AssetDepTransMap_JP::calcAmountToReserveAllocation Method
Calculates the amounts for reserve allocation for a specified record of the AssetDepBookMap_JP map, based on a specified date.
client server public static AssetAmount calcAmountToReserveAllocation(
AssetDepBookMap_JP _assetDepBookMap,
AssetTransDate _transDate,
[AssetTableInterval _assetTableInterval])
Run On
- _assetDepBookMap
Type: AssetDepBookMap_JP Map
A record of the AssetDepBookMap_JP map.
- _transDate
Type: AssetTransDate Extended Data Type
The date for which to calculate the depreciation amount.
- _assetTableInterval
Type: AssetTableInterval Class
An instance of the AssetTableInterval class; optional.
Return Value
Type: AssetAmount Extended Data Type
The amounts to depreciate.