DMFSalesTableEntity Table
The DMFSalesTableEntity table contains all sales order headers regardless of whether they have been posted.
Configuration Key: DMF
Method | Description | |
aosValidateDelete | Validates on the server that the specified record can be deleted from a table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
aosValidateInsert | Validates on the server that the specified record can be inserted. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
aosValidateRead | Validates on the server that the specified record can be read. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
aosValidateUpdate | Validates on the server that the specified record can be updated. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
buf2con | Packs the table buffers of an xRecord instance into an X++ container. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
cancelTimeOut | Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
canSubmitToWorkflow | Indicates whether submission to workflow is possible. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
caption | Gets and sets the caption property of a table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
checkInvalidFieldAccess | Gets and sets invalid field access. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
checkRecord | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to check mandatory fields. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
checkRestrictedDeleteActions | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether a record can be deleted. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
clear | Removes all rows from the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
company | Gets and sets the property that indicates a legal entity for the record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
con2buf | Unpacks a container into the table buffers. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
concurrencyModel | Gets and sets the default concurrency model to use to update records. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
context | Gets and sets the context property. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
data | Retrieves a row from the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
dataSource | Retrieves the data source of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
defaultField | Populates default values in a field in the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
defaultRow | Populates default values in fields in the table in the non-interactive case. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
delete | Deletes the current record from the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
disableCache | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether caching is disabled. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
dispose | Releases resources that are used by the xRecord object. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doClear | Removes all rows from the table buffer and bypasses any additional logic in the clear method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doDelete | Deletes the current record from the table and bypasses any additional logic in the delete method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doInsert | Inserts the record into the table and bypasses any additional logic in the insert method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doUpdate | Updates the current record and bypasses any additional logic in the update method of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
doValidateDelete | Performs the action to validate that a record can be deleted. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
equal | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
fieldAccessRight | Returns the field access right. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
fieldBufferAccessRight | Returns the field access right for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
fieldState | Sets or returns the state of a field in the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getAllowRedefault | Returns the list of fields that are allowed to re-default. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getDefaultingDependencies | Returns the container that holds defaulting dependencies. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getExtension | Returns the table extension. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getFieldValue | Gets the value of the specified field from a table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getInstanceRelationType | Returns the table name that corresponds to the InstanceRelationType ID. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getPhysicalTableName | Return the physical table name, which, in the case of the SQL Temp DB table, is the table instance name. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getPresenceFieldData | Retrieves the PresenceInfo value from the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getSQLStatement | Gets the SQL statement that is used to return records from the database. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getTableInInstanceHierarchy | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getTableType | Indicates the type of the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
getTimeOutTimerHandle | Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
handle | Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
hasRelatedTable | Indicates whether a foreign key constraint buffer is linked with the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
helpField | Retrieves a string that contains the Help text for the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
initValue | Initializes a field to the default value. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
inputStatus | Sets or returns the current input status of the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
insert | Inserts the record into the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
