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LedgerTransTxt Enumeration

Help Text: Transaction text for use with the new transactions
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
None 0
LedgerExchAdj 1 Foreign currency revaluation
LedgerConsolidate 2 Ledger - consolidation
LedgerMSTDiff 3 Ledger - penny differences in the accounting currency
LedgerOpening 4 Ledger - opening transaction
LedgerMSTDIFFSecond 5 Ledger - penny-rounding in the reporting currency
LedgerClosing 6 Ledger - closing transaction
ConversionProfit 7 Accounting currency conversion gain
ConversionLoss 8 Accounting currency conversion loss
TransactionReversal 9 Transaction reversal
Settlement 10 Settlement
ReversedSettlement 11 Reversed settlement
LedgerAllocation 12 Ledger - generated allocation
LedgerElimination 13 Ledger - generated elimination
LedgerReversingEntry 14 Ledger - reversing entry
ConversionReportingProfit 15 Reporting currency conversion gain
ConversionReportingLoss 16 Reporting currency conversion loss
CustBillOfExchangeLedger 17 Customer - bill of exchange, ledger
CustBillOfExchangeCust 18 Customer - bill of exchange, customer
CustInvoiceLedger 21 Customer - invoice, ledger
CustInvoiceCust 22 Customer - invoice, customer
CustCreditNoteLedger 23 Customer - credit note, ledger
CustCreditNoteCust 24 Customer - credit note, customer
CustExchAdjLedger 25 Customer - Exch. adj., Ledger
CustExchAdjCust 26 Customer - Exch. adj., Customer
CustCashDiscLedger 27 Customer - cash discount, ledger
CustCashDiscCust 28 Customer - cash discount, customer
CustInterestLedger 29 Customer - interest, ledger
CustInterestCust 30 Customer - interest, customer
CustCollectionLetterLedger 31 Customer - collection letter, ledger
CustCollectionLetterCust 32 Customer - collection letter, customer
CustMSTDiffLedger 33 Customer - penny difference, ledger
CustMSTDiffCust 34 Customer - penny difference, customer
CustInterestFeeLedger 35 Customer - interest fee, ledger
CustInterestFeeCust 36 Customer - interest fee, customer
CustRoundOff 37 Customer - penny-rounding
CustCashPayment 38 Customer - cash payment
CustPaymentCust 39 Customer - payment, customer
CustCrossCompanySettlement 40 Intercompany customer settlement
VendExchAdjLedger 41 Vendor - Exch. adj., Ledger
VendExchAdjVend 42 Vendor - Exch. adj., Vendor
VendCashDiscLedger 43 Vendor - cash discount, ledger
VendCashDiscVend 44 Vendor - cash discount, vendor
VendMSTDiffLedger 45 Vendor - penny difference, ledger
VendMSTDiffVend 46 Vendor - penny difference, vendor
VendPaymentLedger 47 Vendor - payment, ledger
VendPaymentVend 48 Vendor - payment, vendor
VendRoundOff 49 Vendor - penny-rounding
VendCashPayment 50 Vendor - cash payment
VendPromissoryNoteLedger 51 Vendor - promissory note, ledger
VendPromissoryNoteVend 52 Vendor - promissory note, vendor
VendCrossCompanySettlement 53 Intercompany vendor settlement
SalesInvoiceLedger 61 Sales order - invoice, ledger
SalesInvoiceCust 62 Sales order - invoice, customer
SalesCreditNoteLedger 63 Sales order - credit note, ledger
SalesCreditNoteCust 64 Sales order - credit note, customer
SalesPackingSlipLedger 65 Sales order - packing slip, ledger
SalesCommission 66 Sales - commission
SalesEndDisc 67 Sales - total discount
PurchInvoiceLedger 81 Purchase order - invoice, ledger
PurchInvoiceVend 82 Purchase order - invoice, vendor
PurchCreditNoteLedger 83 Purchase order - credit note, ledger
PurchCreditNoteVend 84 Purchase order - credit note, vendor
PurchPckSlpLedger 85 Purchase order - product receipt, ledger
PurchPurchOrder 86 Purchase order
PurchEndDisc 87 Purchase - total discount
PurchPurchOrderLedger 88 Purchase order - purchase order confirmation, ledger
