MCRPaymSchedLink::insertFromCustTransOpen Method
Creates the link records used when billing the customer.
client server public static void insertFromCustTransOpen(
CustPaymSched _custPaymSched,
CustPaymSchedLine _custPaymSchedLine,
CustTransOpenRefRecId _custTransOpenRecId,
LineNum _lineNum)
Run On
- _custPaymSched
Type: CustPaymSched Table
The CustPaymSched record created during invoicing.
- _custPaymSchedLine
Type: CustPaymSchedLine Table
The CustPaymSchedLine record created during invoicing.
- _custTransOpenRecId
Type: CustTransOpenRefRecId Extended Data Type
The RecID of the CustTransOpen record created during invoicing.
- _lineNum
Type: LineNum Extended Data Type
The line number of the current CustPaymSchedLine record created during invoicing.
Exception | Condition |
Error | All parameters cannot be blank; throws error if it is. -or- Validation failure during creation of the link record; throws error if it does. |