interactiveContext | Sets or returns the current interactive context of the table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isFieldDataRetrieved | Checks whether the data of the given field has been retrieved. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isFieldSet | Checks whether a field has a Set or Defaulted state. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isFormDataSource | Indicates whether the data source is a form. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isNewRecord | Returns true if the record is a new record that hasn't been persisted yet. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isPartOfUOWSaveChanges | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isTempDb | Indicates whether the type of the table is SQL TempDB. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
isTmp | Indicates whether this is a temporary table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
joinChild | Finds the join child of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
joinParent | Finds the join parent of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
linkPhysicalTableInstance | Checks whether there is a link for the physical table instance for the record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
merge | Merges the current table with the specified table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
modifiedField | Modifies the specified field to the original. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
modifiedFieldValue | Modifies the specified field to the original value. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
new | Initializes a new instance of the Object class. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notify | Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notifyAll | Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
objectOnServer | Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.) | |
orig | Retrieves the original values of the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
overwriteSystemfields | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether system fields can be overwritten. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
owner | Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
postCacheLoad | Is executed after data is hit from the cache for the select operation on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
postLoad | Is executed after a record is read. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
preRemoting | Is executed before a cross-tier call is about to be executed for the table that would pack its state to the other tier. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
queryTimedOut | Indicates whether the query exceeded the time limit for execution. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
queryTimeout | Gets and sets the property that indicates the time limit for the execution of a query. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
readCommittedLock | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
readPast | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip rows that are locked by other processes when a record is read. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
recordLevelSecurity | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to apply security on a record level. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
relatedTable | Sets or returns the related buffer of a link of a table buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
renamePrimaryKey | Renames the foreign keys in other tables according to the change of the corresponding primary key value in this table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
reread | Rereads the record from the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
RowCount | Retrieves the number of rows in the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
selectForUpdate | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to select records for update when they are read. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
selectLocked | Indicates whether to select locked records. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
selectRefRecord | Selects the record by referenced field ID. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
selectWithRepeatableRead | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether repeatable read is enabled. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setConnection | Sets the user connection for this table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setCrossPartition | Sets or resets cross-partitioning for the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setFieldValue | Sets the field value in the record buffer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setSQLTracing | Enables or disables SQL tracing mode. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setTimeOut | Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
setTmp | Sets the table so that it is not persisted to the database. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setTmpData | Sets the contents of the temporary table to the specified data. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
setXDSContext | Sets new XDS context. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipAosValidation | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip validation of Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS). (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipDatabaseLog | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip database log requests. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipDataMethods | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to discard overloaded methods. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipDeleteActions | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip delete actions on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipDeleteMethod | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to discard overloaded methods. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipEvents | Provides an option to turn off calling the Application.event* methods for the lifetime of an xRecord object. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipPostLoad | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip executing the xRecord.postLoad method on the table. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
skipTTSCheck | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to skip the check to determine whether the record is selected for update. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
suppressWarnings | Gets and sets the property that indicates whether to suppress warnings for this pointer. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
tableAccessRight | Returns the table access right. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
