AssetPostValue Enumeration
Help Text: The value to be posted for this line.
Style: ComboBox
Name | Value | Description |
DepPriorYears | 0 | Depreciation (prior years) |
DepThisYear | 1 | Depreciation (this year) |
Acquisition | 2 | Acquisition value |
NBV | 3 | Net book value |
SaleValue | 4 | Sales value |
AcqAdjThisYear | 5 | Acquisition adjustments (this year) |
AcqAdjPriorYears | 6 | Acquisition adjustments (prior years) |
AcqThisYear | 7 | Acquisition (this year) |
AcqPriorYears | 8 | Acquisition (prior years) |
DepAdjThisYear | 9 | Depreciation adjustments (this year) |
DepAdjPriorYears | 10 | Depreciation adjustments (prior years) |
RevalueThisYear | 11 | Revaluations (this year) |
RevaluePriorYear | 12 | Revaluations (prior years) |
WriteUpAdjPriorYear | 13 | Write up adjustments (prior years) |
WriteUpAdjThisYear | 14 | Write up adjustments (this year) |
WriteDownAdjPriorYear | 15 | Write down adjustments (prior years) |
WriteDownAdjThisYear | 16 | Write down adjustments (this year) |
CapitalReserve | 17 | Provision for reserve |
CapitalReserveTransfer | 18 | Transfer from reserve |
ExtraDepPriorYears | 19 | Extraordinary depreciation (prior years) |
ExtraDepThisYear | 20 | Extraordinary depreciation (this year) |
DerogatoryIncreaseAllYears | 21 | Derogatory increase (all years) |
DerogatoryDecreaseAllYears | 22 | Derogatory decrease (all years) |
DepNotCostPriorYears_PL | 100 | Depreciation NKUP (last years) |
DepNotCostThisYear_PL | 101 | Depreciation NKUP (this year) |
AccDeprPriorYears_PL | 102 | Accumulated depreciation (last years) |
AccDeprThisYear_PL | 103 | Accumulated depreciation (this year) |
PostOffAccDPriorYears_PL | 104 | Revaluation of accumulated depreciation (last years) |
PostOffAccDThisYear_PL | 105 | Revaluation of accumulated depr. (this year) |
PreAcquisition_CZ | 106 | Pre-Acquisition |