CustVendAgingPeriodScaleTmp::calcFromStartDateAndInterval Method
Generates continuous scale of dates based on specified parameters
client server public static CustVendAgingPeriodScaleTmp calcFromStartDateAndInterval(
PositiveDays _interval,
TransDate _zeroDate,
DayMonth _period,
ForwardBackwardPrinting _direction,
int _bucketsNum)
Run On
- _interval
Type: PositiveDays Extended Data Type
Interval amount (how many days\months)
- _zeroDate
Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
Date which is considered current
- _period
Type: DayMonth Enumeration
Interval type: Days or Months
- _direction
Type: ForwardBackwardPrinting Enumeration
Do we calculate buckets stepping forward or backward on the timescale?
- _bucketsNum
Type: int
Amount of buckets on the time scale
Return Value
Type: CustVendAgingPeriodScaleTmp Table
Buffer with distribution of dates in buckets: 1-1 mapping which date goes to which bucket.
1) Always contains 2 buckets for beginning of time and end of time. They are not continuous, start with dateNull and end with dateMax correspondingly.
2) Numbering of buckets doesn't change depending from Direction. Only dates themselves may change, but bucket with earliest date always gets number 1.