tableBufferAccessRight | Returns the table access right for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
takeOwnershipOfTempDBTable | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
toolTipField | Retrieves the HelpText value for the specified field. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
toolTipRecord | Retrieves the ToolTip value for the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
toString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ttsabort | Aborts a transaction that was started by a call to the ttsbegin method. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
ttsbegin | Starts a transaction that can be either committed by the ttscommit method or aborted by the ttsabort method. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
ttscommit | Commits a transaction that was started by a call to the ttsbegin method. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
update | Updates the current record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
usageCount | Retrieves the current number of references (the value of the reference counter) that the object has. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
useExistingTempDBTable | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
validateDelete | Determines whether the current record is valid and ready to be deleted from the database. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
validateField | By-pass validation to the changes of a field in the table DMFSalesTableEntity record. | |
validateFieldValue | (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
validateWrite | Do not checks if the DMFSalesTableEntityrecord can be saved. | |
validTimeStateUpdateMode | Sets a valid time state update mode on the cursor. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
wait | Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.) | |
wasCached | Specifies the location from which the data was retrieved. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
write | Updates a record if it exists; otherwise, inserts a record. (Inherited from xRecord.) | |
xml | Retrieves an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from xRecord.) |
Field | Type | Configuration key | Description |
AutoSummaryModuleType | Extended Data Type: DMFModuleCustSales Type: String |
DMF | Module, Accounts receivable or Sales orders (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
BankAccount_LV | Extended Data Type: CompanyBankAccountId Type: String |
Bank | Select the primary bank account of the legal entity (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
BankCentralBankPurposeCode | Extended Data Type: BankCentralBankPurposeCode Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Code used when reporting to the central bank. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
BankCentralBankPurposeText | Extended Data Type: BankCentralBankPurposeText Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Describe code used when reporting to the central bank. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
BankDocumentType | Extended Data Type: DMFBankDocumentType Type: String |
DMF | Select the bank document type to be used with this sales order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CaseTagging | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Is case tagging mandatory? (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CashDisc | Extended Data Type: CustCashDiscCode Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Code for cash discount on invoice. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CashDiscBaseDate | Extended Data Type: DMFCashDiscBaseDate Type: Date |
DMF | The date that is used for calculating discount dates and due dates (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CashDiscBaseDays | Extended Data Type: DMFCashDiscBaseDays Type: Integer |
DMF | The number of days that will be added to the document date when calculating discounts and due dates (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CashDiscPercent | Extended Data Type: DiscPct Type: Real |
None | Discount in percentage. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CommissionGroup | Extended Data Type: CommissCustomerGroup Type: String |
Commission | Identification of the commission customer group (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ContactPersonId | Extended Data Type: ContactPersonId Type: String |
None | Contact with customer. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CountyOrigDest | Extended Data Type: AddressCountyOrigDest Type: String |
None | Intrastat county of origin/destination. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CovStatus | Extended Data Type: CovStatus Type: Integer |
LedgerAdvCashflowForecast | Status of cash flow forecast for the current transaction. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CreditCardApprovalAmount | Extended Data Type: AmountMST Type: Real |
CreditCard | Amount sent for approval to the payment service (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CreditCardAuthorization | Extended Data Type: CreditCardAuthorization Type: String |
CreditCard | Authorization code that was returned from the payment service (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CreditCardAuthorizationError | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Yes, if there is a credit card capture error for this sales order (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CreditCardNumber | Extended Data Type: CreditCardNumber Type: String |
None | Reference code received from the payment service (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CurBankAccount_LV | Extended Data Type: CompanyBankAccountId Type: String |
Bank | Select the bank account number for the currency used in the invoice (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CurrencyCode | Extended Data Type: CustCurrencyCode Type: String |
None | Currency used for invoicing (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CustAccount | Extended Data Type: CustAccount Type: String |
None | Customer account that generated the order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CustBankAccount_LV | Extended Data Type: CustBankAccountId Type: String |
