Cómo: Crear un generador de canales y utilizarlo para crear y gestionar canales
La clase DuplexChannelFactory proporciona los medios para crear y gestionar los canales dúplex de distintos tipos que los clientes utilizan para enviar y recibir mensajes a y desde los extremos de servicio.
El código siguiente muestra cómo crear un generador de canales y cómo usarlo para crear y gestionar canales.
// Construct InstanceContext to handle messages on the callback interface.
// An instance of ChatApp is created and passed to the InstanceContext.
InstanceContext site = new InstanceContext(new ChatApp());
// Create the participant with the given endpoint configuration.
// Each participant opens a duplex channel to the mesh.
// Participant is an instance of the chat application that has opened a channel to the mesh.
using (DuplexChannelFactory<IChatChannel> cf =
new DuplexChannelFactory<IChatChannel>(site,"ChatEndpoint"))
X509Certificate2 issuer = GetCertificate(
StoreLocation.CurrentUser, "CN=" + issuerName,
cf.Credentials.Peer.Certificate =
"CN=" + member,
cf.Credentials.Peer.PeerAuthentication.CertificateValidationMode =
cf.Credentials.Peer.PeerAuthentication.CustomCertificateValidator =
new IssuerBasedValidator();
using (IChatChannel participant = cf.CreateChannel())
// Retrieve the PeerNode associated with the participant and register for online/offline events.
// PeerNode represents a node in the mesh. Mesh is the named collection of connected nodes.
IOnlineStatus ostat = participant.GetProperty<IOnlineStatus>();
ostat.Online += new EventHandler(OnOnline);
ostat.Offline += new EventHandler(OnOffline);
Console.WriteLine("{0} is ready", member);
Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to send the chat message.");
// Announce self to other participants.
participant.Chat(member, "Hi there - I am chatting");
Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to terminate this instance of chat.");
// Leave the mesh and close the client.