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OriginalDocument Enumeration

Help Text: Identification of document type.
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
Cheque 0 Check
Sales 1 Sales order
SalesInvoice 2 Order invoice
Quotation 3 Quotation
SalesConfirmation 4 Order confirmation
SalesPackingSlip 5 Order packing slip
PurchaseInvoice 6 Purchase invoice
Purchase 7 Purchase order
PurchasePackingSlip 8 Purchase slip
BankDeposit 9 Bank deposit
Journal 10 Journal
TaxReport 11 Sales tax reporting
ProjectTransaction 12 Project transactions
ProjectInvoice 13 Project invoice
CustBillOfExchange 14 Bill of exchange
VendPromissoryNote 15 Promissory note
CustInterestNote 30 Interest note
CustCollectionLetter 31 Collection letter
Expense 32 Expense
FreeTextInvoice 33 Free text invoice
RCashDoc 40 Cash document
InventoryReport_RU 43 Warehouse report
InventoryJournal_RU 44 Inventory journal
PrepaymentInvoice_RU 45 Prepayment facture
Employee_RU 46 Advance holders
RAssetTrans 47 FA transactions
RetailSale 50 Retail sale
CustomJournal_RU 60 Customs journal
CustomCorrection_RU 61 KTS journal
CustAdvanceInvoice_W 48 Customer advance invoices journal
SalesComplementaryInvoice 62 Sales complementary invoice
RPaySheet 41 Payroll
RPayDeposit 42 Deposit

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++