OriginalDocument Enumeration
Help Text: Identification of document type.
Style: ComboBox
Name | Value | Description |
Cheque | 0 | Check |
Sales | 1 | Sales order |
SalesInvoice | 2 | Order invoice |
Quotation | 3 | Quotation |
SalesConfirmation | 4 | Order confirmation |
SalesPackingSlip | 5 | Order packing slip |
PurchaseInvoice | 6 | Purchase invoice |
Purchase | 7 | Purchase order |
PurchasePackingSlip | 8 | Purchase slip |
BankDeposit | 9 | Bank deposit |
Journal | 10 | Journal |
TaxReport | 11 | Sales tax reporting |
ProjectTransaction | 12 | Project transactions |
ProjectInvoice | 13 | Project invoice |
CustBillOfExchange | 14 | Bill of exchange |
VendPromissoryNote | 15 | Promissory note |
CustInterestNote | 30 | Interest note |
CustCollectionLetter | 31 | Collection letter |
Expense | 32 | Expense |
FreeTextInvoice | 33 | Free text invoice |
RCashDoc | 40 | Cash document |
InventoryReport_RU | 43 | Warehouse report |
InventoryJournal_RU | 44 | Inventory journal |
PrepaymentInvoice_RU | 45 | Prepayment facture |
Employee_RU | 46 | Advance holders |
RAssetTrans | 47 | FA transactions |
RetailSale | 50 | Retail sale |
CustomJournal_RU | 60 | Customs journal |
CustomCorrection_RU | 61 | KTS journal |
CustAdvanceInvoice_W | 48 | Customer advance invoices journal |
SalesComplementaryInvoice | 62 | Sales complementary invoice |
RPaySheet | 41 | Payroll |
RPayDeposit | 42 | Deposit |