Bank | Select the identifier of the customer's bank account (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CustGroup | Extended Data Type: CustGroupId Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Customer group that order/customer is attached to. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CustInvoiceId | Extended Data Type: CustInvoiceId Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Identification of the invoice. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CustomerRef | Extended Data Type: CustRef Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Customer's reference (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CustomsExportOrder_IN | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Identifies the order as export order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
CustomsShippingBill_IN | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | The shipping bill number. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Deadline | Extended Data Type: SalesDeadline Type: Date |
LogisticsBasic | Last date for acceptance of the order (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DefaultDimension | Extended Data Type: DMFDefaultDimensionStr Type: String |
DMF | <Dimension1>:<Dimension2>:...<DimensionN> (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DefinitionGroup | Extended Data Type: DMFDefinationGroupName Type: String |
DMF | Processing group (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryAddress | Extended Data Type: Addressing Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Address where the items are to be delivered. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryCity | Extended Data Type: AddressCity Type: String |
LedgerBasic | City for ZIP/postal code (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryCountryRegionId | Extended Data Type: AddressCountryRegionId Type: String |
None | Country/region of delivery address (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryCounty | Extended Data Type: AddressCountyId Type: String |
None | County of delivery address. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryDate | Extended Data Type: SalesShippingDate Type: Date |
LogisticsBasic | Confirmed ship date if exists, otherwise requested ship date (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryDateControl | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Display Yes / No (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryDateControlType | Extended Data Type: DMFSalesDeliveryDateControlType Type: String |
DMF | Select for automatic calculation of possible ship and receipt dates. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryLocationRole | Extended Data Type: DMFLocationRole Type: String |
DMF | Location role (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryName | Extended Data Type: LogisticsDeliveryName Type: String |
None | The name that is associated with the selected delivery address (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryState | Extended Data Type: AddressStateId Type: String |
None | Identification of state (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryStreet | Extended Data Type: AddressStreet Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Enter the street of the address (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DeliveryZipCode | Extended Data Type: AddressZipCodeId Type: String |
LedgerBasic | ZIP/postal code in delivery address (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DiscPercent | Extended Data Type: SalesEndDiscPct Type: Real |
PriceDisc | Total discount on the sales order, in rounded percentage (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DlvMode | Extended Data Type: CustDlvModeId Type: String |
None | Specify mode of delivery for the current order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DlvReason | Extended Data Type: DlvReasonId Type: String |
None | Specify reason of delivery for the current order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DlvTerm | Extended Data Type: CustDlvTermId Type: String |
None | Specify terms of delivery for the current order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
DocumentStatus | Extended Data Type: DMFDocumentStatus Type: String |
DMF | Description of the current document type. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
EInvoiceAccountCode | Extended Data Type: EInvoiceAccountCode Type: String |
None | When settling to a public sector organization it is possible to specify a dimension account code. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
EInvoiceLineSpec | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Specify the dimension account code for settlement to the public sector organization on line level. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Extended Data Type: Email Type: String |
None | Internet e-mail address (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) | |
EndDisc | Extended Data Type: CustEndDiscCode Type: String |
PriceDisc | Specifies total order discount group of customer/order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
EnterpriseNumber | Extended Data Type: TaxEnterpriseNumber Type: String |
None | Enterprise number used to identify Belgian companies. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Estimate | Extended Data Type: SalesEstimateGross Type: Real |
LedgerBasic | The amount in the transaction currency (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ExecutionId | Extended Data Type: DMFExecutionId Type: String |
DMF | Identification mark in staging (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ExportReason | Extended Data Type: SalesExportReason Type: String |
SalesShipments | Explanation of why the goods are being exported (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
FiscalDocType_PL | Extended Data Type: DMFPlFiscalDocType Type: String |
None | Specifies whether an invoice or a bill is printed for the customer (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
FixedDueDate | Extended Data Type: SalesFixedDueDate Type: Date |
LogisticsBasic | Due date independent of terms of payment. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
FixedExchRate | Extended Data Type: SalesFixedExchRate Type: Real |
LogisticsBasic | Fixed exchange rate for this order. If the rate field is blank, the rate of the currency code is used. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
FreightSlipType | Extended Data Type: DMFFreightSlipType Type: String |
DMF | Freight company (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
FreightZone | Extended Data Type: CustFreightZoneId Type: String |
