MCRMessageAssociation::getFullMessage Method
Builds the message string using the passed information.
server public static MCRScriptNote getFullMessage(
TableId _tableId,
[RecId _recId,
MCRMessageTiming _timing,
MCRMessageCategoryID _category,
str _messageObject])
Run On
- _tableId
Type: TableId Extended Data Type
The table ID of the record used to build the message.
- _recId
Type: RecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the record used to build the message; optional.
- _timing
Type: MCRMessageTiming Enumeration
The timing of the message; optional.
- _category
Type: MCRMessageCategoryID Extended Data Type
The category of the message; optional.
- _messageObject
Type: str
The object of the message; optional.
Return Value
Type: MCRScriptNote Extended Data Type
The full message.