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RPayIllType Enumeration

Help Text: Incapacity type (illness, trauma etc).
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
Illness 0 Illness
after_care 1 Care of sick
maternity_leave 2 Maternity leave
Trauma 3 Injury
Health_resort 4 Treatment in sanatoria and health resorts
ChildVacation 5 Child rearing leave
ChildCare 6 Child care (out-patient treatment)
ChildCareHospital 7 Child care (hospitalization)
ChildCareInv 8 Child care for child with disability
ChildCareUnLimiting 9 Child care without restriction of duration
JobRelatedAccident 10 Professional injury
OccupationalDisease 11 Occupational disease

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++