None | The UPS zone for the customer (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
GiroType | Extended Data Type: DMFPaymentStubInvoiceId Type: String |
DMF | Print associated payment attachment for customer invoice? (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InclTax | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Do prices include sales tax? (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyAllowIndirectCreation | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Allow indirect order line creation when the original sales order is a direct delivery. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyAllowIndirectCreationOrig | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Allow indirect order line creation when the original sales order is a direct delivery. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyAutoCreateOrders | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Autocreate intercompany orders when you leave the sales order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyCompanyId | Extended Data Type: InterCompanyCompanyId Type: String |
TradeInterCompany | Identification of intercompany company accounts. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyDirectDelivery | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Deliver directly to the customer and synchronize the delivery information to the intercompany orders. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyDirectDeliveryOrig | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Deliver directly to the customer and synchronize the delivery information to the intercompany orders. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyOrder | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Indicate that this an intercompany organization (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyOrigin | Extended Data Type: DMFInterCompanyOrigin Type: String |
DMF | States whether the line was created manually (Source), or indirectly as part of an intercompany chain (Derived) (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyOriginalCustAccount | Extended Data Type: InterCompanyOriginalCustAccount Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | The customer account number on the original sales order (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyOriginalSalesId | Extended Data Type: InterCompanyOriginalSalesId Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | The original sales order from which the intercompany purchase/intercompany sales was created (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InterCompanyPurchId | Extended Data Type: InterCompanyPurchId Type: String |
TradeInterCompany | Identification of the intercompany purchase order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
IntrastatAddValue_LV | Extended Data Type: LvIntrastatAddValue Type: Real |
ForeignTrade | The additional value to be distributed equally among the lines to calculate the statistical value (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
IntrastatFulfillmentDate_HU | Extended Data Type: IntrastatFulfillmentDate_HU Type: Date |
ForeignTrade | Date of Intrastat fulfillment. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InventLocationId | Extended Data Type: SalesInventLocationId Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | Identify the warehouse. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InventSiteId | Extended Data Type: InventSiteId Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | Identify the site (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InvoiceAccount | Extended Data Type: CustInvoiceAccount Type: String |
None | The customer account to be invoiced (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
InvoiceRegister_LT | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Use the auto numbering. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
IsSelected | Extended Data Type: DMFIsSelected Type: Enum |
DMF | Select the record for migration from staging to target (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ItemTagging | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Is item tagging mandatory? (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
LanguageId | Extended Data Type: CustLanguageId Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Language used in item names and for printing external journals (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
LineDisc | Extended Data Type: CustLineDiscCode Type: String |
PriceDisc | Specify the line discount group of the customer/order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Listcode | Extended Data Type: DMFListcode Type: String |
DMF | Display list code (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
LocationId | Extended Data Type: LogisticsLocationId Type: String |
None | ID for location (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
MarkupGroup | Extended Data Type: CustMarkupGroupId Type: String |
Markup | Charges group attached to the order (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
MultiLineDisc | Extended Data Type: CustMultiLineDiscCode Type: String |
PriceDisc | Specifies multiline discount group of customer/sales order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
NatureOfAssessee_IN | Extended Data Type: DMFNatureOfAssessee_IN Type: String |
DMF | Nature of assessee. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
NumberSequenceGroup | Extended Data Type: NumberSequenceGroupId Type: String |
None | Group for allocation of different number sequences to different customers/vendors. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
OneTimeCustomer | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | A selected check box indicates that this is a one-time customer (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PackingSlipRegister_LT | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Use the auto numbering. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PalletTagging | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Is pallet tagging mandatory? (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Partition | Extended Data Type: Partition Type: Int64 |
None | (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Payment | Extended Data Type: CustPaymTermId Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Terms of invoice payment (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PaymentSched | Extended Data Type: PaymSchedId Type: String |
