Cómo: Deserializar propiedades de datos de instancia
Este tema es aplicable a Windows Workflow Foundation 4.
Puede haber situaciones en que un usuario o un administrador del flujo de trabajo deseen inspeccionar manualmente el estado de una instancia de flujo de trabajo conservada. SqlWorkflowInstanceStore proporciona una vista en la tabla Instancias que expone las cuatro columnas siguientes:
Las propiedades de datos primitivas hacen referencia a las propiedades cuyos tipos de .NET Framework se consideran "comunes" (por ejemplo, Int32 y String), en tanto que las propiedades de datos complejos hacen referencia al resto de los tipos. Una enumeración exacta de tipos primitivos se encuentra más adelante en este ejemplo de código.
Las propiedades ReadWrite hacen referencia a las propiedades que se devuelven al tiempo de ejecución de flujo de trabajo cuando se carga una instancia. Las propiedades WriteOnly se escriben en la base de datos y no se vuelven a leer nunca.
Este ejemplo proporciona código que permite a un usuario deserializar las propiedades de datos primitivas. Dada una lectura de matriz de bytes procedente de la columna ReadWritePrimitiveDataProperties o WriteOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties, este código convertirá el objeto binario grande (BLOB) en un objeto Dictionary de tipo <XName, objeto> donde cada par clave-valor representa un nombre de propiedad y su valor correspondiente.
Este ejemplo no muestra cómo deserializar las propiedades de datos complejos porque no es actualmente una operación compatible.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace PropertyReader
class Program
const string ConnectionString = @"Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Persistence;Integrated Security=True;Asynchronous Processing=True";
static void Main(string[] args)
string queryString = "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[Instances]";
using (SqlConnection connection =
new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
SqlCommand command =
new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
byte encodingOption;
while (reader.Read())
if (reader["ReadWritePrimitiveDataProperties"] != DBNull.Value)
encodingOption = (byte)reader["EncodingOption"];
Console.WriteLine("Printing the ReadWritePrimitiveDataProperties of the instance with Id:" + reader["InstanceId"]);
foreach (KeyValuePair<XName, object> pair in (Dictionary<XName, object>)ReadDataProperties((byte[])reader["ReadWritePrimitiveDataProperties"], encodingOption))
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}" , pair.Key, pair.Value);
//if (reader["ReadWriteComplexDataProperties"] != DBNull.Value)
// encodingOption = (byte)reader["EncodingOption"];
// Console.WriteLine("Printing the ReadWriteComplexDataProperties of the instance with Id:" + reader["InstanceId"]);
// foreach (KeyValuePair<XName, object> pair in (Dictionary<XName, object>)ReadDataProperties((byte[])reader["ReadWriteComplexDataProperties"], encodingOption))
// {
// Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value);
// }
// Console.WriteLine();
if (reader["WriteOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties"] != DBNull.Value)
encodingOption = (byte)reader["EncodingOption"];
Console.WriteLine("Printing the WriteOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties of the instance with Id:" + reader["InstanceId"]);
foreach (KeyValuePair<XName, object> pair in (Dictionary<XName, object>)ReadDataProperties((byte[])reader["WriteOnlyPrimitiveDataProperties"], encodingOption))
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value);
//if (reader["WriteOnlyComplexDataProperties"] != DBNull.Value)
// encodingOption = (byte)reader["EncodingOption"];
// Console.WriteLine("Printing the WriteOnlyComplexDataProperties of the instance with Id:" + reader["InstanceId"]);
// foreach (KeyValuePair<XName, object> pair in (Dictionary<XName, object>)ReadDataProperties((byte[])reader["WriteOnlyComplexDataProperties"], encodingOption))
// {
// Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value);
// }
// Console.WriteLine();
// Call Close when done reading.
static Dictionary<XName, object> ReadDataProperties(byte[] serializedDataProperties, byte encodingOption)
if (serializedDataProperties != null)
Dictionary<XName, object> propertyBag = new Dictionary<XName, object>();
bool isCompressed = (encodingOption == 1);
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(serializedDataProperties))
// if the instance state is compressed using GZip algorithm
if (isCompressed)
// decompress the data using the GZip
using (GZipStream stream = new GZipStream(memoryStream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
// create an XmlReader object and pass it on to the helper method ReadPrimitiveDataProperties
using (XmlReader reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateBinaryReader(stream, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max))
// invoke the helper method
ReadPrimitiveDataProperties(reader, propertyBag);
// if the instance data is not compressed
// create an XmlReader object and pass it on to the helper method ReadPrimitiveDataProperties
using (XmlReader reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateBinaryReader(memoryStream, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max))
// invoke the helper method
ReadPrimitiveDataProperties(reader, propertyBag);
return propertyBag;
return null;
// reads the primitive data properties from the XML stream
// invoked by the ReadDataProperties method
static void ReadPrimitiveDataProperties(XmlReader reader, Dictionary<XName, object> propertyBag)
const string xmlElementName = "Property";
if (reader.ReadToDescendant(xmlElementName))
// get the name of the property
string propertyName = reader.Value;
// get the type of the property
PrimitiveType type = (PrimitiveType)Int32.Parse(reader.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// get the value of the property
object propertyValue = ConvertStringToNativeType(reader.Value, type);
// add the name and value of the property to the property bag
propertyBag.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
while (reader.ReadToNextSibling(xmlElementName));
// invoked by the ReadPrimitiveDataProperties method
// Given a property value as parsed from an XML attribute, and the .NET Type of the Property, recreates the actual property value
// (e.g. Given a property value of "1" and a PrimitiveType of Int32, this method will return an object of type Int32 with value 1)
static object ConvertStringToNativeType(string value, PrimitiveType type)
switch (type)
case PrimitiveType.Bool:
return XmlConvert.ToBoolean(value);
case PrimitiveType.Byte:
return XmlConvert.ToByte(value);
case PrimitiveType.Char:
return XmlConvert.ToChar(value);
case PrimitiveType.DateTime:
return XmlConvert.ToDateTime(value, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);
case PrimitiveType.DateTimeOffset:
return XmlConvert.ToDateTimeOffset(value);
case PrimitiveType.Decimal:
return XmlConvert.ToDecimal(value);
case PrimitiveType.Double:
return XmlConvert.ToDouble(value);
case PrimitiveType.Float:
return float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
case PrimitiveType.Guid:
return XmlConvert.ToGuid(value);
case PrimitiveType.Int:
return XmlConvert.ToInt32(value);
case PrimitiveType.Long:
return XmlConvert.ToInt64(value);
case PrimitiveType.SByte:
return XmlConvert.ToSByte(value);
case PrimitiveType.Short:
return XmlConvert.ToInt16(value);
case PrimitiveType.String:
return value;
case PrimitiveType.TimeSpan:
return XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan(value);
case PrimitiveType.Type:
return Type.GetType(value);
case PrimitiveType.UInt:
return XmlConvert.ToUInt32(value);
case PrimitiveType.ULong:
return XmlConvert.ToUInt64(value);
case PrimitiveType.Uri:
return new Uri(value);
case PrimitiveType.UShort:
return XmlConvert.ToUInt16(value);
case PrimitiveType.XmlQualifiedName:
return new XmlQualifiedName(value);
case PrimitiveType.Null:
case PrimitiveType.Unavailable:
return null;
// .NET Types which SQL Workflow Instance Store considers to be Primitive. Any other .NET type not listed in this enumeration is a "Complex" property.
enum PrimitiveType
Bool = 0,
Unavailable = 99