MCRCustPaymTable::writePaymentAdjustmentSales Method
Creates a new cust paym record for either a charge or a refund.
client server public static MCRCustPaymTable writePaymentAdjustmentSales(
MCRCustPaymTable _mcrCustPaymTable_Orig,
AmountCur _amountChanged,
[MCRPaymAdjustmentType _paymAdjustType])
Run On
- _mcrCustPaymTable_Orig
Type: MCRCustPaymTable Table
The MCRCustPaymTable record used for returns.
- _amountChanged
Type: AmountCur Extended Data Type
The new amount to be written to the new MCRCustPaymTable recrod.
- _paymAdjustType
Type: MCRPaymAdjustmentType Enumeration
The MCRPaymAdjustmentType enum used to determine the adjusted MCRCustPaymTable record's PercentAmount field; optional.
Return Value
Type: MCRCustPaymTable Table
The MCRCustPaymTable record found.