PaymSched | Payment schedule to be used when invoicing. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PaymMode | Extended Data Type: CustPaymMode Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Identification of the customer method of payment. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PaymSpec | Extended Data Type: CustPaymSpec Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Specify payment handling for the current method of payment. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PdsBatchAttribAutoRes | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Consider batch attributes when processing auto reservation. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PdsCustRebateGroupId | Extended Data Type: PdsCustRebateGroupId Type: String |
PdsRebate | Group of customer for which a rebate is applicable. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PdsRebateProgramTMAGroup | Extended Data Type: PdsRebateProgramTMAGroup Type: String |
PdsRebate | Customer TMA group ID. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Port | Extended Data Type: IntrastatPortId Type: String |
ForeignTrade | Port where current delivery is loaded. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PostingProfile | Extended Data Type: CustPostingProfile Type: String |
None | Posting profile being processed. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PriceGroupId | Extended Data Type: CustPriceGroup Type: String |
PriceDisc | Specifies customer/sales-order price group. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ProjId | Extended Data Type: ProjId Type: String |
ProjBasic | Project identification (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PurchId | Extended Data Type: PurchId Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | Number of attached purchase (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
PurchOrderFormNum | Extended Data Type: CustPurchaseOrder Type: String |
None | Customer requisition number (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
QuotationId | Extended Data Type: QuotationId Type: String |
QuotationBasic | The quotation identifier (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ReceiptDateConfirmed | Extended Data Type: SalesReceiptDateConfirmed Type: Date |
SalesDeliveryDateControl | The selling company confirms that the customer will receive the order on this date. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ReceiptDateRequested | Extended Data Type: SalesReceiptDateRequested Type: Date |
SalesDeliveryDateControl | The date that the customer asked to receive the order on (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
RecId | Extended Data Type: RecId Type: Int64 |
None | (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
recVersion | Extended Data Type: RecVersion Type: Integer |
None | (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Reservation | Extended Data Type: DMFItemReservation Type: String |
DMF | Reserve items automatically? (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ReturnDeadline | Extended Data Type: ReturnDeadline Type: Date |
ReturnItem | Date the return delivery must be received. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ReturnItemNum | Extended Data Type: SalesReturnItemNum Type: String |
ReturnItem | Unique number issued to authorize the return. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ReturnReasonCodeId | Extended Data Type: ReturnReasonCodeId Type: String |
ReturnItem | Customer reason for returning the item(s). (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ReturnReplacementCreated | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Was replacement order created before receiving the returned items? (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ReturnReplacementId | Extended Data Type: ReturnReplacementId Type: String |
ReturnItem | Reference to the replacement order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ReturnStatus | Extended Data Type: DMFReturnStatusHeader Type: String |
DMF | Status of the return order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
RowId | Extended Data Type: Integer Type: Integer |
None | Integer. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesGroup | Extended Data Type: CommissSalesGroup Type: String |
Commission | Commission sales group (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesId | Extended Data Type: SalesId Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | Identification of the order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesName | Extended Data Type: SalesName Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | Describe the order (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesOriginId | Extended Data Type: SalesOriginId Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | Code for order origin (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesPoolId | Extended Data Type: SalesPoolId Type: String |
LogisticsBasic | Identification of the sales order pool (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesResponsibleWorkerPartyName | Extended Data Type: CustName Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Customer name. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesResponsibleWorkerPartyNumber | Extended Data Type: DirPartyNumber Type: String |
None | The employee responsible for the customer (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesResponsibleWorkerPersonnelNumber | Extended Data Type: HcmPersonnelNumberId Type: String |
None | The personnel number for the worker (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesStatus | Extended Data Type: DMFSalesStatus Type: String |
DMF | Order status as to delivery and invoicing (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesTakerWorkerPartyName | Extended Data Type: CustName Type: String |
LedgerBasic | Customer name. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesTakerWorkerPartyNumber | Extended Data Type: DirPartyNumber Type: String |
None | The employee responsible for the customer (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesTakerWorkerPersonnelNumber | Extended Data Type: HcmPersonnelNumberId Type: String |
None | The personnel number for the worker (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesType | Extended Data Type: DMFSalesType Type: String |
DMF | Type of the current order (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SalesUnitId | Extended Data Type: smmSalesUnitId Type: String |
