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TransactionLogType Enumeration

Help Text: Type of transaction.
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
Unspecified 0 Unspecified
SalesInvoice 1 Sales order - invoice
SalesConfirm 2 Sales order - confirmation
SalesQuotation 3 Sales order - quotation
SalesPckSlp 4 Sales order - packing slip
LedgerJournal 5 Ledger journal
LedgerExchAdj 6 Foreign currency revaluation
LedgerOpening 7 Opening transactions
LedgerClosing 8 Ledger - closing sheet
PurchPackingSlip 9 Product receipt
PurchPurchaseOrder 10 Purchase order
PurchInvoice 11 Purchase order - invoice
TaxReport 12 Sales tax reporting
CheckAndFix 13 Check/Fix
ProjInvoice 14 Project - invoice
SalesPickingList 15 Order - picking list
PurchReceiptsList 16 Purchase - receipts list
CostAccounting 17 Cost accounting
CustExchAdj 18 Customer - foreign currency revaluation
VendExchAdj 19 Vendor - foreign currency revaluation
CustPaymReconciliation 20 Customer - payment reconciliation
VendPaymReconciliation 21 Vendor - payment reconciliation
ProjJournal 22 Project journal
InventJournal 23 Inventory journal
PaymMan 24 Payment management
PaymReversal 25 Payment reversal
CustInterestNote 26 Interest note
CustCollectionLetter 27 Collection letter
CustTransEdit 28 Customer - transaction editing
VendTransEdit 29 Vendor - transaction editing
BankReconciliation 30 Bank - reconciliation
CustReimbursement 31 Customer - reimbursement
LedgerConsolidation 32 Ledger - consolidation
ConvCompanyCurrency 33 Ledger accounting currency conversion
CustFreeInvoice 34 Free text invoice
SMASubscription 35 Subscription
ProdPicklist 36 Production, picking list
ProdReportFinished 37 Production, report as finished
ProdRouteCard 38 Production - route card
ProdJobCard 39 Production - job card
ProdStartUp 40 Production - start
ProdEnd 41 Production - end
ProdStatusDecrease 42 Production - reset status
System 43 System
TransactionReversal 44 Transaction reversal
AssetReclassification 45 Fixed assets reclassification
ProjPackingSlip 46 Project - packing slip
ProjCost 47 Project - cost
ProjRevenue 48 Project - revenue
ProjAdjustment 49 Project adjustments
ProjEstimate 50 Project - estimate
InventCloseTrans 51 Value adjustment of selected inventory transactions
InventCloseOnHand 52 Adjustment of on-hand inventory
InventCloseClosing 53 Inventory closing
InventCloseRecalc 54 Recalculate inventory
PurchRFQ 55 Request for quotation
ProdIndirectCost 56 Production - indirect cost
InventStdCostChange 57 Inventory standard cost change
PurchCustomsBillOfEntry_IN 58 Purchase order - Bill of entry
SalesCustomsShippingBill_IN 59 Sales order - Shipping bill
PurchPurchReq 60 Purchase requisition
ConvReportingCurrency 61 Ledger reporting currency conversion
InventCloseRevaluation 62 Revaluation for moving average
SalesInvoice4Paym_RU 100 Sales order - Invoice for payment
PurchInvoice4Paym_RU 101 Purchase - invoice for payment
RCashExchAdj 102 Cash - exchange adjustment
PlBankExchAdj 103 Bank - Exchange adjustment
GoodsInRoute_RU 104 Passing of property
ExpenseReport 105 Expense report
Timesheet 106 Timesheet
PayrollPaymReconciliation 130 Payroll - payment reconciliation
AdvancedLedgerEntry 131 Advanced ledger entry
RPayTaxRefundOffset 200 NDFL refund offset

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++