PrintMgmtDocumentType Enumeration
Help Text: Defines the document to which the print management settings apply
Style: ComboBox
Name | Value | Description |
SalesOrderInvoice | 1 | Customer invoice |
SalesOrderConfirmation | 2 | Sales order confirmation |
SalesOrderPackingSlip | 3 | Sales order packing slip |
InventPickList | 4 | Picking list |
SalesFreeTextInvoice | 5 | Free text invoice |
Confirmation | 6 | Confirmation |
Quotation | 7 | Quotation |
PurchaseOrderInvoice | 8 | Vendor invoice |
PurchaseOrderPackingSlip | 9 | Purchase order product receipt |
PurchaseOrderReceiptsList | 10 | Purchase order receipts list |
PurchaseOrderRequisition | 11 | Purchase order |
ProjectInvoice | 12 | Project invoice |
PurchRFQ | 13 | Request for quotation |
PurchRFQReject | 14 | Request for quotation - reject |
PurchRFQAccept | 15 | Request for quotation - accept |
PurchRFQReturn | 16 | Request for quotation - return |
CustInterestNote | 17 | Interest note |
CustCollectionLetter | 18 | Collection letter note |
CustAccountStatement | 19 | Customer account statement |
SalesAgreementConfirmation | 20 | Sales agreement confirmation |
PurchAgreementConfirmation | 21 | Purchase agreement confirmation |
SalesOrderInvoice4Paym_RU | 50 | Sales order - invoice for payment |
PurchOrderInvoice4Paym_RU | 51 | Purchase order - Invoice for payment |
SalesFreeTextInvoice4Paym_RU | 53 | Free text invoice - invoice for payment |
TaxFiscalDocument_BR | 54 | Tax fiscal document |
TaxReimburstmentSlip_HU | 55 | Tax reimbursement slip |
BankCheque | 201 | Bank check |
ComplementaryInvoice_BR | 56 | Complementary invoice |
SalesOrderFacture | 57 | Customer facture |
PurchaseOrderFacture | 58 | Vendor facture |
SalesFreeTextFacture | 59 | Free text invoice facture |
SalesAdvanceInvoice | 60 | Sales advance invoice |
PurchaseOrderBailee | 61 | Acceptance report in storage |
SalesOrderBailee | 62 | Return report from storage |
PurchaseAdvanceInvoice | 63 | Purchase advance invoice |
ProjectQuotation | 64 | Project quotation |
SIProjInvoice | 65 | Project invoice without billing rules |
SIProjInvoiceWithBR | 66 | Project invoice with billing rules |
SIManagedProjInvoice | 67 | User defined project invoice |
SIManagedProjInvoiceWithBR | 68 | User defined project invoice with billing rules |
ProjCustRetentionReleaseInvoice | 69 | Customer retention release |
PurchaseOrderConfirmationRequest | 80 | Purchase order purchase inquiry |
TransferOrderFiscalDoc_BR | 202 | Fiscal document |
ProjDebitNote_BR | 203 | Debit note |
WMSBillOfLading_RU | 204 | Bill of lading |
WMSBilOfLadingTranspDocument_RU | 205 | Bill of lading - transportation document |
WHSPickListShippingWave | 110 | Shipping pick list for wave |
WHSPickListShippingLoad | 111 | Shipping pick list for load |
WHSPickListShippingShipment | 112 | Shipping pick list for shipment |
WHSPickListProd | 113 | Production pick list |
WHSLoadList | 114 | Load list |
WHSBOL | 115 | Bill of lading |
WHSContainerContents | 116 | Container contents |
WHSSalesInvoiceByLoad | 117 | Sales invoice by load |
WHSSalesConfirmByLoad | 118 | Sales confirmation by load |
TMSCommercialInvoice | 210 | Commercial invoice |
TMSCertificateOfOrigin | 211 | Certificate of origin |
TMSRoute | 212 | Route |
TMSLoadTender | 213 | Load tender |