SmmSM | A team of sales persons responsible for a common sales target (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SearchKey | Extended Data Type: Integer Type: Integer |
None | The search key field used for fast look up of policies. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SettleVoucher | Extended Data Type: DMFSettlementType Type: String |
DMF | Specify how settlement takes place. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierAccount | Extended Data Type: ShipCarrierAccount Type: String |
ShipCarrier | Account number that is invoiced by the carrier (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierAccountCode | Extended Data Type: ShipCarrierAccountCode Type: String |
ShipCarrier | Account code to identify the carrier account number that will be used to bill the company (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierBlindShipment | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | If selected, the return address and logo are not printed on the packing slip or invoice (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierDeliveryContact | Extended Data Type: Name Type: String |
ShipCarrier | Contact at delivery destination (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierDlvType | Extended Data Type: DMFShipCarrierDlvType Type: String |
DMF | Service type (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierExpeditedShipment | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | If selected, the shipment is expedited and free minimums will not be considered (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierFuelSurcharge | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | If selected, a fuel surcharge will be added to the shipping charges (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierId | Extended Data Type: ShipCarrierId Type: String |
ShipCarrier | Identification of the carrier service, assigned by the shipping carrier (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierName | Extended Data Type: LogisticsShipCarrierName Type: String |
None | Name or company name of third-party address. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShipCarrierResidential | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Identifies ship via as "residential" to determine the remote delivery surcharge rate (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShippingDateConfirmed | Extended Data Type: SalesShippingDateConfirmed Type: Date |
LogisticsBasic | The selling company confirms that the order will be shipped on this date. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
ShippingDateRequested | Extended Data Type: SalesShippingDateRequested Type: Date |
LogisticsBasic | The day the selling company should ship the item in order to meet the customer's requested receipt date. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SkipUpdate | Extended Data Type: DMFInterCompanySkipUpdate Type: String |
DMF | Defines how intercompany updates should be handled. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
smmCampaignId | Extended Data Type: smmCampaignId Type: String |
SmmMA | The identification of the campaign (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
smmSalesAmountTotal | Extended Data Type: smmSalesAmountTotal Type: Real |
SmmCRM | Total amount calculated for the sales order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
StatProcId | Extended Data Type: IntrastatProcId Type: String |
ForeignTrade | Code for the current statistical procedure. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
SystemEntrySource | Extended Data Type: DMFPriceDiscSystemSource Type: String |
DMF | - (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
TaxGroup | Extended Data Type: TaxGroup Type: String |
LedgerBasicSalesTax | A group of sales tax codes for calculating taxes on a sale or purchase (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
TaxPeriodPaymentCode_PL | Extended Data Type: PlTaxPeriodPaymentCode Type: String |
None | Enter a time period code for VAT transactions (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
TCSGroup_IN | Extended Data Type: TaxWithholdGroup Type: String |
LedgerBasicWithholdingTax | TCS group for calculation of withholding tax. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
TDSGroup_IN | Extended Data Type: TaxWithholdGroup Type: String |
LedgerBasicWithholdingTax | TDS group for calculation of withholding tax. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Touched | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Update record (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
TransactionCode | Extended Data Type: IntrastatTransactionCodeId Type: String |
ForeignTrade | Code for the current transaction code. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
TransferStatus | Enumeration: DMFTransferStatus |
None | Transfer status for active record (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Transport | Extended Data Type: IntrastatTransport Type: String |
ForeignTrade | Specify means of transport for the current order. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
UnitedVATInvoice_LT | Extended Data Type: DMFNoYesStr Type: String |
DMF | Flag indicating united VAT invoice. (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
URL | Extended Data Type: URL Type: String |
None | WWW address for Internet homepage (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
VATNum | Extended Data Type: VATNumJournal Type: String |
LedgerBasicSalesTax | Tax exempt identification number (This field applies only to the following version(s): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3) |
Field Groups
Field Group | Fields |
DMF | |
ExclusionList | |
AutoIdentification | |
AutoReport | |
AutoSummary |
Relation | Table | Lines |
CustMultiLineDiscountGroup | PriceDiscGroup | |
CustTable | CustTable | |
DMFExecution | DMFExecution | |
DMFSalesLineEntity | DMFSalesLineEntity | |
InventLocation | InventLocation | |
InvoiceCustomer | CustTable | |
Partition | Partitions | |
PriceDiscGroup | PriceDiscGroup | |
PriceDiscGroup_MultiLine | PriceDiscGroup | |
PriceDiscGroup_PriceDiscGroup | PriceDiscGroup | |
SalesTable | SalesTable | |
TaxWithholdGroupHeading | TaxWithholdGroupHeading | |
TaxWithholdGroupHeadingTDS | TaxWithholdGroupHeading |
Index | AllowDuplicates | Enabled | Fields |
RecId | No | Yes | |
SalesIdx | No | Yes |
Inheritance Hierarchy
xRecord Class
Common Table
DMFSalesTableEntity Table