InkEdit.Stroke (Evento)
Actualización: noviembre 2007
Se produce cuando el usuario termina de dibujar un nuevo trazo en un Tablet PC.
Espacio de nombres: Microsoft.Ink
Ensamblado: Microsoft.Ink (en Microsoft.Ink.dll)
Public Event Stroke As InkEditStrokeEventHandler
Dim instance As InkEdit
Dim handler As InkEditStrokeEventHandler
AddHandler instance.Stroke, handler
public event InkEditStrokeEventHandler Stroke
event InkEditStrokeEventHandler^ Stroke {
void add (InkEditStrokeEventHandler^ value);
void remove (InkEditStrokeEventHandler^ value);
/** @event */
public void add_Stroke (InkEditStrokeEventHandler value)
/** @event */
public void remove_Stroke (InkEditStrokeEventHandler value)
JScript no admite eventos.
El controlador de eventos recibe un argumento de tipo InkCollectorStrokeEventArgs que contiene datos sobre este evento.
Cuando se crea un delegado de InkCollectorStrokeEventHandler, se identifica el método que controla el evento. Para asociarlo al controlador de eventos, se debe agregar al evento una instancia del delegado. Siempre que se produce el evento, se llama a su controlador, a menos que se quite el delegado. El interés del evento predeterminado está activado.
En este ejemplo se muestra cómo puede suscribirse al evento Gesture y al evento Stroke para aumentar la funcionalidad de un objeto ApplicationGesture.
Cuando se activa el evento Gesture, se examina el movimiento y el estado actual del control InkEdit. Si es necesario, se modifica el comportamiento del movimiento y se cancela el evento.
Private Sub mInkEdit_Gesture(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As InkEditGestureEventArgs)
' There might be more than one gesture passed in InkEditGestureEventArgs
' The gestures are arranged in order of confidence from most to least
' This event handler is only concerned with the first (most confident) gesture
' and only if the gesture is ApplicationGesture.Left with strong confidence
Dim G As Gesture = e.Gestures(0)
If (ApplicationGesture.Left = G.Id And RecognitionConfidence.Strong = G.Confidence) Then
Dim pInkEdit As InkEdit = DirectCast(sender, InkEdit)
' by default, ApplicationGesture.Left maps to Backspace
' If the insertion point is at the beginning of the text
' and there is no text selected, then Backspace does not do anything.
' In this case, we will alter the gesture to map to Delete instead
If (0 = pInkEdit.SelectionStart And 0 = pInkEdit.SelectionLength And pInkEdit.Text.Length > 0) Then
' take out the first character of the string
pInkEdit.Text = pInkEdit.Text.Remove(0, 1)
' save the stroke ID in a class level var for use in the Stroke event
Me.mStrokeID = e.Strokes(0).Id
' cancel the gesture so it won't perform the default action
e.Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
private void mInkEdit_Gesture(object sender, InkEditGestureEventArgs e)
// There might be more than one gesture passed in InkEditGestureEventArgs
// The gestures are arranged in order of confidence from most to least
// This event handler is only concerned with the first (most confident) gesture
// and only if the gesture is ApplicationGesture.Left with strong confidence
Gesture G = e.Gestures[0];
if (ApplicationGesture.Left == G.Id && RecognitionConfidence.Strong == G.Confidence)
InkEdit pInkEdit = (InkEdit)sender;
// by default, ApplicationGesture.Left maps to Backspace
// If the insertion point is at the beginning of the text
// and there is no text selected, then Backspace does not do anything.
// In this case, we will alter the gesture to map to Delete instead
if (0 == pInkEdit.SelectionStart && 0 == pInkEdit.SelectionLength && pInkEdit.Text.Length > 0)
// take out the first character of the string
pInkEdit.Text = pInkEdit.Text.Remove(0, 1);
// save the stroke ID in a class level var for use in the Stroke event
this.mStrokeID = e.Strokes[0].Id;
// cancel the gesture so it won't perform the default action
e.Cancel = true;
Cuando se activa el evento Stroke, éste se cancela si el trazo es el que se usó para generar el movimiento cuyo comportamiento se modificó en el evento Gesture. De este modo, se impide la representación del trazo.
Private Sub mInkEdit_Stroke(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As InkEditStrokeEventArgs)
e.Cancel = (e.Stroke.Id = Me.mStrokeID)
End Sub
private void mInkEdit_Stroke(object sender, InkEditStrokeEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = (e.Stroke.Id == this.mStrokeID);
Windows Vista
.NET Framework y .NET Compact Framework no admiten todas las versiones de cada plataforma. Para obtener una lista de las versiones compatibles, vea Requisitos de sistema de .NET Framework.
Información de versión
.NET Framework
Compatible con: 3.0