a appointment. |
OutlookResources | Extended Data Type: smmOutlookResources Type: String |
None | The resources needed to complete the activity |
Partition | Extended Data Type: Partition Type: Int64 |
None | (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)) |
PercentageCompleted | Extended Data Type: smmPercentageCompleted Type: Real |
None | The completion status of the activity in a percentage |
PhaseId | Extended Data Type: smmActivityPhaseId Type: String |
None | The activity phase |
PlanId | Extended Data Type: smmActivityPlanId Type: String |
None | The plan that the activity is assigned to |
PSAActivity | Extended Data Type: PSAActivityIdNew Type: String |
Project3 | Number. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)) |
PSACategoryDefault | Extended Data Type: ProjCategoryId Type: String |
Project3 | Category that is used as a default. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)) |
PSADescription | Extended Data Type: Description Type: String |
Project3 | Brief description of transaction (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)) |
PSAMandatory | Enumeration: NoYes |
Project3 | Set if mandatory (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)) |
PSAMileStone | Enumeration: NoYes |
Project3 | Milestone reached (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)) |
PSAQuotationId | Extended Data Type: QuotationId Type: String |
Project3 | The quotation identifier (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)) |
PurchAgreementHeader | Extended Data Type: RefRecId Type: Int64 |
Project3 | Reference field in a different table (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS), Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)) |
Purpose | Extended Data Type: smmActivityPurpose Type: String |
None | The purpose of the activity |
RecId | Extended Data Type: RecId Type: Int64 |
None | |
RecurrenceState | Enumeration: smmOutlookRecurrenceState |
None | View whether this is a recurring activity |
recVersion | Extended Data Type: RecVersion Type: Integer |
None | |
ReminderActive | Extended Data Type: smmActivityReminderActive Type: Enum |
None | A selected check box indicates that an activity reminder is necessary |
ReminderDateTime | Extended Data Type: smmActivityReminderDateTime Type: UtcDateTime |
None | Activity reminder date |
ReminderMinutes | Extended Data Type: smmActivityReminderMinutes Type: Integer |
None | The amount of time prior to the activity start that the reminder should appear |
ResponseRequested | Extended Data Type: smmResponseRequested Type: Enum |
None | A selected check box indicates that a response is required for the activity |
ResponsibilityId | Extended Data Type: smmResponsibilityId Type: String |
SmmCRM | The user role of the employee responsible for the activity |
ResponsibleWorker | Extended Data Type: smmActivityWorker Type: Int64 |
None | Employee in company responsible for activity. |
Sensitivity | Enumeration: smmSensitivity |
None | The sensitivity level of the activity |
Source | Extended Data Type: smmActivitySource Type: String |
None | Identification of the application generating the activity. |
StartDateTime | Extended Data Type: smmActivityStartDateTime Type: UtcDateTime |
None | The start date and time of the activity |
Status | Enumeration: smmActivityStatus |
None | |
TaskPriority | Enumeration: smmActivityPriority |
None | The priority of the activity |
TaskRole | Extended Data Type: smmTaskRole Type: String |
None | The role of the employee responsible for the activity |
TeamTask | Extended Data Type: smmTeamTask Type: Enum |
None | A selected check box indicates that the activity is a team task |
TotalWork | Extended Data Type: smmTotalWork Type: Real |
None | The total amount of work spent on the activity |
TypeId | Extended Data Type: smmActivityTypeId Type: String |
None | The activity type |
UserMemo | Extended Data Type: smmActivityUserMemo Type: VarString |
None | The notes about the activity |
Field Groups
Field Group | Fields |
ActivityListMoreInfo | |
AppDate | |
Assignments | |
AutoLookup | |
BillingInformation | |
AutoReport | |
Dispatching | |
EPCatergory | |
EPDetails | |
Calendar | |
EPGeneralAppointment | |
Closed | |
Completion | |
EPActivitiesInfo | |
Description | |
EPGeneralAction | |
EPGeneralAction2 | |
EPDetails1 | |
EPGeneralAction3 | |
EPDetails2 | |
EPGeneralActionDateTime | |
EPGeneralAppRecurring | |
EPGeneralEvent2 | |
EPGeneralEventIdentification | |
EPGeneralEvent | |
EPGeneralAppointment2 | |
EPGeneralAppointment3 | |
EPGeneralPersonnel | |
EPGeneralTask | |
EPMiniPage | |
EPGeneralTask2 | |
EPOverviewActionDetails3 | |
EPOverviewActionGeneral2 | |
EPOverviewActionGeneral1 | |
EPGeneralIdentification | |
EPPlanPhaseType | |
EPOverviewActionGeneral3 | |
EPOverviewAppGeneral1 | |
EPOverviewTaskGeneral3 | |
EPReminderAppointment | |
EPOverviewEventGeneral3 | |
EPOverviewAppGeneral2 | |
EPOverviewAppGeneral3 | |
EPOverviewTaskDetails3 | |
EPRecurrenceAppointment | |
EPOverviewAppDetails3 | |
EPRecurrenceTask | |
EPReminderTask | |
EPOverviewDetails2 | |
EPOverviewEventGeneral2 | |
EPOverviewTaskGeneral1 | |
EPOverviewTaskGeneral2 | |
EPStartEndDate | |
EPStatus | |
EPOverviewDetails1 | |
EPStatusTask | |
EPStatusTask1 | |
EPResponsible | |
EPOverviewEventGeneral1 | |
EPOverviewEventDetails3 | |
EPStatusOther | |
EventDateTime | |
Mileage | |
EPStatusTask2 | |
Hidden | |
Outlook | |
Identification | |
Memo | |
Location | |
OutlookCategories | |
HiddenFields | |
Phase | |
Plan | |
PSA | |
LastEdit | |
Resources | |
Response | |
Purpose | |
Recurring | |
Reminder | |
Role | |
Sensitivity | |
ShowTimeAs | |
PurchAgreementHeader | |
StatusTask | |
StatusWorkbook | |
Responsible | |
System | |
TaskDateTime | |
SynchronizeActivity | |
TaskPriority | |
TaskReminder | |
TeamTask | |
TemplateAppDate | |
TemplateEventDateTime | |
UnifiedWorkListPreview | |
Type | |
TemplateTaskDateTime | |
Work |
Relation | Table | Lines |
dataAreaId | DataArea | |
DocuRef | DocuRef | |
DoneByWorker | HcmWorker | |
Partition | Partitions | |
ProjCategory | ProjCategory | |
ProjTaskCostView | ProjTaskCostView | |
PurchAgreementHeader | PurchAgreementHeader | |
ResponsibleWorker | HcmWorker | |
smmActivityPhaseGroup | smmActivityPhaseGroup | |
smmActivityPlanGroup | smmActivityPlanGroup | |
smmActivityTypeGroup | smmActivityTypeGroup | |
smmResponsibilityGroup | smmResponsibilityGroup |
Index | AllowDuplicates | Enabled | Fields |
ActivityNumberIdx | No | Yes | |
CategoryEmployeeActionDateIdx | Yes | Yes | |
HcmWorkerIdx1 | Yes | Yes | |
OutlookEntryIdx | Yes | Yes | |
RecId | No | Yes | |
ResponsibleEmployee | Yes | Yes | |
SortIndex | Yes | Yes |
Inheritance Hierarchy
xRecord Class
Common Table
smmActivities Table