BudgetPlanLine::findByPlanHeaderScenario Method
Finds the specified record in the BudgetPlanLine table that is based on the given BudgetPlanHeader table record ID and BudgetPlanScenario table record ID.
client server public static BudgetPlanLine findByPlanHeaderScenario(
BudgetPlanHeaderRecId _budgetPlanHeaderRecId,
BudgetPlanScenarioRecId _budgetPlanScenarioRecId,
[boolean _forUpdate,
ConcurrencyModel _concurrencyModel])
Run On
- _budgetPlanHeaderRecId
Type: BudgetPlanHeaderRecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the BudgetPlanHeader table.
- _budgetPlanScenarioRecId
Type: BudgetPlanScenarioRecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the BudgetPlanScenario table.
- _forUpdate
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether to read the record for update; optional.
- _concurrencyModel
Type: ConcurrencyModel Enumeration
The concurrency model option to use when the record is read; optional.
Return Value
Type: BudgetPlanLine Table
A record in the BudgetPlanLine table; otherwise, an empty record.