InventClosingAdjustment 102 Inventory - close - adjustment
InventClosing 104 Inventory - close
InventJournalTransaction 105 Inventory - journal - transaction
InventJournalLossProfit 106 Inventory - journal - adjustment
InventJournalTransfer 107 Inventory - journal - move
InventJournalCount 108 Inventory - journal - counting
InventJournalBOM 109 Inventory - journal - BOM
InventQuarantineOrder 110 Inventory - quarantine order
InventTransferOrder 111 Transfer order
InventStdCostRevaluation 112 Inventory revaluation
InventPhysical 119 Physical inventory
ProdHistoricalCost 121 MRP - costing
ProdPicklist 122 MRP - picking list
ProdReportFinished 123 MRP - report as finished
ProdRouteCard 124 MRP - route card
ProdJobCard 125 MRP - job card
ProdHistoricalCostAdjustment 126 MRP - costing adjustment
ProdIndirectCost 127 MRP - indirect cost
Kanban 131 Kanban
KanbanCosting 132 Kanban - costing
ProjectInvoiceLedger 141 Project - invoice, ledger
ProjectInvoiceCust 142 Project - invoice, customer
ProjectCreditNoteLedger 143 Project - credit note, ledger
ProjectCreditNoteCust 144 Project - credit note, customer
ProjectPostingLedger 145 Project - posting, ledger
ProjectBudgetingLedger 146 Project - budgeting, ledger
PayrollUpdateLedger 161 Payroll - updating, ledger
PayrollReversalLedger 162 Payroll - reversal, ledger
FixedAssetsPostingLedger 181 Fixed asset - posting, ledger
FixedAssetsReverseReserve 182 Fixed asset - reversal of reserve
KMKnowledgeAutomaticTrans 191 Knowledge transaction text
TaxReporting 201 Sales tax - sales tax settlement
TaxPurchaseTax 202 Purchase duty reporting
SMASubscription 203 Subscription
Expense 204 Expense report transaction
VendInterest 205 Vendor - interest
VendWithholdingTax 207 Vendor - withholding tax
VendFine 206 Vendor - fine
CustInterest 208 Customer - interest
CustFine 209 Customer - fine
CustWithholdingTax 210 Customer - withholding tax
InfAdj_MX 211 Inflation adjustment
ReverseInfAdj_MX 212 Reversed inflation adjustment
PurchaseRequisition 213 Purchase requisition
PurchPurchOrderFinalizeLedger 214 Purchase order - purchase order finalize, ledger
PurchPackingSlipFinalizeLedger 215 Purchase order - product receipt finalize, ledger
PurchPurchOrderYearEndClose 216 Purchase order - year end close, ledger
PurchPurchOrderYearEndOpen 217 Purchase order - year end open, ledger
DepreciationAdjustment 218 Depreciation adjustment
RCashExchAdj 219 Cash - exchange adjustment
InventClosingSecCur_RU 223 Warehouse - close in reporting currency
InventClosingAdjustmentSecCur_RU 224 Inventory - close - adjustment in reporting currency
DEL_PmfCoByProduct 225 MRP - co/by product
RebateInvoiceJournal 226 Rebate invoice journal
CustAmountDiffLedger_RU 231 GL: customer - amount difference
RebateCustomerDeductionJournal 227 Rebate customer deduction journal
RebateTradeSpendAccrualJournal 228 Rebate trade spending accrual journal
VendAmountDiffLedger_RU 229 GL: vendor - amount difference
VendAmountDiffVend_RU 230 Vendor - amount difference
FixedAssetsPostingLedger_RU 232 CIS: Fixed asset - Posting, Ledger
RDeferrals 233 Deferrals - posting, ledger
EmplAdvanceLedger_RU 235 Advance report, General ledger
BankExchAdj_RU 236 Bank - Exchange adjustment
TaxWithholdReport 249 Withholding tax - withholding tax settlement
TaxInvoiceLedger 250 Tax invoice ledger
MCRSalesOrderCouponInvoice 220 Sales order - coupon, ledger
MCRCustWriteOff 221 Customer - Write off
PayProfitDepositClose_RU 19 Deposit closing against profit
PayDepositTrans_RU 20 Pay-roll deposition
RPayTaxRefundOffset 101 Payroll - NDFL refund offset

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++